Saturday, January 16, 2010

6 Best Ab Exercises For Ripped Abs

By Glenn Atkins

Here's the 6 best ab exercises for ripped abs :

1. Crunches.

While crunches have their critics, this basic exercise when done properly can be highly effective for developing your upper abs. The higher abs are fairly easy to get ripped, and the convenience and simplicity of crunches makes this one of the 6 best ab exercises.

2. Leg Raises.

The most uncooperative part of the stomach to outline are the lower abs. This is where leg raises come in. They particularly work those lower abs. By doing leg raises you isolate and work the lower portion while not permitting the upper abs to help in doing any of the work.

3. Side Crunches.

there are numerous adaptations to side crunches, but after you get comfortable with the adaptation that works for you, your obliques ( side abdominal muscles ) will be on their way to getting ripped.

4. Hanging Knee Raises.

These are great for working your lower and side oblique muscles and are a great difference to standard on the floor abdominal exercises.

5. Elbow to Knee Crunches.

These are great as you are working your upper and lower abs at the same time. Plus it's really easy to do, simply crunching up with your hands behind your head and elbows extended straight, while concurrently bringing your knees toward you body to touch the elbows.

6. Twisted Elbow to Knee Crunches.

Out of the 6 best ab exercises, this one's my favorite and one of the best ever. Because you are doing a standard crunch, and bringing your knees toward you to touch with your elbows you are working both your upper and lower abs. Now, throw a twist into the mix ( twist to touch your elbow to the opposite knee ) you are also employing your oblique muscles, making this an all around ab exercise, good for those with limited time, desiring to get a healthy exercise in to work the abs.

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Shopping Around for Car Insurance Quotes

By John Bellafonte

For some, regular car insurance can cost quite a bit. For those that either restore or collect antique or muscle cars, it can be downright expensive. By searching for car insurance quotes online for these specific types of vehicles, a deal or two may be found.

For those that collect cars or customize them, insurance can become particularly expensive if the right policy is not located. Vehicles such as these take a special type of coverage and there a more than a few providers online that specialize in juts these types of cars. Muscle cars and street rods are driven quite a bit more than antique cars, so their actual usage causes the insurance rates to be quite different.

The car insurance quotes obtained from these specialty providers will be much more accurate in relation to the value of the car than a policy from a standard insurance company. By dealing in just these types of cars, they know not only the monetary value, but the time involved in building or restoring one of these and what it entails. This lets them tailor a policy that is specific to the vehicle and the vehicle's owner.

Antique car insurance quotes are a bit different in coverage as these vehicles are not normally on the road as near as much as the classics. Depending on actual use and road time, these vehicles may be insured for a bit less than the muscle cars and classics that will be driven on a regular basis. The coverage for physical damage can be upgraded as you see fit with a simple policy change.

Specialty companies like these not only offer car insurance quotes but quotes for antique m boats and motorcycles as well. The same car is taken with these in fitting a policy to an owner as with the classic cars. For those that own more than one classic or collectible, there are policies available to cover all in one that will cost much less than a separate policy for each.

When looking online for car insurance quotes, have all the pertinent vehicle information handy. Each website will have a brief request form that will need to be filled out as accurately as possible. The one item most people do not remember and have to go and get is the vehicle identification number, make sure to have this written down close by.

Car insurance quotes online are the quickest way to compare rates and coverage for any vehicle imaginable. With today's technology, these quotes may be returned to you in a matter of seconds. In certain cases, the insurance company may need to contact you for more specific details regarding the vehicle and this can make the quote results take a bit more time in getting back to you.

Take some time and research these companies carefully. There are many from which to choose. Finding the right one for your needs is just a few mouse clicks away.

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The Hardest Punch hits the Home Run!

By Al Case

When it comes to the martial arts a knock out is a home run. I don't care if you study kenpo or pa kau chang or savate, if the end result of your strike, or chokehold, is that the guy does not go unconscious, then you have not hit a home run. In short, you didn't complete the work.

If you swing and miss with your punch, it is a strike. Enough of these and you're going to strike out, because the other guy is going to come to the plate and get his chance to hit. And you cannot bet that when he gets to bat he is not going to swing for a home run.

If you swing and hit your opponent and there is no damage, it is a foul ball. If you hit a foul in this manner, you have wasted your time and effort, and he is that much closer to taking his turn at planting a fist on your face. So foul balls are a thing to be avoided when it comes to the martial arts.

If you swing a punch and hit him and hurt him, that is a definite base hit. If he takes a step back you have an advantage strategically, and you get to take another swing. You have gotten to first base, and you may, depending on your next swings of the fist, make it all the way around to home plate and knock him out.

If he staggers or shows weakness in any way, then you are solidly on second base. You have hurt him, and lessened the chances of him hitting a home run. Further, you have an advantage, no matter how temporary, and you need to really rock and roll on the guy.

If you swing a fist and knock him down, you have made it to third base. Now you know he is hurt, you see the look in his eyes, you see the awareness that you might be able to knock him all the way out. Knocking somebody down is awful close to knocking him out, and home base is in sight.

Now, the above being said, getting a base hit is okay in the long run, but they are not the home run, and there is risk of being put out yourself before you make it home. So you have train yourself to knock your opponent all the way out. You have hit him hard, you have to have the hardest punch in the world, and that is the real solution to the real home run.

The truth of the matter is no matter what martial art you are studying, Kenpo or aikido or savate, you have to knock him out. If you don't, if it goes to a decision, then nothing has really been decided. If there is no knock out then the fighters were only dancing, not really fighting, and neither fighter was able to get the job done, and they better get back to the dojo and study The True Martial Art.

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Security Ultra-Necessary For Them - Kids

By Veronica Carrillo

Do you have any idea what your children or employees do online when you are not around? Think about it, what kind of things do you do when nobody is around? I'm sure there are a few of us that are not too happy with our answers, so you can imagine what they do online. So why let it continue? Let Spector Pro show you exactly what they do.

Spector Pro 2010 is an amazing piece of software that records everything your family and employees do online. This includes recording all chats and instant messages, all emails sent and received, all websites visited and searches performed, every single keystoke that is typed which also includes user names and passwords which are normally hidden, what programs they access on the computer, how long they are on the computer and even takes screenshots of their screen so you can see exactly what they see!

These DVR hidden cameras do have a security purpose that is often overlooked by the rather secretive nature of them and that purpose would be to keep a watchful eye on your children even when you cannot be in the room with them. Children can be monitored from a distance allowing them to build important problem solving and self-entertaining skills while allowing you the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is going on.

USB DVR System-This relatively new way to protect your home include four indoor/outdoor cameras that can be mounted anywhere to see what is going on at your front door, backdoor or wherever. The cameras have day and night capabilities. They hook up to the hardware, the USB DVR, which then connects to your computer. The included software allows you to view from anywhere in the world there is internet. A wireless version is available.

With social sites such as MySpace and Facebook becoming so popular, we find our families and employees constantly chatting and giving out information that may impact the rest of their lives! Do you know who your family chats with? What they say and the information they give out? And your employees, are they constantly chatting online instead of working?

Once again the laws of the state should be followed. At this point in time video surveillance is allowable without informing those being recorded in all 50 states. If you are attempting to implement tighter security efforts in your home, you may want to consider the benefit of adding a nanny cam to your security arsenal.

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The Truth About Matrix Martial Arts and True Intelligence

By Al Case

It is easy to see that Matrix Martial Arts raises intelligence. It is a proven fact that when one matrixes his art, be it Kenpo or aikido or that rare form of wudan pa kua chang, the art becomes better, and the person becomes more intuitive, and his intelligence goes up. What is not so easy to see is why this is so.

