Saturday, March 7, 2009

How To Protect Your Car

By Nui Kahuna

The other day, I received a somewhat funny note from the Midwest with some photos attached that I can't show you because they will take away this guy's advantage in case he gets attacked.

This guy Mickey, has this tricked out ride, as that's what we used to call them back in the day. It's some sort of thing you'll see on television shows like Pimp My Ride or Unique Whips and others.

Mickey has may be a dozen self defense tools hidden in his car.

Inside his car, Mickey has a hidden camera, a scary alarm system that will surely blow a mook's guts, a couple of stun guns, a steel baton, pepper spray, and the latest he has just added to his collection is the new Wildfire pistol sprays which he says are the greatest among them all. That's how vigilant this Mickey is.

He purchased the 9 ounce pistol grip 18% spray that will take down an elephant, and mounted it in a very clever way, so that he barely has to move to have it in his hand.

His ride as it sits, is worth most likely about $135,000.00. He did all the modifying work himself so it didn't cost that much, but believe me if he decides to sell it, he can get a buyer of it right away at that cost.

And it isn't the only ride he has. Tricking out cars is a big time hobby of his, and he's done some fabulous work, judging by the pictures.

Mickey is not a very big guy. In fact with his size, he isn't going to win many fights, so indeed he needs an advantage. Crooks have made a half dozen attempts to take his cars over the years, and Mickey has no plan to just give away what he has worked hard for to anybody.

I agree with Mickey. If you have invested time and effort in something to make it outstanding, you should do everything to keep it away from mooks.

So here's a warning to all the mooks out there:

If you know what's good for you, never mess with this little guy with the tricked out classic ride.

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Is Martial Arts Useful For Protection

By Nui Kahuna

Often times people will ask me, "Big, are self defense classes really worth going to? Will they surely help me if I get into trouble?"

The answer is Yes...and No to both questions.

Self defense classes are a good medium of learning how to defend or protect yourself from any possible foes. They also make you more mindful of what is occurring around you, and have also helped people get away from unpleasant events or situations.

So that's a good thing, and I'm not knocking their value. But if you want to really survive on the street, you have to be armed in some way.

You need not carry a gun, there are lots of non-lethal ways to protect yourself on the street.

You can take a martial arts program, but it obviously takes a lot of your time and effort, and that's what most of us doesn't have.

What's ironic here is that, most of the mooks have some martial arts experience or knowledge as well. Yes, you can defend yourself, but in a case like this you don't want to know who's better and who's not, and there is no assurance of winning the fight.

In a bad situation, you want to win, and win as quickly as possible. So you want a deadly first strike, or a deadly retaliatory strike.

Most crooks or mooks do not expect you to strike or fight back at all. Their weapons are your fears and their knowledge of the street. They will surprise attack and intimidate their victim.

They usually jump out of dark or dim places, and when you are unaware they rush you, and threaten you. And if they see your fear crawling all over you, they'd turn you into their victim and then, poof! They're gone.

It would take a lot of years of martial arts training to have the skills to beat one of these mooks at his own game.

There is a easier way to more than hold your own on the street.

As I've mentioned earlier, these junkies never expect their supposed victim to strike or fight back.

First thing you should carry is the personal alarm, it'ss the easy push button thing to activate. It creates a loud noise or sound which junkies hate because it could get them busted, so upon hearing the first sound of the alarm, they'd rather run. Once the personal alarm is On, only you can turn it off.

The next thing you need to carry must have a big strike capability, something that should be powerful enough to put down a mook with no sweat, and curl him down because you don't like to get screwed up physically, it should be hit and run.

And I'd suggest stun guns and pepper spray here.

These weapons are not lethal, they don't cause permanent or fatal damage, as the effects only lasts twenty to thirty minutes.

They just prevent the baddies from giving you any permanent or lethal damage. You should retaliate in self defense and run out of the area as quick as possible.

If you want to be a powerhouse, and you can be, regardless of your size or athletic prowess, with self defense products you are on top of every mook, crook and junkie.

And remember, these products doesn't work if you don't have them with you.

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Obama Doesn't Bring Change

By Nui Kahuna

Okay, I'll admit I get a little worked up about Obama and his delusion. After polishing off yesterday's article, I tried washing the stink off under the shower jets, but that didn't help. Drinking some tea didn't do the job either, and meditation only clarified things for me.

And the news keeps blasting out more about the horrible economy.

Obama rolled his eyes when it came to investors' opinions of him, and most people figured he was bad-mouthing Wall Street. Not so fast.

What he really means is that he doesn't care about anybody who has some money saved for a rainy day. What he means is, he doesn't care about anybody who makes more than $200,000 dollars a year.

In Obama's fantasy world, that's plenty to party on.

It doesn't matter that he has a million dollar home, that his wife took in over three hundred large in salary, and he made an additional $165K as a Senator.

It doesn't matter that the people of Illinois paid that salary even though he was running for President 90% of his time in the Senate.

It doesn't matter that his campaign picked up the tab for all his expenses during that time. He also made a few million for having someone else write a couple of books for him, (which by the should read.)

Why? Because they'll reveal everything you need to know about our current President. It's all there in black and white.

But for all his yapping about change...change...change...change, everything is pretty much the same in DC. Fox News got ahold of Joe Lieberman and another Senator the other day, I believe it was Feingold, and quizzed them about all the crazy earmarks in the new Porkulus Package, which now total nine thousand. They asked Lieberman if he had any earmarks in the proposal, and he chuckled and said, "I'm sure I do."

"If anybody questioned me about them I'm sure I could mount a good defense," he continued.

He was obviously thinking, "It's business as usual."

So let me translate.

Change means that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are going to throw away your money on whatever Pelosi and Reid feel like. They are the fall guys. If this economy tanks, they'll be blamed by Obama for the crash.

He will stay safely above the fray.

Everybody has to downsize their lifestyle except Congress, which will keep their job up and spend your money like drunken sailors.

In the words of the inimitable Alfred E. Neuman, (think Mad Magagzine), what they worry?

Well, they will if their job is in trouble, and that's possible. People might wake up.

It's possible to get real change if you make your voice heard and get involved.

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How To Gain Confidence

By Nui Kahuna

I received an interesting email from a woman of 30 years of age from California late last night. She had been twice attacked by mooks, and the second attack really left her in a deep depression and scantily able to work.

I am no mental health expert nor a psychiatrist nor a psychologist, but I have a bit knowledge about self esteem, on how to get it and how to maintain it. I can tell you this woman is going to be fine, because she figured it out.

The first time she was attacked was when she went to a party where malt drinks and nervous system depressants were given out just like candy. That's a beginner's mistake, and happens more frequently than you can imagine.

The second bad incident happened in an office building where she was working late at night. And this is another common mook scenario. She was unprepared and unprotected in both cases, she's wasn't even physically strong enough to put off her attacker.

This is a pretty common bad event. Where men took advantage of women's physical weakness, as women are not as strong as men. But women can still put down a man, even the strongest, with the aid of the right tools and guts.

The second attack really left her a mess and with her admission, it brought her too much depression and disappointments, with her attacker still free as the police were not able to find him. She was barely able to manage for quite a while. Then by chance, she heard a radio show where they talked about How To protect Yourself!

The woman on the show had also been attacked, and she was telling the audience how to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The number one piece of advice was:

Tool up! And the number two piece of advice was: Have a plan!

Many people are just born with wisdom but not all.

Our girl took both bits of advice she heard on the radio. Soon as she received her tools, she'd carry them all the time. She started lifting her head when she walked, and she became more and more confident knowing that she can now defend herself, she became more aware and watchful of her surroundings, and the depression that clouded her before began to wither.

