Saturday, September 6, 2008

5 Instant Tips to Make Any Audience Love You

By Jane K.Thomas

Wouldn't it be great if you could make your audience love you without them even knowing it? Of course it would and this is probably at the very top of any speaker's public speaking tips wish-list!

But by simply incorporating just a few easy to learn techniques, you will be able to guarantee that even the toughest audience will come away thinking that you are one of the very best public speakers they have ever heard. By really understanding what an audience is looking for before you even begin to make your speech, you will be able to guarantee that they will make a positive connection with you as soon as walk out on stage.

So what should you do to make any audience love you?

Step 1.

The most important place to start is understanding exactly what your audience wants - and expects - to hear. Once you know what topic you will be speaking on, this is easily discovered from your initial research. It really isn't cheating to go and ask a few people who have an interest in the subject what questions they would like answered or what aspect is most important to them. Browse through the search engines or borrow books on the subject from your local library - you'll soon get an idea of what is in your audience's minds.

Step 2.

Now you must concentrate on building an easy rapport with your audience. The best - and easiest - way is simply to remember to smile and make eye contact throughout your delivery. You are a warm and friendly person, so make an effort to let your audience know that too! One very important tip that is overlooked by so many public speakers is to be in the room or auditorium whilst their audience is arriving. This gives you the chance to greet a few people personally and will ensure that you are far more memorable than other speakers. Your audience will also feel that they already know and like you before you are formally introduced on stage.

Step 3.

Use words and language that is appropriate for the topic and that your audience will understand. This shared knowledge will endear you to your audience but be very careful not to over-do the jargon. Remember, it's a fine line between appearing to really understand the subject and being seen as a know-all!

Step 4.

Make your speech for your audiences' satisfaction and fulfillment - not yours. Deliver as many benefits to them as you can and make sure that you satisfy as many wants from the following list as possible. Any audience wants to be informed, entertained, educated, emotionally or spiritually fulfilled or to be shown how to gain some financial or health advantage. Provide a solution to a problem they may have and they will love you for it.

And the very best of all public speaking tips?

Step 5.

Relax and appear confident on stage.

It is a basic truth that your audience will mirror the emotion you are projecting on stage, so if you are embarrassed, uneasy or hesitant in your manner, they will be too. But If you are at ease, then your audience will be at ease also. However, if you are giving out signals that you are comfortable in their presence, have respect and affection for them and appreciate their attention, then they will sub-consciously return the compliment to you. They will feel warm and appreciative towards you, guaranteed!

If you can incorporate these public speaking tips into every one of your presentations, you will quickly discover that making your audience love you is an easy and natural process and one that you will wonder how other, less successful public speakers manage to do without.

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How to Find the Best Home Security Products That Is Right For You

By Ray Lam

The vast array of home security products available on the market today can be dizzying. Home security products can be wireless or hard wired, optional or required or simple or complex. Determining which home security products you need can be difficult enough and it becomes more complicated when you have to choose between the assortment of models that are available for each product. Wading through all of the available information can be overwhelming. For this reason choosing only the most basic home security products can greatly simplify the process. The control panel, keypad, access control sensors and an audible or visible alarm are some of the basic home security products that are used in just about every home security system.

The best, and sometimes most effective home security products in preventing burglary, is just a signboard saying that your house is protected by this and that securitization system. Such a strategy is not effective in catching the criminal but researchers found it to be very effecting in preventing a crime in the first place.

There are various security measures to be taken in various parts of your house. One of the main things is plumbing. While doing plumbing you should reduce the exposure to lead, which can leads to death. Water should be properly purified before drinking.

Preventive measures are good for "preventing" but sometimes the preventive home security products aren't just good enough so you'll need some actual home security products to completely safe guard your house.

Finally, an audible alarm and strobe lights are other home security products that are commonly used. These home security products can be used separately or in conjunction with each other. The importance of these components is that they alert the homeowners as well as their neighbors to a possible intruder. In most cases a triggered alarm is enough to cause the burglar to vacate the property as quickly as possible.

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Wireless Security Cameras for Home

By Amanda Maseko

No matter how much protection you put into your house, there will always be ways to circumvent that home security. If your security set up is ineffective to arrest the miscreants on time you could at least nail them after they are finished with the job.

This is where you can bank on home security camera. It records everything which goes on in and outside your home which lets you nab any miscreant, with whatever evil intentions, and get your belongings reinstated.

Apprehending the evil guys

Any home security camera system goes beyond recording of visitors and defending your home. Your mind is at rest as there is a fool-proof shield protecting your property and you are fully aware of what is happening within the walls of your home. In addition to this, home security cameras have become much cheaper in recent years as the market has grown larger and the technology has been improved. Thus, you do not have to wait for lady fortune to smile on you before you install this which can be done fast.

The modern version of home security cameras are now available in wireless models where data signals are transmitted to a videotape or a digital video recorder (DVR) equipped with hard disk drive. While not much wiring is necessary for the camera, it still has to be connected to an electrical supply line. To economize on your electricity bills, you could install a power saver switch which is actually a motion sensor, sensing any motion in the vicinity. This lets the camera to take video pictures of all movements and informs you when the perpetrator committed the crime.

So, home security cameras are cheap, and they provide a level of protection that was previously only found in businesses. However if anything, they are worth more in your home because they relate directly to your safety, whereas in a business they only protect material goods. Many home security systems help to protect your home by alerting you if an intruder is detected, but a camera can help to identify any criminals lurking around your home. If you are still in a dilemma about home security, think whether spending a few hundred dollars is worth it considering the priceless peach of mind that it offers.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obtain a Physical and Psychological Workout with Martial Arts

By Stephen James

There are many different reasons that people get involved in martial arts. One of the reason is for the fitness aspect of Martial arts. Improved endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility are a a small amount that Martial arts helps to improve. Martial arts also helps decrease stress levels. Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Capoira are a few types of martial arts that provide you great overall fitness benefits.

Another reason that several people are fascinated in Martial Arts is for self defense. Women's self defense or law enforcement has specific classes that deal rigorously with martial arts as self defense. Many of martial arts schools also present self defense as an element of their programs.

When choosing a martial arts school, you want to figure out what kind of method of martial arts you would like to focus on. Some of the styles are stand up, weaponry based, low impact and combating. The stand up style focuses on kicking, punching and blocking. During one of these classes you would learn foot work and stance positions. A weapons based class would center more on the exercise of certain types of weapons. Low impact martial arts can also be called Meditative. This technique deals more with breathing techniques, force, stress relief and work outs.

A few tips to discovering a martial arts school that is just right for you would be to first find one that teaches the style of martial arts you are attracted in. You can look in the phone book or ask friends. Then you want to set out to check out a group. Studying a class will allow you great insight into the mood and what is expected.

The next thing you want to do is contact the schools that you are fascinated in and schedule a free or reduced rate session. Many schools will be more than glad to do this for you.

After you get your introductory class from several schools, you should know which one that you are interested with. Prior to you signing up for any group, make sure and ask if there are any fees that must be paid, such as association fees or organizational fees. You also need to ask about the dress code. Will you be required to purchase a uniform, special shoes or gloves. All of this adds to the price of the group.

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