Saturday, September 27, 2008

Here's The Natural Way to Reduce Hypertension

By Michael Bollinger

I find it very interesting how nature provides things in our lives to improve it. It seems as if there's a flip side to everything. While there are many unhealthy things that we do to our bodies, each one of us is given the chance to do the opposite. In this case, we have access to natural remedies like never before. With the coming of the information age, we were given the tools and information to improve our healths. It's up to us to utilize what we know to make our lives better. So how do we know about natural treatments and which ones can benefit us?

Whether you'd like to take herbs to support blood pressure health, or maybe you'd like to maintain healthy blood circulation, there are herbs that can help you. However, in order to take advantage of them, you must learn about them first. Here are some of the most popular herbs used around the world for maintaining a healthy heart.

Hawthorn Berries (Crataegus Oxycantha Monogyna)

Hawthorn has been traditionally used to naturally normalize blood pressure levels. This is done by dilating your coronary blood vessels. In order to see optimal results, consumption of up to four weeks may be needed.


Garlic has been recognized as a blood pressure lowering herb. Studies have shown that systolic pressure has been reduced by 20-30 mmHg and diastolic pressure by 10-20 mmHg.

Forskolin (Coleus Forskohlii)

This has also been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time. Forskolin is known to show a hypotensive and antispasmodic effect. It helps relax your arterial vascular smooth muscle, which then regulates blood pressure levels.

European Mistletoe (Viscum album)

Mistletoe has anti-cancer and hypotensive properties. It is known to possess thymus stimulating, hypotensive, cardiotonic, vasodilatory, antispasmodic, and tumor-inhibiting activity. However, mistletoe's pharmacological effects have been successfully exposed in animal studies.

Olive Leaf (Olea Africana and Olea Europea)

As the name implies, the source of this extract is from an olive tree. The extract itself contains vasodilators which can help lower blood pressure levels. For over 2 decades, studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of this extract. It's been noted that blood pressure levels were reduced without any side effects.

Black Cumin Seeds (Nigella Sativa)

Cumin seeds have been used in folk medicine for ages. It has been used as a diuretic as well as a treatment for hypotension. Research has shown that the oil extracted from black cumin seeds can be useful in treating hypertension naturally.

Arjuna Bark (Terminalia Arjuna)

Arjuna is widely available in India. It's referred to as an Ayurvedic medicine. Those which have cardiovascular issues or related disease can benefit without any known side effects.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Improve Your Health and Eliminate Man Boobs!

By Gail M. Davis

Gynecomastia is the medical term for what is commonly referred to as "man boobs." This condition can be caused by serious health issues or as a side-effect of certain medications, and consists of actual breast tissue on males. This condition requires a doctor's care. Pseudogynecomastia is the correct term for fatty tissue on males in the breast area, and can be addressed through diet and exercise.

While results won't be achieved overnight, there are simple steps that can be followed to help eliminate pseudogynecomastia, or "man boobs." Consistent effort will pay off in a big way! Let's look at some of these steps now.

One of the most significant remedies for this problem is to eat healthy on a regular basis. This would require learning about the food pyramid recommendations, learning to read and understand nutrition fact labels, and learning proper portion sizes.

Water should be the main source of hydration! Skim milk and unsweetened tea are acceptable as well, but sweet drinks and drinks containing artificial sweeteners, should be saved for very special occasions. Severely limit all sweet food choices. They provide no nutritional value and slow weight loss.

By far the most important step in the elimination of "man boobs" is the cardio workout! A minimum of thirty minutes each day should be spent on an activity that makes you sweat while huffing and puffing. Jumping rope, biking, swimming laps, playing basketball, running, and power walking all aid in the burning of major calories. Weight training and target exercises are important components also, and should be a part of the daily regime.

By following these steps, pseudogynecomastia can be eliminated or greatly reduced. Patience is imperative as it takes several months for the body to show off the benefits of a new program. There are other easy steps that can be taken to deal with this condition, but these are by far the most important ones.

