Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Shedding Light As We Forge Ahead Into The Darkness

By Evan Sanders

Simply a moment.

A moment where the biggest deacon of your life comes upon you. A moment in the dark.

Turn away or forge ahead.

The challenges that face us are there to determine whether we truly want it bad enough or not. We fight like hell to show our best stuff and time after time we are tried and tried again.

But there is a big decision to be made.

Do you escape?

Or do you run into your fear?

This moment had arrived upon my doorstop only a few days ago and I had to make one of the biggest decisions of my life. Initially I thought it would bring about more confusion, but interestingly enough, it brought about a sense of peace and clarify.

But how could that be?

How do you face your fear?

Because once you make a decision to face your fears instead of run from them you become something far greater than who you are right now. You don't run scared. You don't surrender. Instead, you face what you were destined to face.

Forge ahead.

Don't quit when things get hard.

You can just imagine the Captain of your ship gripping onto the helm as tight as possible screaming to his men to continue forward. There are no old ways. There's no turning back. There's only what's right in front of you.

I knew I had lost my focus. I knew I had lost my momentum.

We can get discouraged by the lack of movement forward and stray from the plan that is designed to keep us moving ahead.

But with facing our fears, a renewed sense of purpose arrives.

And with that purpose, the fire inside started to light again. Another day, another effort, and another opportunity to move forward in the direction I wished for.

We must always look beyond who we are now and see what we are truly capable of. If we can continuously do this, we can become something far greater than the person we are at the moment. We compete with our potential. We compete with who we are destined to become.

Yes we will fail.

But there is glory in the effort.

Take incredible amounts of pride in your persistence.

Believe in yourself enough to keep trying despite failing over and over again.

The scars and the victories define you and make you into a bold soul that encourages any action that may bring on victory or defeat.

The ones who are quietly working in the late of night are our heroes.

About the Author:

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