Intelligence is measured in todays institutions through various tests. What these tests do, however, is tell you how big your memory is. What these tests do is evaluate how adequate your memory is.

Thus, current testing is checking the state of memory, and it has nothing to do with the factors of true intelligence. Current testing does nothing more than verify that the memorization methods of modern schools is working. To come to grips with what this really means we must define what true intelligence is.

True intelligence is the speed at which your mind works. There are other factors, but this is the one that is most important. This doesn't evaluate how big or good your memory is, but how fast you can interchange with the environment.

In the martial arts the student is instructed by having him or her memorize random strings of data. Or memorize random strings of random data, however you want to put it. The hope is that if you get a big enough memory then you can pull a trick out of the hat, and hopefully it is the right trick for the job at hand.

When you matrix the martial arts you put the data in logical order, no more random data, or random strings of data. Thus, you use less memory, and the data is filed properly for quick and accurate extraction. Thus, you are not distracted by incorrect data, the missing data and the gaps and holes and wrong arrangements of data and so on, and intuition can kick in.

Intuition means that the data being extracted for use is being extracted at near instantaneous speed. Furthermore, and here is a blessing, the data is never wrong. Thus, the true speed of the martial arts, when intuition kicks in, is in effect, and thus the students intelligence is raised.

Now, it doesn't matter what form of kung fu you study, or what style of karate, all that matters is that you take the time to rearrange the data by matrixing it. When you use matrix martial arts as a template, you see, it is nothing more than putting the book on the bookshelf. The trick here is that we are putting all the books on the bookshelf, in the right order, at the same time, and that is certainly measurable as an increase in intelligence.

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Keeping Your Valuables Safe

By Jacob Willerman

The deposit and jewelry boxes you have, as well as desk and cabinets, vehicle doors and windows, home and store front doors can all get ruined. Using a skilled locksmith you'll be able to have the assurance that you get the best work that will be done right and guaranteed.All to often, instead of finding an automotive locksmith, Washington DC residents try to take matters in to their own hands.

Many people think they have the skills to care for such things, and that is respected, and they soon find out that the professional is the one it is best left for. The locks and the keys that you use on a daily basis are of different kind and level of security whether they are for your home, car or office and they're designed to stop people from picking, especially the novice.

You can be sure there will moments when someone needs to deal with a lock out situation, be it on an object such as a desk or cabinet or their car or home, and it is not fun. You may not want it, but it happens and it happens without much trouble at all. If, for example, you're locked out of your vehicle, you can be sure that you're going to feel completely helpless.

Any type of lockout will leave you wondering how you will get by, and of course, how you will get in and the concern will ultimately lead to your wondering how you will ever get in. Instead of panicking, which is normal when this happens you can do yourself a favor and start to look for an Washington DC locksmith to help you.Usually when a person attempts to pick a lock and gain entry on their own there are more problems that arise and now they need repair work, resulting in higher costs.

Various things get stuck in locks, keys snap, credit cards don't work, windows become cracked, doors and the parts inside become ruined and now you have gone from a difficult, but easily fixable problem to a very bad day or night in Washington DC. While it may sound like a good idea to try and do it yourself you will always be better served by hiring a local locksmith.Objects that have locks on them have them there for a reason, which is to safeguard your belongings and you. You really can't look at it any other way you must let the experts care for them. If there is ill advised fiddling or attempts can destroy them or cause serious damage.

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A Great Cardio Workout to Do at Home! - Kettlebells and Intervals

By Veronica Carrillo

We all know that obesity is epidemic in North America, with the United States leading the way. The USA is the country with the most overweight people, and obese people on the planet. Almost 65% of the entire population are considered overweight and large portion are considered obese.

It is great for many reason, it takes rich, oxygenated blood to the cells and muscles of the body. Increases the strength of the heart and lungs and speeds up the metabolism of the body helping you to burn more fat more effectively. An example of an aerobics activity would be running, dancing for extended duration, swimming and brisk walking, biking and skiing.

Aerobics is great for increasing fitness levels, stamina, and conditioning of the body. It helps to release many important hormones and chemicals in the body that has a beneficial effect on our state of mind. High impact aerobics involves lots of movement, and in particular leg movement, such as step aerobics, dancing, kick boxing, running. In the past people have said that these type of movements are too stressful on your joints and body and can cause arthritis or inflammation of the joints.

Step aerobics is even more effective at burning calories. Step aerobics uses a platform, or a step to perform aerobic, or dance like routines. The reason why step aerobics is so effective at burning fat is because it uses the principle of aerobics, which increases the heart rate, increases the amount of oxygen your body needs, while working the largest groups of muscles in the body. The thigh muscles, hamstring muscles, glut muscles, and have muscles are the largest groups of muscles in the body. The movement of these muscles require a lot of energy this energy is supplied by store calories in the body. So the more these muscles are used in more calories are burned in the body.

So like everything else take proper precaution and build up slowly and in a few weeks you will find that you care able to do this more advance exercise routine more and more. If you are just getting started then you should go slow for a few days and build up to more complex and advance moves. It is important to keep proper form when performing any routine in order to prevent ny injuries.

A lot of people shy away from step aerobics because they feel that it is high impact and can create problems for knees, what with the advance of proper shoes, and proper work out that form, you can still get a great workout doing step aerobics without the chance of damaging your knees. Having said that care should be taken whenever you are doing step aerobics and it is very important that you stretch and warm-up for release before beginning a step aerobics routine. This reduce the chances of you injuring yourself and damaging your knees. But once you follow these simple guidelines you can lose weight, get in shape, and increase your endurance within just six weeks of working out 3 to 4 times a week, for about 45 minutes each time. Give it a try and you will see.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

A Review of Carbon Copy Pro To Take Your Internet Business Ambitions Skyward

By Neil Ashworth

If you look closely at carboncopypro and start to review the carboncopypro business you will realise that it is a business built from home using marketing and networking skills. You can live anywhere in the world and still build a carboncopypro business. There is a lot of competition from other online businesses and to build a carboncopypro business takes time and effort but it could be time well spent.

A business with carboncopypro could take on a whole new life for you. carboncopypro provides its members with the best training resources and marketing tools to not only improve their lives and their families but also others who decide to join carboncopyprio with them.

A review of carboncopypro and its business model would best describe it as a system for marketing online, which generates an income by introducing people to the wealth masters product line. This line of investment products and educational resources for entrepreneurs offer serious income streams for both carboncopypro members and wealth masters. The money which can be earned is significant but this is not a get rich quick programme. This is not for you if you are not prepared to work.

The business is built by two parties, carboncopypro and wealth masters international. In short, three different streams of income are made available to the carboncopypro group member, all offering a commission from the sale of financial services products with the support of the carboncopypro back office behind you.

You, as a carboncopypro business associate, need not ask for money or close the deal. This is one of benefits of joining carboncopypro and for those of us who are uncomfortable at the selling point a powerful aid. Funding the deal, however does involve some cost from you, somewhere around $150 a month to cover your ongoing marketing tools, training and business membership, but the potential benefits of possibly thousands of dollars works out to your advantage if you learn to use those tools well and put them to good use. Think of this as your ground rent if you were running a coffee shop or other small business or franchise model.

If you're comfortable with this element of the business model then you will also understand that to build a business with carboncopypro that generates a significant income then further costs are involved. The carboncopypro application process involves costs along the way, initially to purchase the application itself and then the business system. The system is set up to generate ongoing income for business builders.