In her mind, she was clear about just exactly how she would handle an attacker. Not only was she clear on the steps she would take, she was clear on what the alternatives would be if she were to be blocked in any way.

Our girl is now confident, feeling good and walking tall. No more fear, and ready to bust any mooks.

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Stress can cause you Serious Heart Problems

By Allie Hart

Stress induced anxiety can build to the point of a panic attack. A person experiencing a panic attack feels nervous and afraid to the extreme point that they cannot act or think normally.

Since fear is an overwhelming symptom of an attack of anxiety, the brain tells the body that it is in danger. It tells the body, in a sense, that it must be put on full alert. Be ready to fight or flight!

The body organs get the message from the brain to prepare for an emergency. The heart starts pumping blood faster to supply the organs extra energy. Muscles start tensing, eyes dilate and are on alert, hearing is keener.

When the brain signals the body is in danger the heart races providing emergency blood to the other organs: The eyes are on alert, the muscles tighten and tense, hearing is keener --- literally every part of your body is called on for greater energy.

Normally periods of danger are relatively short. However, with stress induced anxiety, the brain keeps the body on full alert. All the work that goes into maintaining that high level makes it impossible to sustain it.

So the heart is told to beat faster, but then, because the body needs to rest, the brain signals the heart to slow down. But the anxiety tells it to speed up. Everything is racing and everything is trying to slow down. Eventually it is easier just to stop.

Here are some effects of a an anxiety attack:

Common heart problems might sometimes be classified as stress heart problems. When you understand the affect that stress induced anxiety has on the body, it is not difficult to understand why.

No wonder stress can cause you heart problems. You have to find a way to reduce anxiety or it will eventually cause your brain to give constant mixed signals to all of your organs -- taxing them to the limit.

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Time To Learn From Wo Fat

By Nui Kahuna

I recently spent a little but quality time with an old buddy who was a long time ago nicknamed Wo Fat. He's neither an Asian or Hawaiian but that's not why he was called Wo Fat, but because he loved to eat, and he knew every chef by name in every place we went to over the years. The last time we met, he weighed like over three large or halfway to four.

Now, it's surprising to get off a plane seeing a guy about half the size he used to be, I could hardly recognize him. In fact I didn't see him at all, because my eyes were searching for a very large man. Then I walked right by and heard the familiar voice.

"Yo Big, you lose your way?"

I looked back, and it took me a few moment to recognize the voice to the man standing in front of me. He really had turned himself into No Fat, no longer a Wo Fat. He looked good, strong, lean, and he looked much much younger than his real age. He looked not like a shade under sixty, but he looked like he was only thirty.

I said, Fatz, what the hell happened to you?

"Hop in," he said, "I will tell you on our way."

I got in and threw my stuff in the back seat, and off we went. We stopped by an old watering hole, and bought a few expensive malt drinks. Then Wo Fat started telling me his story.

Not too long ago, he was running a security company that provided protection for high level executives, celebrities, rock stars, entrepreneurs and those individuals who need it. One night, a crook tried to kidnap one of his clients. There was gunfire, and Wo Fat took a bullet in his guts. He was rushed to a hospital, where a good and careful emergency room team saved his life. The next day, after he had his lunch, a young doctor went inside his room, closed the door and sat down, and discussed with him his condition.

The doctor said, "Mr. Fatz, to what happened yesterday, it's your fat that saved you. But it will also kill you very soon if you continue with your lifestyle."

The young physician showed Mr. Fatz (not his real name) pictures of his heart. "Your heart is in awful shape, you should do something about this. If you want to live longer, you must change your bad habits, take immediate steps to reverse the course you are on, if not, you will not last this year."

So Fatz made some changes. He changed what he ate, and he followed a workout plan he designed himself. In two years he lost over one hundred and forty pounds.

Like I said before, he looked like he's just thirty.

We hit his office later in the day, and it made me feel good to see how much of my product was there. From the old reliables to the latest stuff, he had it all. He was particularly fond of The Runt.

"Big," he said "Everybody adores this, it's like an invisible weapon. My men have it with them wherever they go, always ready and prepared, and 90% of the time, just by pushing the button and let that yakety-yak rip then in pronto the people get out of the way, we have actually never ever broached anybody."

Tomorrow we're going to attempt something we haven't done in almost four decades together. Surf!

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Laser Whitening Treatment

By Raymond Sellers

Our teeth can become stained or discolored with time. Poor eating and drinking habits can often contribute to a yellow or otherwise discolored. In order to recover your beautiful smile, you should undergo a whitening treatment.

Technology has quickly developed, offering you a wide range of whitening products. However, the quickest and most effective way to whiten your teeth is through a procedure known as laser teeth whitening. It is appropriate for all ages and almost all types of problems, fixing certain forms of yellow and brown stains from the teeth.

The benefits of undergoing a laser treatment are significant. The most important one is the fact that the effects can be seen immediately. And because the procedure lasts only 16 minutes, unlike 60 in the non-laser treatments, it is gentler with the teeth and gums.

Another advantage is the fact that the patient doesn't need to wear a tray overnight. In other whitening treatments, such as those which are performed at home, require prolonged periods of tray usage. Laser teeth whitening simply doesn't infringe on your lifestyle as these systems do.

In addition, the precision of the wavelengths causes less post-treatment tooth sensitivity and provides faster treatment.

However, there are some things that must be taken into consideration before you choose this type of whitening. Bleaching is not well-suited for smokers and drinkers, unless, of course, they are willing to make some sacrifices. If you decide to undergo the treatment, you should avoid smoking or drinking before and after the treatment. If you don't, your teeth and gums will suffer damages and the whitening process will not be effective.

Porcelain restorations cannot be bleached. If the color of your teeth gets brighter, you can change the crowns, fillings, veneers, bonding and bridges so they match the color of your whitened teeth.

Don't have excessive expectations when you undergo this procedure. It is better to be surprised than disappointed as the laser teeth whitening system doesn't always work miracles. It is true that the procedure may work very well for thousands of people, but not for you. The reverse is also possible so don't be discouraged either.

From the two types of teeth whitening treatments available, the in-office procedures and the home-based teeth whitening kits, the laser procedure is the most recommended by dentists. The FDA, ADA and CE have all approved and recommended the laser technique. This has given people more confidence in this whitening treatment.

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Show your Gratitude with Jewelry

By Deanna Collins

Gratitude has a way of opening the world up to you. Instead of seeing the glass half full, people who understand the importance of gratitude begin to see how much abundance they really have. The little inconveniences and the big challenges begin to look small, unimportant and manageable when you look at the world through eyes of gratitude.

Learning to express gratitude can take many forms. The first one that springs to mind is journaling. Another way to show others that you are grateful is to wear jewelry. Every day you wear it, you will be making gratitude a part of your life.

What is Gratitude Jewelry?

Jewelry is made from beads, crystals, gemstones, and even precious metals. These materials carry with them the ability to invite positive energy into your life.

Gratitude jewelry is symbolic of what you feel inside. It reminds you to be grateful for what you have. It could be a pair of earrings, a bracelet or a necklace that you choose to convey this sentiment.

Wearing gratitude makes you constantly aware of what you have. A gratitude journal is a great daily exercise, but it can easily become a task and simply another thing to do on your to do list-that takes away some of the benefit of expressing gratitude. The power is in feeling gratitude, not in simply sitting down and doing something you should do. Wearing a piece of gratitude jewelry is effortless, it makes you feel good and gratitude becomes a part of your entire day.