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Protecting Your Home To The Fullest Extent Possible

By Chris Channing

Home protection and security services are becoming more popular as crime and burglary's increase. If you have valuables, you should always consider a security system in the event of a burglary or break in. Even the most high tech systems can be broken, and it leaves your home very weak against break ins.

Security systems and alarms have several options, types, varieties and customizations you can choose from. Your entire house should be secured, and you should always combine types of security for optimal safety. Disable pads are easily "hacked" and any can figure out a pin. Never leave your pin number sitting above the pad, or anywhere that it is easily found.

Security systems can be pricey, so choose one that you can afford, but also choose the best package you can afford. Its important if your house contains valuables, but even more important for your families safety. Windows are break in hot spots, so they should have the tightest security.

After you have everything you want in mind, you should then begin to get quotes and information about the quality of the companies that are available in your area. It is good to choose a company that is always there for you, 24/7. You don't want one that is only there 24/6 or 24/5.

Many home owners make the mistake of leaving their windows, or a window, unlocked in case of an emergency. This is a big mistake because anyone could get in through it. It is very important that you have all of your windows locked, especially those that go unused, as well as set with an alarm.

It may seem silly, but the louder and more obnoxious your alarm system, the safer your home. Everyone hates alerts and warning alarms, so people that live nearby should be able to hear them in case of a break in or emergency.

Closing Comments

Home security systems are important for everyone that owns a home and has precious materials. You can never be too trusting of your neighbors and those that live around you.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Building Muscle Tips #6 - How Often Should I Train?

By David V

So how many times a week should you train to build muscle? I'm glad you asked. Most people experience over training in the beginning and they're muscles get sore. Sometimes you'll find that you just don't have enough time to train, or you've got an injury. There are many reasons why it's sometimes hard to get to the gym. Just lack of motivation is common. But I'm sure that after you've seen some results, you'll be busting to get more done every time you train.

Here's the ideal solution. If you're training to gain muscle mass, you only need to train 3 times a week, for about 45-60 minutes. That's it. Surprised? I was when I started. The reason why is because most of the muscle growth occurs AFTER the training session. The actual weight lifting session only needs to be short, but intense.

The weight lifting part of your training program must stimulate the muscles effectively enough to inspire your body to grow. That's all. You want to give it ample reason to grow and repair itself while you're sleeping, working and enjoying your social life.

The best thing about this kind of training is that you're not a slave to the gym. You've now got plenty of time to hang out with your friends, and get your work done. It's really that easy. Get to the gym 3 times a week, work out hard for 45 minutes and lift heavy weights.

When you train like this you'll get big fairly quickly. Give it a try for about 3 months and your friends will start to comment on your massive gains. Don't worry too much about supplements. Just eat good wholesome food and plenty of protein. Make sure you're doing the lifts correctly when you train. Sometimes it's a good idea to consult a professional trainer before you start just so you know exactly how it's done. Last thing you wanna do is get an injury just when you start out. Keep it real!

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fire Alarm Systems Telephone Code Requirements

By Thulas Sukati

Around this ever-changing society, alarm systems are becoming more and more common. The truth of the matter is that in some places, homeowners cannot afford to be without a security installation. Home alarms were something that I'd never had reason to consider before, because I grew up during a decade where we trusted others enough to leave our doors unlocked while we were out. Today's society finds it to be the complete opposite too this. With the problems of today, I have begun to take a keener interest at what it will cost to have a home alarm installed.

I found out a few years ago that most new vehicles come with an alarm as standard equipment. The Jeep that I bought had an alarm, but I can't say if it prevented anyone from vandalizing or breaking in, because I am not sure if anyone has tried. Perhaps it gives me some peace of mind, I also received a discount on my auto insurance because I have one.

An alarm system is needed by every business, no matter the size; insurance companies almost demand it. I am going to join the growing number of people who have already done so, and have an alarm system installed at my home by next week. After a while considering this I finally decided to look into getting more information on home security. What I didn't know was that they not only help prevent someone entering your home but can help avoid other dangers too. There are a number of convincing arguments as to why you should have one installed in your home.