Australia,New Zealand, UK or USA as well as 140 other countries and growing alll the time. carboncopypro is a business that you can build online from anywhere in the world and one which allows you to continue to grow your business and income from any part of the globe. Your part in the business partnership is simply to drive traffic to your website or in simple terms to show people the carboncopypro business and let them make up their own minds.

Carboncopypro operate along with wealth masters international a direct selling business model which offers up front payments as opposed to the typical mlm model of shared commissions split across multiple businesses. Put simply, carboncopypro works because it offers direct commissions to those who sell and those who sell can then continue to market their business with the necessary cashflow needed to market online.

Multi level commission plans although appearing lucrative on paper offer little up front reward and consequently little cashflow in the business itself.

The carboncopypro model is not just one level though and thats a good thing. Your sponsor or the person who introduces you to carboncopypro will also receive a commission for his or her efforts in supporting you. The system also helps you to build your carboncopypro business with training calls, emails and ongoing motivation from the carboncopypro team.

The carboncopypro business, like any business built online, takes time and effort and maynot be for you. But it does work and for those who commit to it offers and excellent income opportunity.

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Finding Competitive Auto Insurance Rates Online

By John Bellafonte

Most states require all motorists to acquire insurance to protect both themselves and other motorists. The two purposes for auto insurance include insuring your liability to others and insuring against harm others inflict on you or your car. This is known as collision coverage. State law requires you to purchase liability insurance but the amount you require should depends on the value of your automobile.

Collision insurance includes losses to your vehicle when involved in an accident. When involved in an auto accident there are many concerns, but generally an accident report will show who's at fault, the damage to the respective vehicles and if anyone was injured. Bodily injury is another story because every party involved in the accident, including pedestrians, are taken into consideration for a insurance claim.

When one of the drivers involved in an accident does not have coverage, the costs of damages must be recovered from other sources. Depending on the state, there may be a fund available to help absorb some of these costs. With the proper insurance coverage in place, the insured drivers provider may also help to cover some, if not all of the costs.

Auto insurance premiums will therefore be higher if this rider is in place to help absorb the cost of an accident with an uninsured motorist. While the act of operating a motor vehicle without insurance is a very irresponsible one, the costs still have to be provided for. This puts the burden on the responsible motorist that has insurance in place by adding to their monthly premiums.

With many people on the road, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, the providers must have a way to recover their losses when an accident occurs. The increased premiums allow them to do just that. Uninsured and underinsured drivers make up a small portion of people on the road today.

According to the Independent Research Council (IRC) in January 2009, approximately one driver in six operates a motor vehicle without insurance. In addition to that, the number of uninsured motorists decreased on a national scale from about 14.9% in 2003 to 13.8% in 2007. During the same time frame, the auto insurance premiums have increased about 1.5% due to safer cars, a decrease in accidents, and fraud fighting efforts, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Having a rider for uninsured motorist on your policy is generally a good idea even if the state does not require it. This can alleviate any issues should an accident occur involving you and one of them. The premium will not be much more than a policy without it, and the peace of mind that comes with it is invaluable.

In summary, the auto insurance industry needs to stay competitive while maintaining or increasing profits. Because of increased competition, you should find the insurance companies have found they can no longer raise rates just to increase profits. They have to justify increases with a better product or increased service but, either way, the consumer wins.

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What Is The Best Fitness Equipment For You?

By Fiona U. Edwards

New year's resolutions. The annual tradition of making promises to ones self. This year, 2010 represents a banner year with the marking of a new decade. Resolutions are bigger and better than ever, and made with more conviction than in the past. The standard resolution often surrounds losing weight, becoming more fit, or both. To that end, retailers of fitness equipment often run their best sales in January.

Exercise is key to weight loss. Scientific evidence proves this fact. If you want your weight loss to be long term you must include exercise in your plans. Because of this, many folks choose to purchase home fitness equipment. But the options are endless and choosing the right equipment can be daunting.

There are multitudes of machines and gadgets on the market to assist in your weight loss and fitness goals. The simplest products and perhaps the least expensive are fitness bands. This product has the appearance of rubber tubing with handles attached or large, long sheets of elastic. The purpose of these simple bands is to use them for resistance training. Usually such items are included as a set which comes with instructional booklets or DVD's.

A little more expensive but equally as simple are a wide range of exercise balls. Some rubber balls are quite large and used to balance on for the purpose of building core strength. Smaller balls can be heavier and used for strength training. Another type of ball is the very intriguing half ball. This ball, built on a platform can be used in the ball up or ball down position. The basis is that the user balances on top while completing various moves to improve balance and core strength.

For those with a plan to build significant muscle, with a bigger budget may opt for weight sets. The variety of weight sets and machines is staggering. From simple free weight sets to complete universal gyms designed for the home user, significant results can be seen quickly. It is always important with this sort of exercise to use proper form so paying for a few sessions with a personal trainer can be a great start.

When deciding to lose weight and get in shape, one must not forget about cardiovascular health. Keeping your heart healthy is the human equivalent of keeping the motor in your car in top form. Without it you are not getting anywhere!

There are hundreds of ways to improve cardiovascular health without purchasing fitness equipment. However, sometimes a new toy is just what we need to boost motivation. From jump ropes to tread mills, rowing machines to elliptical machines, the options are nearly limitless. The most important thing to remember when choosing fitness equipment will always be the same. Purchase something you will use. There are expensive fitness machines all over the world being used as clothes hangers and frankly, a coat hanger will not help you fulfill your resolutions!

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Importance of Diet for Great Abs

By Jeulus Humfeier

Everybody quests to have a solid pack of abs because it is a symbol of power, nutritious way of living and a model for others. A large number of people demands to have the same but it needs a lot of hard work and self-control. To achieve certain goals, you are required to serve nutritious foods and perform exercises for many hours at the bodybuilding clubs.

There is a general misconception about the enhancement of abs that it asks for a lot of tough exercises in gym and long distance running too. These things might help you in burning fats but the desired result of having flat abs will not be fully achieved. The important factor that fully guarantees you in-shape abs is your healthy and proper diet.

To make your abs attractive, unhealthy diet should be replaced with nutrition. Start with burning as much fats as you can, for the reasons that fats might be covering the all important abs that you want to bring out. Replace mayonnaise with mustard in your diet. Reduce cheese intake to as less as half. Avoid eating last especially before going to sleep. A lot of such tips are there to help the cause of achieving great abs.

Adding certain food item into your diet will help your cause big time. Beans are excellent to increase the protein count in your body. Replace fried food items with Lima or other protein-enriched items. Protein is the most important ingredient to tone and build your muscles.

A Large variety of protein-enriched food items are available. Tuna fish is remarkably low in fats and contains a very high level of proteins. Moreover, diets like eggs, chicken and peanuts are excellent for protein intake. The time you considerably cut down fats intake and add proteins, this is when you are on the right track of acquiring great abs.

Carbohydrate is another source of energy to the body and is normally consumed more than we need it. You can find loads of carbohydrates in bread, pasta and cereals. Its main purpose is to use the gained energy for proper functioning of body rather than preserving it in body. Beside this, look to go for a brisk walk everyday to show considerable results around your waist.

Another approach is to decline your bread and pasta intake levels to half. It may be difficult but many substitutes of high pasta ingestion are there. Vegetables can be considered in this way. Switching to pasta or spinach as an alternative to high carbohydrate foods will pack your muscles. Also, change salad vinaigrette to delicate or fat-free stuff.

Attainment of desired body demands various surrenders as mentioned above. Bringing replacements to your diet will bless you with more prominent abs along with the cutting all over your body. Moreover, ingestion of nutritious stuff demands comprehensive exercises. So, to achieve great level of abs, you should carry out a blend of diet as well as exercise.

