Saturday, December 5, 2009

Developing Work Wisdom

By Lexi S Delaney

A lot of work systems may appear perfect from theoretical point of view but are not practical. It is just as you buy an expensive item that turns out to be useless and not up to the mark as promised to be. Any disturbance in the work system can be problematic, you either have the choice to repeat the task entirely or wait for the final decision. You feel that you are not prepared for both. But before you complaint about your work you must know that anyone functioning on a managerial position has the capability to bring about a change. Just precise set skills are needed to accomplish this.

Managing company goals, time and finances are seldom discussed whereas, some factual and concrete aspects are ignored. One such important aspect is managing your immediate superior. It should be kept in mind, that any working system works on a specific goal and yours is to deliver what your boss expects from you. You must be aware of his demands which are based on the requirements of the top management so you should be cautious.

It is usual that an excellent manager is a good monitor. Once you have a firm control over your stress triggers, you are completely in command. You just have to divert the limited resources in a direction, which fulfils the demands of everyone without overburdening yourself. It is imperative that a real workable system, must take into consideration the actual labor force and it includes you too.

Since, you are not yet the top authority, you have to grasp the reality that someone else will make the final decision. Even worst condition is that you have to survive and create a system that has no real facts. The easiest solution to the problem is to enhance the working skills of your team. This may call for delegating work at your end; in this case remember to match talent of the person and the specific task.

Most important is to motivate your colleagues and subordinates, it is imperative to scrutinize the environment also, not just the goals. Excellent working systems fortify the morale of the employees but it dampens if people understand that company does not values loyalty and talent. Most rational attitude that you can adopt is to invest on training, display credit and admiration wherever required.

It is common that when the group displays lack of coordination and you sense trouble, the immediate response is to change the system or add corrective measures. However addition of new procedures would cost extra people and time. More advisable act would be to reconsider and lay stress on development.

Good systems are self sustaining. To get paramount results from your workforce, the person responsible for the task must be permitted total liberty to take decisions and made responsible for the failures. However, they must also be credited for their success. If you find that you are over scrutinizing the process, then you are overdoing it and on other hand also heighten the risk of blame.

It is immensely important to devote some time and resources to train the employees and get the support form everyone involved. Imparting training to the people is a vital block in making the organization work. Ensure that the problems are solved; you can also spread the idea amongst the team, so that they are motivated to work and meet the goals.

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