What type of Gratitude Jewelry to Wear?

How do you choose the type of gratitude jewelry to wear? Consider where you'd like to focus your attention and what area of your body feels the most powerful. Many women love to feel earrings dangling. They're proud of their necks or hair and earrings just make them feel good.

Bracelets draw attention to themselves. They are shiny and make a lovely sound as they move along your wrist. The sound and the beauty of them is a constant reminder of your commitment to being gracious everyday.

What about a necklace? They can be big or small, shiny or matte. Through the centuries, women of all cultures have worn neck jewelry as a sign of status and beauty. Wearing a necklace can bring on an ethereal feel to your body. You just have to reach up and touch it to be reminded of the symbolic nature of the piece.

Of course, matching sets have the power of giving you a complete set and saving you from having to make a potentially difficult choice. On those days when you know you're going to be facing a challenge you can wear all three and have faith in yourself and the situation.

What works best for you? Play to your strengths when expressing gratitude with jewelry. Just the act of wearing it can change your life in a positive and powerful way. Life is to be celebrated and enjoyed at each moment. To keep yourself inspired, invest in gratitude jewelry to live in the abundance of graciousness.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Should Stun-Guns be Considered Self-Defense Tools ?

By Peter Vermeeren

Law Enforcement departements as well as civilians have recurred to the Stun-Gun for self-defense and law enforcement when non-lethal force was requiered. The stun-gun as we know it today was invented in 1974 by a NASA scientist called Jack Cover. The Stun-Gun is an electroshock device that neutralizes an attacker by an high voltage electroshock.

The idea of a non-lethal weapon for self-defense purposes is very attractive and in many cases preferred. Conventional weapons like knives and guns are illegal in most places and can also be used against the carrier causing serious injuries or even death. The use of firearms can not only kill or maim the attacked but can also harm innocent bystanders.

How does the law look upon Stun-Guns for Self-Defense ?

With our world changing at a very rapid pace, stun-gun laws change too. Many states don't allow the stun-guns if you are not a police officer like for example in New York, Michigan, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Hawaii. Other states allow only certain types of stun guns. The regulations according to stun-guns can also depend on your local city laws so when you want to purchase a stun-gun make sure to check with your local police if you are allowed to carry them before you buy one.

In addition, most states do not allow people under the age of eighteen to possess or use stun guns. Restrictions also obviously apply to convicted criminals as well.

How Stun Guns Work

Stun guns work as a tool for self-defense by incapacitating the person receiving the shock. By using a high amount of volts in combination with a low amount of amps, stun guns send massive amounts of energy into a persons muscles, immediately converting blood sugar into lactic acid, which locks up the muscles of the person receiving the blast from the stun gun. Once the attacker has been incapacitated, the victim is able to flee and seek safety. As a self-defense tool, stun guns are not designed to be used for prolonged exposure, which can be risky for the person receiving the shock.

Different Types of Stun-Guns used as Self-Defense tools

Stun guns can refer to a variety of electroshock weapons, including tasers and cattle prods, but the conventional stun gun is the type most readily available to ordinary citizens looking to purchase items for use as self-defense tools such as stun guns. Conventional or standard stun guns are usually pocket-sized and powered by a simple, nine-volt battery. A series of tiny transformers increases the voltage in the current, which can run up to 150,000 volts.

In order to employ a stun gun for use as a self-defense tool, the victim needs only to touch both prongs of the device anywhere on the attacker. Parts of the body most sensitive to electroshock include the upper shoulder, below the rib cage, and the upper hip. Even if the attacker is touching another person, such as his victim, the shock is restricted to the person on whom the prongs of the stun gun are directly placed.

Once the attacker receives the shock from the stun gun, he cannot help but fall to his knees. The attacker is thus disabled for up to five minutes, yet suffers no permanent damage or serious injury, meaning he cannot usually come back and sue the victim for using undue force, as long as the stun gun was used legally, yet another reason why stun guns are viable for use as self-defense tools in many cases.

More About Stun Guns and other non-lethal devices on

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Safeguarding Your Residence With a Powerful Home Security System

By Greg Lietz

After you have purchased your dream home and decorated it to your specific taste, you will want to consider implementing a home security system. In many instances, people do not think about a home security system until after it is too late. In reality, it is better to have a security system in place in order to prevent something bad from happening. Let us take a look at the best home security systems.

Add a whole home security alarm system. When installing a home security system, you can make the choice to have the system enabled only on certain doors and windows. However, you will want to keep in mind that the number of doors and windows you have the alarm installed on, the more expensive the system will be. In order to save some money, you can ask the installer if they are running any specials.

Install a live monitoring system service. Many people overlook how helpful a home monitoring service really is. This investment in home monitoring services can routinely get a hold of the fire or police department when any of the alarms in your home have been set off. It is also important to conduct complete research to locate the best service provider, as services tend to vary between companies.

Home Security Systems and Home Security Measures

A security alarm system is not at all a complicated set up. First, you have to decide upon where you want to install the alarm control box. It can be your front door, back door, main window, anywhere. Once you have chosen the place, then you have to program a code in to the alarm. You are required to do this in order to successfully set the alarm and also to turn it off while you are at home. There may be a motion sensor included with the home alarm system. With a motion detector, your alarm will go off when it detects movement inside the house. This motion sensor acts as a back up in case someone gets into your house without tripping your alarm.

Outdoor alarm system. Outdoor home security alarm systems are programmed in such a way that they switch on the floodlights as soon as they detect some motion just outside your home. In the early years, an outdoor alarm used to go off even if there was just a cat or a stray dog strolling near your house but the modern ones are configured in such a way that they determine the weight and size of the intruder. So the chances of false alarms are almost zilch!

Utilize proper locks. When purchasing a home that was owned by another, it is important to change all of the locks. You have no idea if the owner before you has kept a set of extra keys. It is much better not to take any chances and simply switch to brand new locks. Locks are needed on the front doors, as well as locks installed on the windows if they are lacking. This will keep people from trying to enter your domain through an unguarded window.

Become friendly with the neighbors. As soon as you move into a new environment, do not hesitate to introduce yourself and your family to the neighborhood, especially your closest neighbors. When neighbors know you enough, they can give you the heads up on what takes place in the area. If they spot a stranger in the neighborhood (especially hanging around your home), they will not hesitate to let you know.

Join community watch programs. When a community watch program is available in your area, become an active participant. This is how you can mingle with the neighbors that will look after your residence when you are on vacation. These types of programs help to lower crime levels.

Add video surveillance. Adding video surveillance or CCTV is a great way to protect your home. Although it can be a little bit on the expensive side, it is definitely worth the money. With video surveillance, there are several different transmitters and one receiver that is then linked to your television.

Install a smoke detector. A smoke detector will give you an advance warning should your house catch on fire.

Even with the above safety precautions, you will also need to make sure that your windows and doors and sturdy enough. If need be, put up grills over your windows. Also, be sure that there is sufficient lighting outside of your house and that any ground floor windows have thorny bushes underneath them.

Therefore, you now know that a great deal of home security selections is available on the market. In order to select the security approaches that would best satisfy your needs, you can undergo an assessment of risk regarding your residence. Plenty of home security service providers will provide risk assessment materials that assist in deciding upon the needs of an individual. This allows you to figure out what kind of security measures best fit your house.

Whichever home security system you have installed, make sure you understand how it works, so that you can enjoy your getaway without having to worry about the safety and security of your home.

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Things to consider when buying an elliptical trainer!