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Comparing Cheap Insurance Quotes against Your Current Policy

By John Bellafonte

With the high cost of insurance, the need to reevaluate your current policy may come to light. No matter what they type, many insurance companies will charge more than the actual coverage is worth. One way to double check that what is being paid out is the proper amount is by requesting some cheap insurance quotes from different companies.

When looking for cheap insurance quotes online, one must first consider exactly what type of insurance is being utilized. Whether it is health, life or auto, there are many different providers and all may be found on the Internet. Once on their websites, a simple for is filled out to request a rate quote and coverage comparable to what is already in place.

By visiting different provider's websites, more than one quote may be obtained. Once these are in hand, the side by side comparison can begin of both price and coverage. While less expensive insurance may not always be better than what is already being used, there are many bargains out there that will cover the exact same issues for less.

The first issue that needs to be addressed is the policy deductible. This is the out-of-pocket money that must be paid before the actual insurance policy will go in to effect and cover the rest of the costs. In general, the lower the deductible, the higher the premium rate per month and visa versa.

Carefully choose the amount of coverage that is needed while applying for your cheap insurance quotes. For example, if choosing auto insurance, the amount chosen on medical coverage for the driver of a vehicle can be crucial in the event of an accident. Without enough coverage, the policy holder could easily find himself in great financial trouble if the other driver was seriously hurt and requires months of medical care and treatment.

Consumers, of course, must also consider the cost of insurance when selecting the best policy for themselves. As stated above, cheaper does not mean that the insurance is a better deal but the cost does play a very important role in decision-making. If you are unable to afford the better policy, it is always better to choose the one that is affordable over no insurance at all.

With the convenience that the Internet brings to gathering these cheap insurance quotes, there is no need to rush in to any decision. These can be read thoroughly and carefully checking all points in one against the others. The comparable providers may also offer discounts and lower rates simply to get your business and this can be quite advantageous in saving money.

While many people tend to pay a bit more than they should for insurances of all types and this is due mainly to the fact that they are unsure of exactly what the policy truly covers. The more educated a policy holder is, the more likely they are to be paying the correct amount for the proper coverage. These cheap insurance quotes allow for a brief education in what is available and how much it should really cost.

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The Best Ab Exercises To Get 6 Pack Abs In 1 Month

By Ronald Dotson

If you're like the general public, you're on the hunt for the best six pack exercises that will enable you to get 6 pack abs as speedily as possible.

While diet will be an extremely important factor for having success with getting six pack abs, performing proper abdominal exercises will also play a role.

Here are the 3 principles to follow when selecting the best ab exercises for your workout.

Reduce Stability

The first way to help boost the results you get from your ab exercise program-mes is to cut back your stability.

When you do this you are going to cause the abdominal muscles to work that much harder as they must stay contracted in order to make sure the body stays stable. You may regularly find that after performing the best ab exercises that involve instability you're truly sore deep within your core.

This is thanks to the fact that the muscles are hired to a way higher extent, actually helping push your six pack results further.

Involve Twisting Motion

The second factor that should be present in any 6 pack ab exercise program you do is twisting motion. While straight up and down crunches are good, they are not truly involving the obliques all that much. By adding a bit of a twisting motion in there, you're employed more muscle fibers, increasing your calorie burn and enhancing the belly fat loss that occurs.

Recruit Other Muscles

Finally, the third way to add more impulse to the abdominal workout you're doing is to sign up other muscles. So as an example, rather than just doing crunches, do body-weight squats on a bosu ball.

Since this works the whole body at once, you are going to get much better results and shorten the time you want to spend working the other muscles also.

Also, whenever you're working more muscles in the body you may also use up more calories, so getting closer to the goal to burn off as much body fat as possible.

So be sure you keep these factors in mind as you go about your ab workouts. Continually changing it up and trying new methods is also a good way to prevent a plateau from setting in where you now don't are making progress towards getting a six pack.

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Best Ab Exercises For Ladies

By Frederick R. Smith

Here are the best ab exercises for women... And they do not include crunches or sit ups. Crunches and sit ups suck for getting great feminine abs, or any abs in any way.

They are a complete waste of your time. I'll show you what you can do instead that'll let you lose 1.75 inches or more from your waist in a few short weeks.

Best Ab Exercises For women

1. Vacuum Pose

This exercise decreases inches from your waist better than any other exercise you can do. It's like sucking in your belly, but it is's different in how it's performed. What you do is suck in your belly button area ( your lower abs ) for as long as you can... Try for at least 15-60 seconds everytime. Rest then repeat. Doing just five minutes a day will make 1.75 inches of fat disappear around your waist in less than a month.

2. Hula ring

Hear me out, this isn't just for kids. It's great for toning and shaping the whole waist area... Making it a lot slimmer and giving it a very feminine look to it. Do this for ten minutes a day.

3. Hindu Squats

This isn't a direct ab exercise, but it indirectly works the abs because the abs are stabilizer muscles in the movement. Also, since these create such a big oxygen hole in your body, your body sucks up body-fat for fast energy... Customarily body-fat from your waist.

What you do is squat up and down really fast. No weights are concerned, you can do this at home. Be certain to swipe the ends of your fingers onto the ground with each passing repetition.

Do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. It's not simple, but it is not hard either. Those are a few of the best ab exercises for women to do to make a nice, lean, female belly.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why Respect The MCs Who Came Before You !

By L.J. James

I want to address a question I have gotten a lot recently. (I am sure it has a lot to do with the hit show Sons of Anarchy) It is from people who want to start new Motorcycle Clubs. They want to know if they should go to the predominate MCs in their area to talk about starting a new MC first. Many have said to me they do not understand the reason why they should go talk to them! Some have even gone as far as to say that if they have to go to the predominate MC in their area and ask permission that just proves that MC is a Criminal Gang! Not sure how they came to that conclusion but they are some very strong words sent over the computer.

I want everyone to remember I am writing this info as a guideline to those who are looking to get into the MC world and individual results may vary. This maybe some new fad to you but to true Motorcycle Club Members this world is everything!

For my answer to this Question I am going to put aside any statements of having to ask permission of the MCs in your area first. I am going to instead ask why would you not speak to the MCs in your area and get their Blessing first before starting a new Motorcycle Club. Many say it's because they are going to start a different type of Motorcycle Club. They may even be calling themselves something different like a Riding Club or a Motorcycle Association. Are your Members going to ride Motorcycles and have patches on their vests? If the answer is yes, Then again why not go speak to those who have come before you and paved the roads you now wish to ride down!

For many I know the reason they don't want to ask is simple fear! Fear of what they do not know or what they think they do know. If it is fear, then it is because you do not know the real Motorcycle Club world! Now every Motorcycle Club in the world is different. But most Motorcycle Clubs don't mind helping to get a new MC started and teach them what it really means to be in a Motorcycle Club, I can guarantee you it is something you will not learn on TV no matter how many episodes you may watch!

Now if you have decided that what you really want is to start up a new Motorcycle Club, One thing I want to make sure you know is something every Father should have taught his Son as a Child and that is "Do not lie and Always do what you say you are going to do" One fact I will also give you is the MC world is all about Respect! If you just start up a new MC without talking to the other clubs in your area that will most likely be seen as disrespectful!

Let's think about some other reasons you would want to talk to the MCs in your area first. You are going to want to make sure your new Patch or MC name is not similar to another Motorcycle Club. Many MCs have worked hard over the years to create a name and image for themselves. They will not like the idea of you either using a name close to theirs or wearing a patch that looks like theirs. The reason being is a simple one, They do not want you being mistaken for them doing anything that would make them look bad. You also could be seen as trying to ride on their coat tails by using the reputation they have worked hard for. You may not understand it now but the MC world is a Brotherhood and if you are fortunate enough to be welcomed into it, You will understand after years of working hard creating a name for your MC. The bottom line is meeting with the MCs in your area and talking with them before starting a new MC is the right thing to do!

