Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Develop Your Self-Esteem

By Cherry Reed

Is your life not going in the direction you want it to? Would you like to be able to take control and make things better? If so, you should know that you have the power to make your life what you want it to be.

Not everyone sees you the way you see yourself. You'd probably be surprised by how many people have a positive opinion of you, despite your low self-esteem. Many people share your feelings of insecurity about themselves for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you think you are unattractive or are still carrying around baggage from events that took place years ago. If so, you should know that everyone has baggage, but not everyone lets it cripple him or her. Decide to take control of your life and fix what's broken.

Think about all the good things in life. There are many. You will probably realize that there are a lot of other people who have it worse than you. Thinking about that helps to keep your perspective. Try to be less hard on yourself.

If you are carrying around a lot of baggage about things you've done in the past, give yourself permission to let them go. We've all done things we regret but we don't have to continue to blame ourselves for our mistakes. Decide to make better choices in the future and focus on that. Don't be surprised if you see a distinct rise in your confidence!

Another suggestion is to take stock of your wardrobe. If you've been wearing unflattering, dated clothing because of your low self-esteem now is the time to shop for new items. Make sure they fit well and are age-appropriate. You will start to feel better the minute you put them on.

When you start to look at the big picture you are likely to find that things aren't as bad as they seem. Sometimes we can let the little stuff bog us down. When you compare your problems to what others are going through, it helps to put things in perspective.

Some people can't walk or see or have the advantages you have. Thinking about that helps to put things in perspective and appreciate what's good in your life.

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