By Amanda Jocks

Nowadays, more and more people have become aware of the benefits that an exercising routine can have for their health and body - but as they are too busy to go to a health club they use home fitness equipment. Therefore, the demand for this type of machines has greatly increased in the last few years, especially the demand for elliptical trainers.

An elliptical trainer, as we've already said, is a home fitness machine which allows you to take care of your health and body in the comfort of your own home, any time you want. There are many types of such trainers on the market today, but not all of them have all the features that you might need when exercising, therefore when you want to buy one, you should think about a few things first.

When you first decide to make the purchase, you should check your wallet and make an estimation on how much you are willing to spend. Elliptical machines come at various prices - from $300 to $3000 or more; but the tricky part is that not always the most expensive one is the best; and another catch is that you might never need the features offered by the most expensive models.

Anyway, there are certain features that you shouldn't neglect. For example, never neglect the stride length, since it can create you discomfort, and that will usually lead to not doing your workout and abandoning the sole purpose that you purchased the elliptical in the first place. So if you are an average height person, go for at least an 18 - 20" stride(some cheap models offer a 12 - 14" one, but that's ridiculously small). A tall person, though, needs at least a 20" stride, if not a 21" one in some cases.

The adjustable resistance is also a good indicator for an elliptical trainer's quality; you will be needing many resistance levels, as you progress with your workout. The ramp(or incline) is another factor to consider, since will help you workout various muscle groups. Depending on your priorities, you could choose a model that also has upper body workout arms - great extra effort that will add up. The last but not least things to consider are the weight capacity(because it gives you a perspective of how durable the machine is) and the warranty(which is usually a great sign for a product's quality).

Finally, these are some of the most important things you should consider when buying an elliptical trainer, but you should also consider those "delicate" features offered almost by any quality machine, such as the display panel which can show you the distance, speed, time and even the burned calories.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Martial Arts Movies

By Charlie Reese

One of the most action packed genres in the cinema is Martial Arts movies. They have an avid following, whether they are big budget Hollywood features or low budget cult films. The Hong Kong produced films are well known and they inspired American and European enthusiasts to make their own films. Some actors have got into Martial Arts and used it for their career and some Martial Arts experts have become involved in the movie industry.

The major stars of the genre are heroes to the fans. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li each bring their own personality and fighting techniques to the story. Western stars Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagal further popularized the films. What started as a cult, crossed over to the mainstream and spin off merchandise, such as posters is big business. Disciplines such as Karate and Kung Fu gained lots of recruits who had been turned on by what they saw in Martial Arts movies.

The most influential exponent of Kung Fu and martial arts in general was undoubtedly Bruce Lee. Born in San Francisco and raised in Hong Kong, he was handsome and had charisma in addition to perfecting an explosive fighting style. He put great emphasis on fitness. Sadly he died at the young age of 32 and became a legend. His most popular film was Enter the Dragon in 1973 in which he plays a man called Lee, a Martial Arts practitioner who investigates a drug gang. John Saxon co-starred.

The same year brought the release of Way of the Dragon. This Martial Arts movie was unusual in that Bruce Lee was the director and writer. It was also unusual because it was an action comedy. Lee stars as Tang Lung, who visits relatives in Rome and becomes involved in fighting a criminal gang. They need to hire someone to defeat him so they call on Colt, played by Chuck Norris. Norris, a professional Karate champion, and Lee delight the fans with a fight scene against the backdrop of Rome's Coliseum.

In 1994, Jet Li made a remake of one of Bruce Lee's films called The Chinese Connection. The new version was titled Fist of Legend and Li played a character called Chen Zen. The story is set in Shanghai under Japanese military occupation in 1937 and involves Chen Zen trying to prove that his old Kung Fu master, Hou was murdered.

Taiwan born director Ang Lee has made many different kinds of films, including Hulk and Brokeback Mountain. In 1999, the release of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon made a huge impact. This was a Martial Arts movie that incorporated fantasy fight sequences and a love story. It won the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award. It showed that this genre could have brilliant cinematography and special effects. The scenery was stunning. Chow Yun Fat stars as Li and Michelle Yeoh co-stars as Yu. Two warriors hunt for a sword with magic properties that has been stolen. Zen warriors are seen to bend the physical world to their will as they float through the air and walk on water.

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Why Heart Disease in Women is even More Dangerous than in Men!

By Jenny Rantoul

With better medical research of heart disease in women, we now know that the effects of common heart problems in men and women can be quite different.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is good to know that the healthy habits that prevent heart disease do so equally in both sexes.

This premise may come as a shock to many people. It seems it has always been taught that common heart problems are common mostly in men. That's why so much research has had such a male influence. Now, however, we find this is not true for women somewhere around age 65 and older.

Men tend to have heart disease seven or eight years earlier than women but after the age of sixty-five the risk is roughly even. According to a study, heart disease is the number killer of women of 65 or more of age. In addition, even with all types of cancer combined, American women are four to six times more likely to die of heart disease than cancer.

Studies have shown that heart attacks from heart disease cause more deaths in woman than in men. This could be caused by woman not recognizing the symptoms which vary from those typical for men, delaying diagnosis and treatment, having smaller vessels or being more susceptible to damage. Given the lower survival rate for women after a heart attack, additional research is necessary to determine the cause and find solutions.

Unfortunately, we can not change our genes. It is important to always make sure that your doctor has an accurate family history, especially for women. But there are a number of things that women can control in order to lower the risk of heart disease. Women, for example, should not smoke tobacco especially if on birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Proper diet should lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but if it doesn't, your doctor may prescribe a medication. Discuss it thoroughly and follow your doctor's advice. Keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol in check is really important.

Heart problems. Strokes. Diabetes. All of these are products of being overweight and eating a wrong diet. Make certain you exercise regularly and eat a heart healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet.

Aerobic exercises should be done a minimum of 20 minutes per day at least three times a week. Low impact exercises such as walking, biking or swimming will break you into a sweat and increase your heart rate. This is great for your heart and your overall health!

About the Author:

Is The Mediterranean Diet Healthy

By Cathy Maree

The Mediterranean diet is a diet designed on eating the foods people who live in the Mediterranean basin eat. The Mediterranean basin is an area that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea and has mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. This area includes areas of France, the Iberian Peninsula, the Italian peninsula, and the Balkan Peninsula. It also includes areas of the Sahara desert, and Africa.

Most people who mention the Mediterranean diet are really talking about a diet created by Walter Willett. The diet includes wine, red meat, olive oil, eggs, fish, poultry and a healthy amount of physical activity.

The fat in this diet is controlled, only up to 35% of calories, saturated fat at less than 8% of total calories. For this reason it's categorized as a low fat, high fiber diet. It became popular in the 1990's, but the Mediterranean diet has been around since 1945.

Whereas American diets rely on animal fats, the Mediterranean diet utilizes olive oil. Olive oil has many many health properties such as lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. Studies show that olive oil helps prevent ulcers and is an effective treatment for certain types of ulcers, as well as important for preventing cancer. Red wine also adds to the mix in that it contains elements with antioxidant properties.

The Mediterranean diet is really a series of diets partially recommended by the American Heart Association. The association is apprehensive about the high amount of fat in the Mediterranean diet. They say obesity is a growing health concern in the Mediterranean basin.

The AHA does take comfort in the fact that mono saturated fats such as those found in olive oil don't raise cholesterol levels. Researchers aren't sure whether better health in the Mediterranean basin is due to diet or the fact they get a lot of exercise, mostly from walking.

A Google search is a great source of information on the Mediterranean diet.

About the Author:

Tips for Women: Find Your Inner Power Source

By Deanna Collins

Finding and using your inner power source is a quite successful way to deal with tough times. While many people choose to use other means of support during these times, achieving your ambitions by using the strength within provides a method no amount of support or wealth can replace.