Another fear many have is they wrongly believe they will be forced to do things for these other MC's. The only thing most Clubs may ask of you is to come to a few of their events each year have fun and again to show Respect!!!

Now I have heard complaints from many that there are areas where the MCs have decided they do not want any more new MCs! Well all I can do is guess why that might be! The reason I would think that Motorcycle Clubs would say no more Clubs in an area is that there are already a lot of different MCs in that area and they all get along real well. These MCs would not want anything new coming in and messing up the harmony they have created.

Now like I said before the reason most say they want to start a new MC is because they want to start something different then what is in that area. Well often that is not the truth. The real reason People usually want to start a new MC is because they do not want to have to Prospect! If the only reason you want to start a new MC is because you are not willing to prospect, My best advice to you is to stay an independent rider because you will not last long in the Motorcycle Club world anyway!

I am Your Bro LJ James

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Best Ab Exercises? Get Hot Abs With These Popular Abdominal Exercises

By Nolan Stokes

Trying to find 6 pack abs to improve your appearance but do not know where to start? These 6 pack waist exercises are not incredibly difficult, but they're important ( and particular ) because your goal is so outlined.

The following 3 exercises are a few of the best ab exercises for those wishing to get 6 pack abs, so take good notes!

Crunches are where you lay flat on the floor with the exception of your knees that must be bent. Alternate moving each arm over your chest while feeling your abdominal muscles tightening up and possibly burning to get the full effect. These are widely said to be the best 6 pack stomach exercises, but there are others that can achieve your goal. However , six pack waist exercises should be revolved on a constant basis.

Lying Bicycles are when you're lying supine on the floor with your legs raised at the hips and hands beside your head.

Bending your right leg at the knee while pulling your right thigh up at the hip along with curling your backbone will achieve the goal. Just as you may have been able to glean by reading the title, this exercise should make you appear to be riding a bike while lying in the floor.

Seated Jackknife exercises are when you are sitting flat on a bench with your legs extended in front of you with your upper body at a forty five degree angle to the bench.

Fold your body by bringing your legs in and curling your backbone forward and bend your knees as you raise your legs inward. Hold the position for an instant and then return to the original position.

Don't believe that doing 6 pack waistline exercises one day will make a six pack the subsequent day, it is unquestionably a process! Just remember that this is a major goal for you and you wanted it so bad at the beginning.

These integral 6 pack stomach exercises are a great most important step, but there are more to come, stay motivated!

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Use The Two Best Ab Exercises

By Adrian Edwards

While there are many exercises for abs out there, found in places from fitness magazines to the internet, there only exists an upper-echelon of exercises for abs that are truly the most effective towards your rectus abdomens, frequently known as the six pack.

The best exercises for abs are reasonably simply to do and need no gym membership, only dedication and time. So, Without further ado, I would like to present to you a couple of the best exercises for abs out there today.

The first of these exercises for abs is known as the abdominal hold. To try this ab exercise properly, please :

1) Sit tall on the fringe of a robust chair, placing your hands on the edge with your fingers indicating your knees.

2) Tighten your abs and bring your toes 2 to four inches off the ground, lifting your butt off the chair.

3) Hold this position for five to 10 seconds.

4) Lower yourself down and do it again for one whole minute.

Pretty easy, was not it? Now, here is another one of the finest exercises for abs. This one is called the Side Crunch'. To do this other exercise for your abs properly, please :

1) Kneel on the floor and lean all of the way over to your right side, placing your right palm on the floor.

2) While keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg while pointing your toes.

3) Place your left hand behind your head, pointing your elbow towards the ceiling.

4) Next, slowly lift your leg to hip height as you extend your arm above your leg, with your Palm facing forward.

5) Look out over your hand while bringing the left side of your rib cage towards your hip.

6) Lower yourself back down to beginning position and repeat 6-8 more times. Do 2 more sets and then switch sides.

So there you have it, two very good exercises for abs that target your rectus abdomens better than most other exercises for abs out there.

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Leadership Skills Happen at Camp

By Lonnie Lorenz

More than ever before we need leaders. Those who attend Overnight Summer Camps tend to teach skills like flexibility along with problem solving. Living with those who are not the same as yourself and are from different parts of the country or world promotes an acceptance of diversity. Those who send their children to Overnight Summer Camps have long been aware that camps promote a childs personal growth and development. Many of these traits include: independence, responsibility, cooperation, teamwork and a willingness to try new concerns.

As summer camp director since 1996 we know that the best directors are intentional in using their camps resources to promote specific aspects of positive personal development . It is because of this intentionality that we as camp professionals can see and measure how campers are growing and developing as individuals during their stay at camp.

At Swift Nature Camp we work one on one with camp staff to ensure that they realize that they have an obligation not only to keep children safe but to encourage and assist campers in their own personal development and growth. During daily staff meetings we check in with staff to see if they are on course with the parents directives as well as the camps goals.

Our older teens receive the chance to guide younger campers as well. This counselor in training program is designed to help teen engage in leadership and decision-making. Classes teach leadership skills as well as child development. Then they get to get out and see it works for them. These teen need to have desire to participate and lead others, without this desire they just become older campers. But for those who want to become better leaders in the future this is a great program.

Camp is a place that requires boat loads of energy and many find it difficult too give both physically and emotionally all the time. Participating enthusiastically in all activities helps to creates a contagious atmosphere that makes all of a camp fun. Leaders Know how to motivate and encourage, two things taught at summer camp.

Camps provide an opportunity to be role models and mentors to younger children. This is not only true for those staff members but also for campers. For many, this is the first time that they realize the natural power they have over others. They learn skills for group management and gaining respect and for teaching children new skills and encouraging them to try new things.

Overnight Summer Camp is full of fun! But, what makes camp so special is it provides the opportunity for kids, teens and young adults to practice and learn their leadership skills in a loving and supporting environment.

Learn more about Picking a Summer Camp. Visit summer camp advice a free website with loads of camp information.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Building a Rock-Hard Physique with the Help of Home Gyms

By Hanif Furqan

If you start your search for exercise machines by investigating the many models of Body Solid home gyms, such as the Body Solid EXM-1500S Single Stack Home Gym, you may discover that you won't have to go anywhere else. To compliment their comprehensive collection of commercial gym machines, Body Solid manufactures an incredible array of residential equipment, from free-weight benches to functional training gyms suitable for sports-specific strength training or physical therapists. The advantage you will discover is common to all the Body Solid home gyms is their comprehensive In-Home Lifetime Warranty that really does apply to "...everything. Forever. Period."

The Classic series of Body Solid home gyms is a good spot to look at first. "Classic" for this company doesn't simply denote "old and unexciting", while one of those is included, but this line of gyms covers everything from a $300 bungee-powered pilates-style machine to a total gym structure for in excess of $7000. The feature that renders these gyms as "classic" is that they offer numerous features yet they are all nice and straightforward and easy to work with. If your workout needs are fairly standard and you are most comfortable with a structured routine, the Classic line of Body Solid EXM-1500S ought to answer your expectations.

The Body Solid home gyms which comprise the G-series are classified as mid-range home gyms that are also economical and dependable. This series contains 9 practical models which range in size from closet-sized to three-car-garage sized, and range in expense from $1200 to $3500. The bigger G-Series gyms are well-appointed for bodybuilding , yet the more compact gyms will easily support general muscle toning activities. The G-series machines are most suitable for experienced home gym users who are trying to find the mid-point between usefulness and affordability.

