Monday, January 31, 2011

Cleansing And Clearing Crystals: 5 Ways To Cleanse Your Crystals.

By Rebecca De Carlo

When you buy or receive new crystals or if your trusted crystals begin to feel less vibrant, they might start to look dull, cloudy or perhaps they just appear lifeless, then you need to cleanse your crystals by using a technique to that you feel comfortable with and your crystals will come to life!

Full Moon Bath: Putting your crystals out under moonlight is a gentle and powerful way to cleanse and recharge your crystals. The full moons' light is the brightest and works to give a greater charge to your crystals. While cleansing your crystals under the Moon and Stars placing them on the earth will give them an additional charge.

Power of Intent: Using the power of intent or your imagination to visualise white light that acts as a cleansing agent, it can be a waterfall or column of light and all energies that do not belong to the crystal are released into the light. Doing this both clears and charges the crystal with the white light. When the crystal is clear you will be able to feel it.

Fresh Water: Placing your crystals under flowing water will release any negative energies. Fresh water is ideal. Some like the ocean, just remember the ocean is powerful and crystals can be swept up in waves and vanish. Sea salt can dissolve the crystals surface so you will need to wash them in fresh water to remove it.

Brown Rice: A great way to constantly cleanse your crystals is to place your crystals on a Bed of brown rice as the rice absorbs and transmutes any negative energy. This is the perfect technique to use for those whose crystals are being touched by lots of people.

Sage: Smudging with Grandfather Sage is a great technique for clearing your crystals and space as the smoke pulls any negativity within it and transmutes it... you can also smudge yourself at the same time!

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