The ability for a woman to grab hold of self-empowerment is dependent upon the skills she is able to learn. Empowered women are already on the path leading to accomplishing their goals as well as satisfying the needs of their family, their community as well as their own as individuals. Others have them, but need only develop them further.

The Elements of Empowerment

Whether is be economic, political or social, empowerment has many faces. The reasoning behind many women seeking empowerment could be a matter of personal development. Empowerment allows women to find within themselves the necessary resources needed to overcome hindrances as well as hardships. This whole process feeds on itself. By being a pro-active woman you improve self-esteem and effectiveness, boosting confidence and self-image all while earning the respect of others.

People who are disempowered are often struggling with forces that appear beyond their control-these forces could in fact be the family, the workplace or even the community. With each particular scenario, individual empowerment is a necessary occurrence. Any group empowerment leans heavily on individuals who have already developed their own positive outlook, skills and motivation required to take the steps that can make a difference.

Women Taking Steps towards Empowering Themselves

With much having been done in the area of gender discrimination, it is more likely to find women still amongst the rank of those who are disempowered. This type of situation is most often found in the family and workplace settings. There is a clear solution to this issue: more women need to build upon and claim power for themselves. This achievement may have its own particular method to follow. By starting with personal empowerment, the thought and work needed to conquer any goal is much more readily found.

By recognizing self-potential women can take on more, as well as bigger problems. There is proof of this seen in many marginalized communities in African, as well as other under-developed countries around the world where you can find women's initiatives empowering not only individuals, but in fact entire communities.

Strategies for Empowerment

Education: Education enables women to discover ways to achieve their goals. Knowledge is power. Knowing the options available for the tasks we want to accomplish is essential to making the best decisions.

Make positive choices: Education can provide the analytical skills necessary to decision-making and the evaluation of different risks. When you hold a good knowledge base of available choices you have, confident decisions are easier to make.

Thoughts and attitudes in a positive light: Any type of defeatist or pessimistic attitude has the ability to destroy motivation, thus preventing people from that important first step needed to improve their circumstances and their lives in general. With numerous psychological studies showing patterns of negative thinking being alterable with cognitive therapies, it is possible to move ahead and take charge right now. Simply starting a gratitude journal can be a very important step to maintaining a positive attitude.

Building Self-esteem and confidence: Initiative is a matter of creative thinking, knowledge and confidence. With education and some manner of keeping track of achievements, no matter how small they may seem, you can be provided with a positive boost of confidence, foster initiative as well as improve your self esteem.

Interpersonal/communication skills: Many things in life require persuasion and co-operation with others. Good communication skills help move things forward.

By developing their skills and awareness, individually or collectively, women can empower themselves in order to realize their potential, with benefits for themselves and their loved ones.

About the Author:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More Than a Wide Stance

By Nui Kahuna

Yesterday I needed to use the facilities at Penn Station in New York. I try and avoid this joint, but sometimes nature rules. Luckily for me it wasn't very busy, and I got in and out fairly quickly, with no muss or fuss.

Imagine my surprise when I open my mail, and there's an email about an encounter in a men's room in Miami. No, Senator Craig wasnt writing in to tell me that he takes a wide stance.

I admit that I could never could figure out the wide stance thing. What I got clearly today was the possible ways on how a mook's brain works.

I guess there have been many reports regarding assaults in men's rooms. I have heard many of these stories before, and it seems that, history repeats itself. Anyone could be vulnerable to any attack, especially when sensitive parts of the body have been badly hit. Men especially.

Our hero had his thinking cap on when he went to use the head. As he walked in he saw three young guys hanging out, and had a gut feeling they were up to no good. So he walked over to the stall, faked an unzipping, and made a bunch of ooh and aah sounds.

In an instant, two of the guys moved towards him, while the other was stationed near a door. By the time the hero became aware of this, he waited for the perfect moment, then turned around and stepped on the foot of the first mook, and gave him an electric shock. The mook was knocked down. It was about time to go for the second mook. It didn't take long up until our hero brought down the second one. Two mooks down and there was still one more left.

The third mook soon noticed his two other companions unconsciously lying down. He just saw what our hero did - the finishing touches. Our hero still got a chance to clock these bad guys at least twice, and he got away.

The amazing gadget that had beaten the two mooks was a stun gun that could give out 900,000 volts of electric shock - brilliantly packed and reduced to a size as small as the cigarette pack. And it's great for going after mooks in the bathroom.

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Teamwork Don't Just Apply To Lower Level Employees

By Bart Icles

Teamwork begins at the top, most of us will set back and nod our head as people and training organizations tell us that teamwork is important, but we don't realize that applies to us. We think yeah it would be great if the technology department would be a team or if our Human Resource department would step it up together. We don't realize though that the team effort of a business starts at the top. It is the executives, managers, supervisors and leaders that set up the environment of team work.

If a leader isn't willing to enforce teamwork then they are wasting their breathe when they try to implement teamwork among departments if they themselves are not willing to adhere to the same team values. For instance a team is willing to accept ideas from any of its team members, no matter what position they hold. As a leader in the organization are you willing to do that? Not just listen and not but evaluate and give feedback and perhaps even implement the idea? If not then you are undermining the very principle you want implemented.

How is your team rewarded for performing as a team? Often organizations teach teamwork, expect it and say that is the core of the company but then the only people who get rewarded are individuals who had the most public role in the project. Instead of rewarding people, reward teams for doing the job. Maybe give them a budget to through their own team party. Or give each team member tickets to an upcoming sporting event or play. Or even bring in a caterer for lunch to reward the group as a team. This fosters working together rather then competing.

Finally remember things that are done well and recall them often. Say things like remember when the sales department collectively sold out our entire water bottle product line. Recalling these experiences will inspire other teams in your organization to earn your recognition but they want to earn it as a team because that is who you as a leader praise.

Teamwork can push your business to new heights if it fostered in an atmosphere that emphasizes its importance. Learn the tactics that will truly inspire your organization to work together rather to work against each other.

Teamwork can increase your productivity, improve your work environment and foster creativity. Why not invest the time it takes to form this valuable resource? There are ways to start creating it today, but you may also consider hiring a corporate trainer to come in and motivate your team.

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Max Workouts Review - Fitness Program Discovered

By Kelly Becker

Feeling hopeless as with your current workout program you are actually not achieving the leaner body you've been wanting for so long? Then most probably, Max Workouts program is for you.

Max Workouts is very distinct. It is a revolutionary fitness program with high-intensity interval training, circuit training, & strength training at hand which can all help in making your body lean or even leaner. Its high intensity interval workouts and circuits are proven to be effective to burn fat and eventually build muscle in the shortest time possible. It is with full body exercises with weights for maximizing your metabolism, fat burning, as well as lean muscle building.

Most likely, with Max Workouts, you will get a different workout experience and finally be free from the tiring lifting of weights, hitting the treadmill, busting your butt at the latest fitness classes, or even cranking it out at your spinning classes. Max Workouts will make your venture to better body simpler.


Max Workouts is already proven to be really effective. Based from the testimonies of men and women who have tried it, certainly it is really effective.

Mainly, Max Workouts is effective because it has the secrets of the plateau-busting workout program that is scientifically proven to crank up your metabolism and melt away all your unwanted, stubborn fat. It also has the workouts that could help you in maintaining lean muscle, thus allowing you to still burn calories even after all the workouts are done.