Body Solid's Fusion gym systems are made for dedicated fitness enthusiasts who want versatility and performance in their Body Solid home gyms. Fusion gyms are produced in three models which are great looking and also extremely functional, and have been produced with the most stringent quality materials. The Fusion gym's amount of adaptability is illustrated in the series names; they are named the Fusion Personal Trainers owing to their potential to customize your exercise session.

Throughout the past decade, Body Solid's functional trainers and crossover stations have produced the best strength training sessions available in the areas of both efficiency and price. This line of Body Solid home gyms supports fitness enthusiasts who would like to set up their own bodybuilding plans and are searching for a product which will not control their options. Their interchangeable cable pulls and limitless range of adjustments accessible with this line of home gyms help the user to change his fitness routine every 24 hours, if you prefer. Whether your focus is on core stability or a sport-specific training program, Body Solid EXM-1500S Single Stack Home Gym can provide you with the challenges you prefer and the physique you need.

Body Solid home gyms have been designed to work with any financial situation and any intention, so the odds of purchasing the appropriate home gym for your needs are likely. The quality and practicality of these machines is predictably appealing, but including the most complete guarantee in the business is additionally a successful selling point.

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Consumers Find Insurance Coverage With A Free Life Insurance Quote

By John Bellafonte

Life insurance is not something people generally love to think about, much less plan for. Many times, people put off purchasing life insurance because they are healthy and don't expect anything to happen to them. Although we cannot predict the future, we can make sure we have life insurance in case something happens to our spouse or us. A free life insurance quote is offered by insurance companies to help consumers affordably shop around for competitive life insurance rates.

The 2 main types of life insurance are term and whole life insurance which most consumers are going to be able to purchase. When term life is purchased, it is typically bought over a period of time and does not pay in full until the entire premium is paid off. Whole life insurance is fully purchased at the time and the policy is going to be paid off immediately at the time of death. Those who choose whole life insurance may find that the cost is quite a bit more than term.

Those who wish to protect the finances of their family members when they are gone should have this type of coverage. Passing away is always an uncomfortable subject to discuss. It should be discussed however along with the plans for keeping the family solvent even after the main bread winner has passed away. Anyone in the United States can get a free life insurance quote to help their families after they have gone.

All it takes is a quick application to get an online quote. There are some websites that specialize in gaining multiple quotes from one online application. Once these websites have the information from the application, they send it out to all of the insurance companies in their network.

This is a great way to get some quick comparison shopping done without having to spend hours searching online. This is the quickest way to find the company who is going to provide life insurance. It only takes a few minutes to get these quotes.

Using the internet allows those who are searching the opportunity to decide which types of quotes that they want returned to them. Insurance companies are then going to try to send the best deal to the consumer as they want their business. All of the companies that feel that the consumer has met the needs for obtaining life insurance from their companies will return the quotes back to the consumer. The information provided by the consumer will not be as detailed as when the policy is actually purchased.

Any time quotes are received, they should be read through before contacting the individual insurance company to purchase the insurance. It is important to understand everything that the quote is saying. Those who need help with this can contact the agencies directly to get more clarification on the details of the insurance quote.

Purchasing life insurance can be one of the most important purchases for anyone. This is going to aid those left behind to keep from being destitute. Keep in mind any monthly expenditure when deciding on the amount of the coverage so that they are going to be financially stable.

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Your Safety and Security Can Be Trusted to a Mesa Locksmith Pro!

By Jason Skeggs

Sometimes, as a locksmith here in Mesa, I am asked to do a job which is not able to be done by other so called locksmiths. While I am happy to do the work, it is an issue that I and all other trained Mesa locksmiths because we are proud of our skills not just what we do, but being experts in our field, and when you need a locksmith you should be able to know you're getting a real one. Due to things like this we will review some good questions for you to ask a locksmith before they have a chance to do any work you need done.

Make sure to be smart and not let a person start a job if you have any reason to doubt their expertise and you, the customer should always ask questions and know that we are here for you. There are no exceptions to this first thing, make sure that your locksmith in Mesa, AZ is licensed and bonded. Accept nothing else as if any damage occurs, this is your insurance.

Of course the job performed can seem simple, but anything can happen and you should always be protected against any possibility. You will want to be always explain what you need and where you are located. It might be auto lockout, a broken lock for a file cabinet, or many other things, but be clear. No matter what the issue is a reliable locksmith will get you a quote that, while maybe not exact, will be extremely close and honest.

Remember the quote because you don't want to be fleeced for more money for a quick and easy job. Let's say that the locksmith has a difficult time, for a long time on something simple, like letting you in your home, or making keys you might want to stop them from continuing. The best thing you can do here is ask for a more experienced person to help. Nobody wants someone with a lack of experience to work on their homes, businesses or vehicles.

You have to see to it that no one but a professional meets your needs, or you risk great problems. The skillful locksmith you are using in might be short on conversation in some cases, due to being busy and focused on work; however you can be certain that the work will get done exactly how it should be. Do not ever give out any more information than you have to, as a locksmith only needs to prove that the building or car is yours. This is a good precaution, as you wouldn't want just anyone pretending to be you and this will be asked any time a locksmith arrives.

Of course you need this kind of defense, and make sure that any criminally minded folks cannot have access to your world, the locksmith that is called must take care of themselves, too, so that they do not assist in a crime of any kind. Stay on guard to get the best you can out the person doing work for you.

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Don't Push The Panic Button Yet...A Locksmith Can Help!

By Sean Keystone

You can do everything to make sure your Paradise Valley house or auto keys stay in your possession, but more often than not you or someone you know has lost their keys. Try as you might to be diligent and remember it's merely something, fluke or not, that rears its head, and you can bet that it is rather frightening for you or any person that has lost or broken their keys as well as anyone who is getting a ride with the person, especially at night.

If, at any time, this type of scenario comes about you can be sure that panic will ensue, and there is an option that is available to help you quickly and get you back in your vehicle before you know it. Firstly, try to not be overtaken by the ensuing panic. While that might be difficult to do in the moment you should know that a Paradise Valley locksmith will be able to come to your location the minute you contact them.

Instead of getting mad be pro-active and look around for your keys. Day or night, and no matter where you are, take the time to look around. If you're at home, or at work, or even out with friends for the evening stop and take a moment, retracing your day or night, for where your key might be. It is not unusual for people to place their keys in their normal place after years of using them. Keys can fall out of pockets and purses, friends holding them can lose them.

You must remember to be relaxed if, as time goes on, you can't find the keys. Of course it is a hard time, but it is one that will pass quickly and be over soon. Sometimes you are in this situation alone and you want to see to it that you let no one, especially strangers, try to "help" you, even if someone says they are good with locks. By doing this you are inviting damage to occur and let any shady folks have their way with your car and possibly your safety.

It is simple to call information if you're out or look on the internet to find a locksmith and that scary moment will quickly go from bad to good. The work will get done before you know it as soon as they see what they need to do and you will be on your way out of there. Yes, it's scary, but remember a locksmith there in Paradise Valley is ready and able to help you 24/7, every day.

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A Locksmith in Gilbert Will Help You on Your Roadtrip!

By Larry Finnegan

Road trips are a good time and many Gilbert residents like to take them and you must plan for everything when you decide to do this. The first thing is to know where you want to visit, because if you have nowhere to go, then you don't have a trip.

There is a lot to plan for, like drive time, food and gas costs, where will you be staying, costs of attractions and more. And before you make your way on the adventure that is the road you will want to ponder other things that can come up and greatly affect the time you are having. One thing that I am sure you know you will always need, at home or on the road, are your keys. Keys are the tools to get in and out of your car, and start it, and if you don't have them, you don't get to go further.

