Monday, August 24, 2015

How To Do Fish Tank Cleaning Safely

By Nancy Gardner

If you want a nice pet that doesnt make noise, you can buy fishes. They are so serene swimming in their tanks. They are quite nice to look at as a major decorative feature in homes. Taking care of sealife requires know how because they need a special care.

It can be tough to keep an aquarium in good condition. If you have fishes as pets you need to do fish tank cleaning Minneapolis to keep them alive and healthy. A regular twice monthly schedule should be enough to maintain a good environment.

When getting started, all power sources should be unplugged. Water and electricity do not mix. Find a well lighted area to do the task. Its nice to have a clear view of the things you are cleaning.

Any decorations that are inside the tanks need to be removed. Then you also have to take out the fishes. They aren't as sturdy as dogs so be extra gentle when handling them. Doing an improper transfer could harm them. The temporary bowl or container should have some old water inside so that it creates a familiar environment. Prevent jumping by using a covered bowl.

Remove all debris from the gravel. You can do so manually or with a vacuum. Only use tap water. This will remove the waste and old food that have fallen to the bottom. Take note you should not remove all the water. Remove fifty percent or less. Changing out all the water will remove the necessary bacteria that the creatures need to survive.

The outer glass also must be wiped down as well. When cleaning the inside, you can use a paper towel or a cloth. Try not to use any chemicals or harsh soap. Those can make the pets ill or even cause death. If you are able use a products specifically for cleaning tanks. Also use plain tap water to clean the decorations thoroughly. Just remove and dirt and other particles.

After cleaning and wiping, place the gravel and decorations back in their spot. Add the filter, aerator and other devices. Dont plug in yet. Fill the container with some old aqua mixed with tap. Try to make a nice temperature that is not too hot or too cold. The ideal temperature will depend on what kind of fishes you are handling. So always research proper care for the species you have.

The last step is adding the water salt and water conditioner. These will regulate the temperature and environment. Be sure to follow the exact instructions on how to use these chemicals. Give it up to twenty minutes time to settle.

The sea creatures need a clean place to stay. But also note that changing the liquid is stressful for them. You need to keep some water from before cleaning and add it to the new tap. The recommended amount is to not throw out more than seventy five percent of the old. So try to place only about twenty five percent new. The filter should also be changed out twice a month.

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