No doubt, with Max Workouts you will surely get the body you desire with less sweat. The workouts with Max Workouts are shorter but are really effective. And so with these type of workouts, you'll save yourself some sweat and time and you won't tire yourself that much at the same time.


The main edge of Max Workouts is its being comprehensive. It has the goal, the tips, the workouts and the like. It also has the key to success considering it tackles importance of increase metabolism to losing weight which is often overlooked. Not to mention that it also has the myths that could be sabotaging your workout efforts. These are common mistakes that can be avoided actually but were not usually tackled in most fitness/fat loss programs. In Max Workouts, these are very well discussed and explained. Thus, ensuring you that you will never go wrong with Max Workouts.

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A Birthday For Pepper Spray? Nah...

By Nui Kahuna

The Birthday Bash last Tuesday night for Big Kahuna was rather a festivity. Food preparations were scrumptious, superb liquors and drinks were plentiful, and the stories should have been filmed. It all began when I went for a small dinner at my favorite steak house with the old lady. And as it turns out there were only a couple of dozen of friends invited by my stealthy lady to my fifty fifth.

A couple of folks were out cold after the toasts. I can't remember how many there were, but I think the food started coming just in time or there would have been more casualties.

The party went on with dancing, shrill laughter, more toasts, storytelling, then I woke up in my reclining chair in the office about noon the next day. Ah, that hangover gave me a feeling of not wanting to go to another party for five years.

I took a cold shower after a sauna, prepared some food and took a nap after feeding. I woke up feeling good at about 3AM. Made myself a sandwich and iced tea and watched the idiot box and fell asleep again.

I woke this morning with a crystal clear mind. All senses and nerves are well functioning.

While I was in my muzzy state, the mooks in our area were out on a roll keeping themselves busy. Same as the policemen, out in the street busy chasing the mooks and they even shot a few of them in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. In the past few weeks, they have really raised the stakes, and it's not really good when authorities start pulling their weapons.

There were several crimes happening around and most of them were car jackings. And they don't just car jack any cars but high end cars like Mercedes, Lexus, Caddyshack or BMW. If you are driving any of these, there's a high probability you will be the next target. But if you'll carry some of the self defense product like some pepper spray, you will surely give Mr. Mook a nice surprise present. You'll then witness the incredible stunt of Mr. Mook rolling around on the pavement while hiding the pain in his face after you have hit him with your pepper spray. You gave him a present, and you keep your car.

There wouldn't be any need for the good officer to pull his gun and fire at your ride, causing all sorts of cleanup problems. Better to drop the mook before he gets in and leaves his mook stench in the car. Not to mention bits and pieces of himself and his fluids.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a nice crate. I have a couple myself, but they come fully loaded, "iffen you know what I'm saying Vern".

I make sure to have all kinds of fun items to use against mooks.

Can you carry too much pepper spray?

I don't think so.

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Gratitude Bracelets: How Jewelry Can Keep You Positive

By Deanna Collins

Gratitude bracelets can be an aid to staying positive, especially when all odds seem to be against us. Life's problems can easily get us down, and when the going gets tough it's time to fight back. We don't want to claim defeat over any issue which has the possibility of taking our motivation out from under us.

Discovering the Importance of Gratitude

The fact of the matter is we can always find someone worse of then we are. By considering and recognizing the blessings we already have when things seem to be going down hill, we have reach that small but powerful step we need to take to find ourselves with a more positive outlook.

Viewing things objectively by detaching ourselves can often be a quite difficult task. Any pessimistic thoughts or attitudes towards a given situation are only likely to compound the problem. Consider the situation of someone with a depressive illness; by the illness causing situations to appear far worse than they actually are, and other subsequent events needing to be dealt with are often interpreted in negative terms as well. This is where the downward spiral can begin.

A pessimistic attitude can be appropriate in certain situations. Finding a balance and seeking for ways to keep perceptions and reactions in their rightful place is the key to ensuring misplaced optimism or denial does not evolve into situations as damaging as any negative attitude. The most important focus point regarding our experiences and the counterbalance is as important as gratitude itself.

And Just What Do I Have To Be Grateful For?

Many of us don't even come close to recognizing the many things we have to be grateful for. If people don't count their blessings in life, it is quite easy to take the positive aspects for granted. By keeping a journal of things to be grateful for has been proven as an effective tool to enhance the happiness we feel. By keeping a record of the many things we can be grateful about on a daily basis could include such things as an appreciation of our friends and family, the journaling of our children's milestones or anything else you are grateful for. By searching for and documenting the positives in your life, it can be quite amazing to see how long the list is of times or things that deserve their own gratitude.

How a Gratitude Bracelet Helps Maintain a Positive Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude by using gratitude as a tool provides you with regular reinforcement. Even though we are using a gratitude journal as a tool to remind us on a daily basis what our blessings or what the positive things are in our lives, a gratitude bracelet can also be a tool to keep those positive thoughts in place. By stopping for a few seconds every time you put your bracelet on, take it off or even look at it you are providing yourself with a reminder of those many things you have to be happy about. Leave the reasons you have for discontent aside and just focus on the positives at these times.

Your choice of gratitude bracelet could be dependant on many different ideals. It could be as simple as a general reminder you have many positive things in your life. It can also be as complex as finding one symbolizing some of the many things that enrich your life on a daily basis. You can choose a color that reminds you of your favorite part of nature, or a color that makes you think about that particular look in a loved ones eyes.

Once there is a positive connection made between you and your gratitude bracelet there will be an endless number of opportunities to be reminded of the positive things in your life. Consider giving a gratitude bracelet as a gift, and not only are you blessing that person with the opportunity to remember their personal reasons of gratitude, they will also think of you as the person who gave them this priceless chance to remember all other reasons they have to be grateful.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kahuna and the Geeks

By Nui Kahuna

My computer network yesterday was in a complete mess, like FUBAR, so I had to call in geeks to do the proper configurations for me. Military people will surely know what FUBAR means, do you? As for the geek assigned to do the configurations for me, he arrived at around two in the afternoon, and left vaguely around six hours later that afternoon.

I just handed him quite a big pay, and of course, it includes the extra money he may use for beverages.

Good thing my computer was diagnosed for threats, because it became a home for about 79 viruses!

The alarming part is that my computer had been sending spam because of a dangerous program. You must have been thinking that my computer hasn't been protected against such threats. No, I was fairly confident that it was protected. In fact, I even spent hundreds of dollars just to keep it in good shape.

The geek told me all kinds of things that these rat bastards do to get control of your system, and he said that for many of the things they do there isn't any software to combat it yet. He recommended regular maintenance by a guy like him. I took him up on it.

He was really good. I think he made the proper system configurations, because my computer has been running faster than it used to before.

And so, he deserved an extra fee.

Which I paid.

Anyway, last night's news had shown a photo of a man who had been trying to kidnap little girls in Northern Virginia. It was said that he was even spotted near bus stops and other areas where most of the kids go.

If you have a stun gun, pepper spray, or any other viable tool and you spot a guy like this, take them down. This kind of predator doesn't deserve any understanding or sympathy. I had this exact same scenario in my neighborhood several years ago. I had my daughter trained for this kind of encounter and she recognized the danger immediately and took off.

I missed catching the jerk by a few seconds, and I can tell you if I had, that the batteries in the The Runt would have to had gone dead before he had had enough voltage in him as far as I'm concerned.

Okay then. I'm pretty much aware of the fact that I'm thoroughly expressing my emotions right now. Like the head of the Children's Museum being involved in child porn. That followed a middle school principal involved in the same thing. I'm going to have to take the electric bleachers out of storage for another BBQ.