It is a great idea to make copies and store them in a purse or bag or and a copy of one can be left with a close friend or even a relative to be mailed if the fun and excitement you are having somehow makes it that the keys get lost. Even if you have a transponder key you can purchase an extra at a dealership or you can get copies from a local Gilbert locksmith.

All locksmiths agree that before anyone starts their journey and before you even start your way past the first mile a good idea is to not bring house keys or other keys that you won't need while you are gone. There are many places to leave or store them in your automobile and you can always leave them there with friends or family member that you trust with your keys. The main thing to watch for when traveling is how calm and level headed you will be should keys become lost, stolen or broken. You can be certain that in any town you find yourself in there will be a locksmith that can help you.

If you have broken or lost keys you can be sure that you will be able to get back on the road as soon as the locksmith arrives and helps you. As we started this article saying, being prepared is the best advice out there and planning includes more than just costs and safety, you'll want to know what to do and be ready in case of lock or key issues that come up frequently on the road.

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Best Ab Exercises - Quickly See Dynamite Results

By Aldo Clayton

Everybody wants their midsection to look good. If your abs are not in fine condition, you're nobody, at least to some. While a slim, muscled midsection looks great, it will look even better on a body which is well toned all around. Incorporate ab exercises into your routine for nice looking abs - and a nice looking body!

There are essentially quite a few good ab exercises out there. If you try one and it's not for you, just move on, there's more to make a choice from. Each exercise works better for some people than others. You'll have to try many before finding some which you like. And of course, your abs still get an exercise session irrespective of which one you select.

1. Stationary Bike Crunches - Now while crunches can't do the job alone, they are advantageous. Bicycle crunches employ all of your ab muscle regions : rectus abdominal, lower abdominal and oblique abs. Do this exercise lying on the floor, back rounded and hands behind the neck to avoid straining yourself. Your higher abs will be engaged, and your lower abs will come into play as you lift your knees up to form a 90 degree angle. Move the other knee to the center of your body while moving the opposite elbow to your knee. Alternate sides for one full count every time.

2. Kickboxing and self-defense skills - You can take classes at the gymnasium or try using TaeBo tapes. The pulling down motions of your arms and the upward motion of your legs is like doing a crunch standing up! Kickboxing uses all of your abdominal muscles so helping your entire body burn fat. All the movements you'll do are done with your abs tightened ; this can help you keep balance for a better workout.

3. Torso Twists - A body twist tightens your abs as you move from side to side briefly rapid movements. You have to do this one right to really benefit your abs. Broomstick twists are done by standing and doing a sweeping motion first on one side, then the other. Stand with bent knees and arms extended on both sides. Try and keep your hips still as you do the exercise. You need to make your abs do the work here.

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How to Hit Harder than Mike Tyson!

By Al Case

Wham bam! Iron Mike Tyson, back in the day, was knocking them down faster than they could stand up. Twelve of his first nineteen fights ended in the first round, and always with the opposing fighter laying face down like a drunk that had been massaged by a tractor!

No other fighter was doing what Iron Mike, who the media labeled as Kid Dynamite, was doing, and there were a lot of strong fighters out there. So there had to be something that Mike was doing that other fighters did not know about. There simply had to be a secret behind his fantastic, explosive filled, slobber knocking punches!

The secret can be detailed in two parts. The first part is that he was not as tall as the other fighters, therefore he was automatically ducking under the incoming fist, and rising up with his own. This meant that he had to use the push of his legs as part of his punch.

Because he was rising up, he learned how to push with his legs and use his hips so they assisted the angle of his punch. He just happened to be the exact height that enabled him to arc his punch at exactly the right angle, to pop that chin at exactly the right spot. Every fighter attacked him in similar fashion, he defended the same way, and he went on winning until opposing fighters analyzed him correctly and actually boxed him!

The other part of the secret has to do with the way he was living his life. He was winning fights as long as Cus DAmato was training him, because Cus DAmato was keeping him in hand, caring about him as an individual, working with him as a person. When Cus died, however, everything changed for Iron Mike Tyson.

After Cus died Tyson came under the influence of such people as Don King. His marriage ended in divorce, and he eventually began taking prescribed medicine. The mental edge evaporated, and other fighters were no longer coming in in exactly the right manner to be taken apart by him.

So the secret of Mike Tysons fantastic, first round knock out punch had to do with taking advantage of his height to use his legs and come up under his opponent It also depended upon the discipline in his life, which was enforced through the friendship of a man who cared about him as a person. And he began losing when fighters figured him out and he no longer had a trainer who could help him solve the issue.

The lesson here is that when you train in the martial arts, be it boxing or whatever, you must assess your body truthfully, and learn how to avoid its weaknesses and exploit its strengths, not an easy thing to do, but rather requiring an honest and truthful approach to oneself. The second thing you must do is live your life the right way, staying away from people who say they love you, but who act otherwise, this is seen easily if you look at how they treat people in their past. Anybody who utilizes these two principles, being accurate in your assessment of your body and living a good lifestyle, has a chance to develop the hardest punch in the world.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Most Effective And The Best Ab Exercises

By Irvin Ewing

The best ab exercises according to one study were those that showed greater effectiveness in the abdominal muscles. When doing abdominal exercises you can feel it in your muscles but to really give you a great ab workout, you want to use those abdominal exercises that are the most effective.

So what are the best ab exercises you ask? If you are thinking it is the traditional crunch you would be wrong. In a study conducted by the Bio-mechanics Lab in San Diego the traditional crunch came in at the bottom three. The study included thirteen common abdominal exercises including some using abdominal exercise equipment.

This study included 30 healthy men and women. They ranged from 20 years old to 45 years old and ranged from little or no activity to daily exercise routines. Each person was given a chance to practice the abdominal exercise before performing 10 to 12 repetitions. The study used an electromyography to measure the activity in the rectus abdominus and the oblique muscles.

How to do the Bicycle Crunch

1. Lie flat on your back and place your hands loosely behind your head. 2. Raise your left leg and bend your knee at a 45 degree angle. 3. Lift your other leg off the floor keeping your leg straight. 4. Lift your body up slightly touching your right elbow to your left knee. 5. In a bicycle motion with your legs, switch your left elbow to your right knee. 6. Repeat this motion for 10 to 12 repetitions.

How to do the Captain's Chair

This abdominal exercise requires a "captain's chair" which can be found at most gyms.

1. Firmly grip the handles with both hands and place your elbows flat against the padded arm rest. 2. Start with your legs dangling. 3. Slowly lift both knees towards your chest. 4. Slowly return both legs to the starting position.

For a slight variation to this exercise, when bringing your knees up twist slightly at the trunk.

How to do the Exercise Ball Crunch

1. Sit on the exercise ball with your feet flat to the floor. 2. Let the ball roll back slightly and lie back until your thighs and torso are even with the floor. 3. Raise your torso to a 45 degree angle while pushing your naval towards your back contracting the muscles. 4. Repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions.

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Developing Personal Home Security Plans

By Kodie Eason

Everyone wants to take care of the things they love and the things they have worked hard to earn. Regardless of whether it is your family, your new car or your old baseball card collection, you want to protect these things from harm. Your home is no exception and while you may consider it safe there are no guarantees that it won't be burglarized. This is why it is so important to take measures to ensure the safety of your home.

There are several steps you can take to prevent your home from being burglarized. Following these steps will help insure the safety of your home and your loved ones. While some options are costly and time-consuming, others are very simple, inexpensive or even free! Start by always locking your doors, put lights and appliances on timers so that it appears that some is home even when you're not, don't hide a key in obvious places near the front door, and be sure to change the locks when you move into a new home or lose your keys somewhere.

