Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Karate, Tigers, and You!!

By Al Case

Don't ever try to eat anything that's got bigger teeth than you. I know that's not much when it comes to words of wisdom, but there is a certain undeniable truth here. Such as when a student starts to complain that he is tired.

"Al, I'm tired." I looked at the youngster and knew that he wasn't tired, he was just being childish. The problem was that he had chosen to do so right in the middle of my karate class.

When one of these hopes for our future stops my class for such foolishness I am not particularly pleased. I am suddenly beset by the desire to pick up that large stick with a nail in it that I keep in the corner of my dojo and...but I don't. Instead, I make them listen to the story of the tiger, which is an interesting tale from another culture.

Two monks were walking through the jungle one day. One was young and one was old. The younger one said, "Can't we stop--I'm tired!"

"Not yet," said the older monk. The old monk moved a little faster. He wasn't in the mood to hear complaints from the younger generation.

"I can't go on. I'm too tired to walk. I'm stopping," and the younger monk sat down at the side of the trail and began to fan himself.

"We'll never make it to the next temple if you insist on stopping. Get up and let's continue!" The older monk commanded the younger man, but his words had no effect.

"No. I'm just too tired!" The younger monk kept fanning himself.

The older monk, seeing a tiger sleeping in the bamboo, picked up a rock and threw it at the tiger. The tiger jumped up and chased the two monks. The monks ran a tiger was after them.

The monks ran and ran and ran, and finally the tiger slowed down. When they were safely away the younger monk turned to the older monk. "Why'd you throw the rock at that tiger?"

The older monk laughed. "I guess you weren't really all that tired after all." The younger monk finally recognizing superior wisdom, began to laugh, too.

There is a bit of wisdom to be had from such a story as this. The monks, you see, were running for their very lives. The tiger, on the other hand was only running for a little dinner.

And here come my words of wisdom. Is every day like a run for your life? Or are you one of these fellows that believes everything has bigger teeth that you?

Oh, yes, and that child in my class who complains about being tired? If he still acts tired after I tell him the story about the tiger and the monks...I get out the stick. And the nail in the end is really quite sharp and wicked!

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