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Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing While Talking To Them

By Rob Andrews

Have you ever met somebody who seemed to be able to convince anybody to do anything, just by talking to them. You know, like the salesman who can sell ice to Eskimos?

How are these incredible persuaders able to do this?

One effective way of persuading others while talking to them is by using conversational hypnosis

Let me tell you what conversational hypnosis is.

When I say conversational hypnosis I am not talking about putting people into deep trances like a certified hypnotist would do in his office.

What I mean is using language that distracts or gets past the persons conscious mind so you can speak to or make suggestions to the persons subconscious mind. When you speak to the subconscious, you are using conversational hypnosis.

One of the best at this is Robert Dilts. He has termed this use of language, sleight of mouth. Language is a map of our world, says Dilts. Further, no two people share the same world.

He means that every person views the world in a unique way, and language is used to describe their world and even further to actually create their world.

So basically, what Dilts is saying is that when you talk about something in a certain way, you actually begin to think about that thing in that way. For example, if you are always saying things like, I hate school then you will hate school. You are actually making yourself hate school by saying you hate school.

So what does this have to do with conversational hypnosis?

Here's the connection, in the same way you directed your mind to hate school, you can direct the minds of others to hate school as well by simply talking to them about how you hate school.

Have you ever heard the phrase attitudes are contagious? Well, they are. And one reason they are is because the words people use both make and reflect their attitudes.

Words you hear infect your subconscious brain just like a virus you get infects your physical body. So if you hang around friends who use constantly use words to express that they hate school, then it is quite possible you will start to feel that way too. Not because you agree with their logical argument, but rather because the words they use to describe their feelings will penetrate your subconscious mind.

Words are truly powerful. And one reason is that the subconscious mind acts like a sponge and just soaks them up.

Your subconscious brain is very aware of what goes on around you. In fact, most of your thinking happens there. The subconscious mind can be influenced by what you and others say.

Someone's world can literally be changed by hearing the correct words. And what are these words? For that you'll need to read the next part of this article, or visit by blog to find out.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

A Guard Dog That Never Sleeps

By Nui Kahuna

Jake felt more than sad when Marshall passed away. He felt worried.

Marshall was Jake's German Shepherd. He was Jake's companion for almost twelve years, and made a good job of guarding Jake's sporting goods store from uninvited guests, and suspicious people. Though the neighbourhood was not entirely safe, Marshall was the one who made things in good order.

Jake's store was the only commercial stall on the block which had no signs of vandalism. The others, of course, had walls vandalized with unpleasant graffiti.

It appeared that such people wanted to stay away from a big guard dog like Marshall.

Although Marshall had appeared to be rather fierce, he was actually a sweet one. Everyone who knew Jake very well, knew about the kisses Marshall would prepare for Jake just about every morning.

Melissa, Jake's daughter, was the one who kept the stores record's in place. She would usually pay a visit to her father at least once a week. She had known from the start that her old father couldn't afford to buy a state-of-the-art security system, and so, she figured he had to train another big dog.

On one of her visits, she handed her father a gift, which she had proudly introduced as a thing that would keep Marshall's legend alive within the neighbourhood.

She explained to Jake that the Electronic Watch Dog used infrared sensors to watch the store at night, just like Marshall did. When intruders showed up at either the front or the back doors, the box would bark. And it would bark louder and louder until the disturbance went away.

That Saturday night, two teenage boys strolled up the sidewalk. The midnight streetlight stretched their shadows halfway up the block. They banged and pulled on security gates as they talked about the trouble they could cause.

"Didn't old man Benson's dog just die?" the teenager asked his companion.

The other said he heard something like that.

They made their moves and went up to the front window. However, before they actually broke into the store, they heard the threatening bark from the inside.

And it was getting louder.

"What the hell? I thought the dog was gone?" asked the punk.

"He must have got a new one," replied the other, "I'm not messing with a dog!"

The two juveniles hustled away around the corner as fast as their legs could carry them.

Marshall's legacy remains intact. He's still a presence in Benson's Sporting Goods, with a picture above the cash register - and the loud bark from the Electronic Watch Dog.

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Cure Acid Reflux Naturally

By William Lagadyn

Acid reflux has become one of the most common medical conditions in today's society. This condition mostly results from modern unhealthy lifestyles people are living and the inappropriate diet. Demanding careers have made it impossible for people to eat healthy meals. Takeout joints and fast food chains have become common to the working population. This trend has triggered the manifestation of this condition in a large portion of the population.

An acid reflux is a common condition whereby the fluid content of the stomach regurgitates into the esophagus causing a great deal of lingering pain. Most people just assume the condition without taking in mind the consequences of the acid reflux. If left untreated, the acid reflux can result in a more serious complication such as esophagitis or even worse, esophageal cancer.

Doctors give prescription for this condition, but the important thing to note is that they are not the cure for the problem. All they do is to deal with the symptoms that it comes with. In later time the conditions is found to recur and as a result, more medication is needed. Some of the drugs prescribed have side effects due to long term uses. Some of them are found to inhibit the secretion of the stomach acid which is used to kill any harmful microorganisms found in the digestive system. This means that they do more harm to the patient than good. But there are other better ways of dealing with this health condition.

Natural methods are the simplest and safest ways to cure ailments. They not only cure the ailments completely but they also go a long way in preventing further re-occurrence. The most effective acid reflux remedy is the consumption of a balanced diet on a daily basis. The first step is to eliminate any foods that may cause the stomach walls to be inflamed. Spices, caffeine, citrus fruits and fatty foods are the biggest culprits. Another step towards achieving this end is limiting the intake of alcohol and cigarettes.

Cider vinegar has also been noted as one of the best natural remedies for acid influx. Some doctors may ague that cider vinegar is corrosive to the walls of the stomach, a statement that has been proven wrong. Consume the vinegar with other foods so as to increase its effects. It helps in reduction of juices secreted during digestion and soothes the stomach. Avoid stress by changing you lifestyle and diet.

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Don't Mess With a Texas Girl

By Nui Kahuna

I guess it's about the second half of the Redskins against the Eagles. Amidst the fact that I'm in a city that is filled with brotherly love, I never developed any special kind of consideration for the sports teams there, especially not the Eagles.

The Skins don't look like they are doing their very best yet, but their advantage over the other team is just enough to assure Redskin fans a victory.

Let me share a message in the mail I just received. It was from a certain camper residing in Texas. Her name is Nancy. She shared in her email that she's glad that she had tooled up with personal protection devices. In case you may want to know, Nancy is a young veteran real estate salesperson.

Nancy is doing very well with her career. She hasn't got any debt, and she can afford to buy nice things for herself, including a gorgeous Mercedes sport model, which could have cost a hundred thousand dollars.

Last week Nancy came out of a top Houston restaurant, and walked to her car, about a block away. Just as she was getting in, a mook grabbed the door, and ordered her out of the car. She got out of the car, and the mook jumped into the seat.

It was a bad day for the mook, since Nancy had her Hot Shot Stun Gun with her. She stunned him by simply giving him voltage through his neck. The mook's head hit the roof of the car, and he even shook for a while. Nancy just yanked him out of the car by grabbing his hair.

The mook was still conscious and even attempted to prevent her from going inside the car. Nancy gave him another dose of voltage. He landed face down on the sidewalk. He was still conscious by then, since he moaned quite a lot. It was Nancy's chance to call for 911, and she eventually did. The police soon came in and got hold of the mook.

The mook became hysterical when the police arrived, exclaiming to keep him away from the crazy bitch.

It was Nancy's turn. She had gotten the attention of the police, and they congratulated her for her good job. They even had time to compare their stun guns. It appeared that they had the same model.