Search the internet as well for simple tips on keeping your home safe and protected. There are other, more drastic measures you can take to ensure your homes' safety. One of the best ways to ensure your homes' protection is to install a security system. There are several different types of alarm systems from which to choose. Shop several companies to compare benefits and make sure you are getting what you desire.

Many alarm systems come with signs and/or stickers that can help ward off potential burglars. You may consider simply purchasing one of these signs in hopes of deterring potential thieves. A simple "Beware of Dog" sign can work wonders. Consider protecting your home from the inside by installing a home surveillance system.

Home surveillance cameras installed throughout your house and in strategic locations can help you know exactly what is happening in your home at all times. These cameras can be very useful in protecting loved ones from abuse or theft by nannies or housekeepers as well as capturing intruders on film!

Whatever methods you choose to enhance your home security, you will rest easier knowing that you did something. If an elaborate alarm system is not within your budget, the small changes that you make around your home will work to discourage burglars from targeting your home. By utilizing some of these techniques, you will help to insure the safety and security of your loved ones and your valued possessions.

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Dallas Home Security

By Tim Walter

If you are living in dallas, Texas, there are several dallas home security companies that provide security services. Both wired and wireless security systems. When determining whether to install a wired or wireless home security system in your home, one of the main things to consider is money vs. results. While wired security systems offer only a few advantages, wireless ones are a perfect solution for homeowners who want to protect their homes from burglary while simultaneously saving money.

Home security can range from a simple alarm system, to a camera, to the more advanced technological components. Let's look at some of the most popular home security systems out there today. There are several dallas home security companies that provide residential and commerical security services. Some home security companies in dallas offer free one month or free installation. They also offer several other free perks when you sign a contract for home security system.

Many homeowners are scared that one day they will be the victims of a burglary. There are a number of ways you can improve your home security. First and foremost, make sure you have a spare key. Many burglars know that homeowners are likely to keep a spare key in a number of places. For example, under the doormat, in a potted plant, under a rock and so forth. One way you can avoid this is by leaving a key with a family member, having fingerprint entry and/or a keypad door lock. Never leave a spare key for your house in your car. If you accidently leave your car unlocked in your garage, the burgular can easily gain access to the key of your home if left inside the vehicle.

Another way a wireless alarm home security system helps homeowners in dallas, Texas save money is the ease with which you can transport it. Wired alarm systems are impossible to transport if you move to another home since everything is hardwired to the house, whereas wireless components are easy to remove and set up wherever you go. As a result, a wireless system saves you the cost of having to purchase a new system if you decide to move at some point.

One can prevent a number of incidents if one is aware of all around them. Getting to know your neighbors is one of the best burgular deterrents you can have. Whenever you are out of town or away from your house, your neighbors can keep an eye on your house if your home security system is down. They will know the way you left it, in what condition, and usually how the perimeter of the house was left. If they notice anything out of line, you can ask them to contact you by leaving your cell phone number. If you are not very friendly with your neighbors, antoehr way your can achieve the same goal is by having a family member drive by your property every other day to make sure everything is in line. You should also read dallas home security companies reviews before selecting the best company for your home security. There are several online resources that provide reviews for home security companies and one should take advantage of them.

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Houston Home Security System

By John Watts

"What home security system should I purchase in Houston, Texas?" is the basic question every average homeowner asks himself at one time or another. Whether you live in an apartment, a house, a condo, in today's day in age everyone is worried about their home security. With crime happening in every city around the globe, it's no wonder why the average homeowner considers a home security system.

When you walk into a department store, its difficult to decide which home security system is best for your home. Obviously, each system has its own perks. Cost and product features play a big part in deciding which home security system is best for you. Home security can range from a simple alarm system, to a camera, to the more advanced technological components. Let's look at some of the most popular home security systems out there today. There are several Houston home security companies that provide residential and commercial security services. Some home security companies in Houston offer free one month or free installation. They also offer several other free perks when you sign a contract for home security system.

Many homeowners are scared that one day they will be the victims of a burglary. There are a number of ways you can improve your home security. First and foremost, make sure you have a spare key. Many burglars know that homeowners are likely to keep a spare key in a number of places. For example, under the doormat, in a potted plant, under a rock and so forth. One way you can avoid this is by leaving a key with a family member, having fingerprint entry and/or a keypad door lock. Never leave a spare key for your house in your car. If you accidentally leave your car unlocked in your garage, the burglar can easily gain access to the key of your home if left inside the vehicle.

Make sure that all your doors and windows lock properly. It is very easy access to a burglar if your door has cracks and is wide open. If you have a door knob that is broken, make it your first priority to fix it right away. Please stray away from the misconception that if a window is on the second or third floor it is not a priority. If you have a home security system please utilize it. Having one present in your home and not using it is pointless. Make sure to test your alarm on a regular basis to make sure it is functioning properly and in order. Paying for a home security system and not using it is wasting your own hard earned money. Keep the area around your home clean and in order. Burglars are known for loving homes that have a number of bushes and trees that can be easy hiding spots for them. Being aware of your surrounding is key. One can prevent a number of incidents if one is aware of all around them. Getting to know your neighbors is one of the best burglar deterrents you can have. Whenever you are out of town or away from your house, your neighbors can keep an eye on your house if your home security system is down. They will know the way you left it, in what condition, and usually how the perimeter of the house was left. If they notice anything out of line, you can ask them to contact you by leaving your cell phone number.

Whenever you are out of town or away from your house, your neighbors can keep an eye on your house if your home security system is down. They will know the way you left it, in what condition, and usually how the perimeter of the house was left. If they notice anything out of line, you can ask them to contact you by leaving your cell phone number. If you are not very friendly with your neighbors, another way your can achieve the same goal is by having a family member drive by your property every other day to make sure everything is in line. You should also read Houston home security companies reviews before selecting the best company for your home security. There are several online resources that provide reviews for home security companies and one should take advantage of them.

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Leadership Interview Questions And Answers

By John Smith

If you are in a leadership role and have a modus operandi like "Oh my gosh, I forgot about x, y, and z and this deadline is up - can you bail me out?" then it can deflate your oraganization. Alternatively think whether this signify other problems like poor time management or an inability to multi-task, plan ahead and stay organized? The following basic steps can help you stay on top of your game.

Delegate the right way: You can't do everything, nor should you want to. Remember delegation is a key of all effective leadership. . If you're trying to do everything without any delegation, that's probably the root of your problem. Also keep in mind there is such a thing as too much delegation. Maintain an active role in the organization to bolster your credibility and relevancy with your team. It also presents opportunities to prove you will do what you say you'll do.

Another key aspect is delegating the right way. Never delegate at the last moment. It's also important that you're not approaching team members only when you need something. Develop relationships and talk to them even when you don't have to. Lastly, spread the delegated tasks around so you're not monopolizing any one person's time.

Plan Ahead: What works for your colleague might not work for you, but find a system that does work and stick with it. Whatever it takes to get the job done and remember all your commitments, that's what you should do. Keep a planner, set cell phone reminders, make lists, and send voicemail. In short find a system to manage information.

Stop and think: It a good habit to plan your day, it helps immensely in your everyday routine. Make it a habit each evening or each morning to think about the next 24 hours you're about to face. Don't hesitate to ask colleagues and family members for a little help jogging your memory. Everybody needs a little assistance sometimes, but you must balance that with self-sufficiency. If you don't, you may look around one day and see nobody to help you out. They'll be too busy dodging your phone calls.

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