Nancy also purchased the new Mace Pepper Gun a couple of weeks ago, and figured out a very unique way of carrying it undetected.

For all the mooks out there, don't miss with a Texas girl, or you just might get a whole lot more than what you had bargained for.

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35 Things to Do to Start Your Own Support Group

By Lisa Copen

Leading a support group can seem like an overwhelming task, but follow along with this simple checklist to cover all of the administrative tasks, and it will run much smoother down the road.

[1] Purpose of the group. Write a mission statement of 1-2 sentences so you are clear on the goal of your group.

[2] Group's description: Clearly state what problem people are coping with and how your support group will you help fix the problem or at least encourage them.

[3] Personal motives. Take some time to ask yourself "Why do I feel I am the one to lead this group?" Make sure you really want to do it, and are not just saying yes to someone because you'll feel guilty saying now, nor because you are seeking personal glory.

[4] Approval. Does your group need to receive formal approval from a higher source? If you are under an organization or company, for example, have you received their approval?

[5] Group's life expectancy. What do you see as the life of your group? Do you hope it will meet indefinitely until the need fades away, growing and changing as members define it? Or would you rather ask that people commit to the group for a certain amount of time, like four months, and then recommit if they still want to attend?

[6] Meeting frequency. How often do you plan to meet; weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly? Take into consider the schedules and lifestyles of your members. Would you prefer to have seventy percent attend one time a month or thirty percent of the member attend twice a month?

[7] Group outline. How will the time be filled? Is it to network, go through a study, have speakers from the community? What would you prefer? What will your members desire?

[8] Location. Where will you meet? Is it within a short driving distance for most people? Is it handicapped accessible? Is it comfortable for the atmosphere you desire? Will it intimidate members? Is it well lit? If it's in a large building, be sure to hang up signs and alert the receptionist about your group. Do they know where to park and are there parking fees?

[9] Attendance. Is it open or closed? Is anyone welcome at any time? Are new members welcome during a certain time period? Is membership from another organization required to qualify? For example, if it's an illness support group in a church do participants have to attend the church?

[10] Activities. Will the group be having parties, picnics, or time with family members? About how frequently?

[11] Guest guidelines. May family members or friends attend a meeting? If yes, is this alright with other members? Is it approved for only certain occasions, or any time?

[12] Projects. Would your group like to help plan activities that can help others? For example, would you group want to put together gift baskets for people who are home-bound or provide a holiday party for children of parents who are going through a difficult time?

[13] Policies. Write up some basic guidelines for the group and ask other group leaders what they would suggest you include. Some basics are a statement of privacy, the assumption that everyone will be treated with respect, how conflicts will be handled, explanations about how the group will never be a forum for commercial use, etc. If you are the leader of a support group for those with illness, you may benefit from letting people know from the start how conversations about alternative treatment will be handled. Many times people want to share their most recent "cure."

[14] Handouts. What kinds of educational or brochures will be available? Can attendees bring handouts, and if so, do they need to get advance approval from your or someone else?

[15] Exchange of personal information. Do group members want their address, phone and/or emails distributed to other members as a directory to do they want it to remain private and give it out to others themselves.

[16] Promotion. What are your plans for letting people know about your group? If your group is formed under an organization, what forms of advertising are acceptable? For example, a classified in the local paper? An announcement in the calendar section of the paper? Flyers? Is there anything not allowed that you should be aware of and do the promotional pieces need approval?

[17] Media exposure. Can you write a press release? If not, ask around to find someone qualified. Tell them about your meetings and purpose. Many people have past journalism, writing, or public relations experience that can help.

[18] Videotaping or photos. Will your group allow you to videotape the sessions so people who cannot attend can enjoy hearing special speakers, etc. When should the camera be on? Off? Do they need to sign a release? Will any of it be posted online? Will they allow photos for the media?

[19] What promotional pieces do you need and who will design them? Posters, flyers, business cards, and stickers, can all be helpful.

[20] Online communication. Would your group like to have a "hub" on the internet to exchange information and encourage one another between group meetings. Would they prefer something simple like just exchanging emails, or are they comfortable using a social network group like Ning?

[21] Online web site. Could your group reap the benefits of having a web site where you can to post a calendar of events, resource links, announcements, and more? You can design a simple blog for all of this information in a few hours for free. If you set up a web site you can easily share information you find online with your attendees from other resources or organizations. Through links, RSS feeds, online radio programs and more, your group can have a wealth of support that you cannot provide on your own.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Teamwork Involves Everyone In The Workplace

By Bart Icles

Teamwork begins at the top, most of us will set back and nod our head as people and training organizations tell us that teamwork is important, but we don't realize that applies to us. We think yeah it would be great if the technology department would be a team or if our Human Resource department would step it up together. We don't realize though that the team effort of a business starts at the top. It is the executives, managers, supervisors and leaders that set up the environment of team work.

If a leader isn't willing to enforce teamwork then they are wasting their breathe when they try to implement teamwork among departments if they themselves are not willing to adhere to the same team values. For instance a team is willing to accept ideas from any of its team members, no matter what position they hold. As a leader in the organization are you willing to do that? Not just listen and not but evaluate and give feedback and perhaps even implement the idea? If not then you are undermining the very principle you want implemented.

How is your team rewarded for performing as a team? Often organizations teach teamwork, expect it and say that is the core of the company but then the only people who get rewarded are individuals who had the most public role in the project. Instead of rewarding people, reward teams for doing the job. Maybe give them a budget to through their own team party. Or give each team member tickets to an upcoming sporting event or play. Or even bring in a caterer for lunch to reward the group as a team. This fosters working together rather then competing.

Finally remember things that are done well and recall them often. Say things like remember when the sales department collectively sold out our entire water bottle product line. Recalling these experiences will inspire other teams in your organization to earn your recognition but they want to earn it as a team because that is who you as a leader praise.

Teamwork can push your business to new heights if it fostered in an atmosphere that emphasizes its importance. Learn the tactics that will truly inspire your organization to work together rather to work against each other.

Teamwork can increase your productivity, improve your work environment and foster creativity. Why not invest the time it takes to form this valuable resource? There are ways to start creating it today, but you may also consider hiring a corporate trainer to come in and motivate your team.

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How to Know If You Need Storm Doors

By Mark Smith

Most of us already know how fierce and destructive hurricanes can be. Many times, they strike in areas where nobody would expect them to do so. This happens because of the global warming and because of the weather changes during the past decades. Such incidents make us consider storm doors and windows for protecting ourselves from disasters.

Storm doors are in fact some strong shields which slide over the real doors and windows. They are not replacements, but reinforcements, offering protection to storms, heavy rains or strong winds.

After you have them in place, storm doors aren't necessarily needed to close all the time. When there are no storms, you can let them open and use only your conventional doors. Why wear them, if it is not the case, after all? They cost money and their maintenance costs money, too.

Storm doors save you money, because they help conserving the energy. In this way, the heat will stay inside your house, thus making your bills smaller over the winter. This can be a good point in your decision of buying a storm door or not.

There is a wide range of materials storm doors can be made of. Among the most popular ones there are wood, aluminum and vinyl. Each material has its advantages and its drawbacks, so house owners need to evaluate very well the situation before deciding which type of door to buy.

Another situation when people may choose to install storm protective doors is not weather-related. It relates to the probability that somebody breaks in their house while they are not at home. Window shutters and reinforced storm doors can prevent this unpleasant situation.

Briefly, screen doors which protect from storms can be installed even in regions with better weather conditions. It depends on the house owner and on his home improvement priorities.

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