Knowing that these types of alarms can warn the household occupants of not only fire and the odorless gas carbon monoxide, I feel much better. They don't only assist in guarding against those dangers, but they can also be of benefit when there is a health or medical situation that requires attention. With a child to take care of and with additional crime happening in the surrounding neighborhoods, making the choice to look into home security became my only option. Disappearances of children from their own homes made me more panicky after they made national TV, radio and press.

With my daughter's room on the first floor and I can't be there to watch over her all the time, making sure that no one breaks in. This was one of the leading reasons for me to start comparing home security systems on the market. This way I believed I was making her safer with that decision. I'm also saving money through my insurance company, because the company gives discounts to homeowners who have alarm systems installed.

Of course, home security might cost you a little money every month, but factor in the safety of your family and then see if you don't agree that it's worth the extra money. Your peace of mind is worth more than money any day.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Building Muscle Tips -Squats, Dips, Bench, Military Press, Raises

By Dave Vower

Building Muscle Tips - A Wide Range Of Movement Is Better

So what sort of exercises should we do anyway? You wanna learn to run fast? You gonna do some bench and call it a day? Nope I didn't think so. Hey, bench is a great exercises, but it's not the right one for this goal. We're here to find out what's the best way to get your muscles big, and fast!

We've got to think about this. What are the best exercises to do if you want to gain muscle and put on some solid weight? Exercises that work out MORE than 1 muscle is better. The reason why is because we want to economize.

It takes about a 1 hours time (probably closer to 45 minutes) to warm up, workout and cool down before our body starts turning against itself. The last thing we want is our body burning muscle fibers for energy. So keep the workout short, and intense so we can get as much done as possible in this short time. What's the secret? The comprehensive exercise.

The Comprehensive Exercise List

These are the best exercises you can do to to work out and gain muscle fast. When you do these movements, instead of smaller movements, you'll workout your whole body in less time and make better gains.

# Standing Free weight Squats

# Flat Bench Press

# Deadlifts

# Military Press

# Bent Rows

# Wide Grip Chin Ups (Bit Hard? Do Heavy Lat Pull Downs until you're stronger)

# Dips (if you can't do dips do Decline Dumbell Bench Press with your hands facing each other)

These last two exercises are optional because the other exercises are so comprehensive that you've already worked out your entire body! Do them if you've still got time and energy during your workouts.

Do 3 workouts each week, and try to do squats every workout. They're the foundation of a strong body. They're the largest muscles in your body. And working them out often will stimulate your body to produce muscle growth hormones more intensely.

By the way: YOU MUST WORK HARD. These exercises are THE BEST. So don't change them. Work out the exercises and work them hard. Do between 5-7 repetitions, and do 3 sets each. Lift as much weight as you can and if you're not confident, get someone to spot for you. But don't slack off! You're the one who must do the work. You want to get bigger right?

Want to know the biggest secret in bodybuilding? Supplements are a scam, it's HARD WORK that gets results. Work your body with big heavy exercises, and you'll get big gains. If you want the best results get a fitness coach to motivate you. There's no substitute for the advice of someone's who's been there before.

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Why You Hate Working Out and How Interval Training Can Help

By Kyle Richey

Everyone has some trouble getting motivated from time to time, especially when it comes to working out. We have those days where just getting out of bed seems like too much effort - let alone making it all the way to the gym and going through a tough workout! You might be snowed under with work at the office; procrastination has taken over your life - these are exactly the kinds of times when a workout is what will help you the most.

You may also have other reasons - perhaps you've has a great day with the family and the very last thing you want to do after having a good time with your spouse and kids is to make yourself miserable with a long, hard workout. We all experience this situation too.

What we all tend to forget in these situations is how good you feel once the workout is over. You'll have that sense of well being, having accomplished something and a renewed feeling of physical vigor.

So when you know you need to get that workout in, how do you give yourself the necessary motivation to get up and get to it? How can you stop succumbing to the urge to stay there and avoid the gym?

There are a number of different things you can do to get yourself motivated to workout. One thing to do is to make yourself a promise that you'll buy yourself something or allow yourself some sort of treat if only you get up and get through that workout. It could be some relaxation time, a favorite film or TV show; whatever will give you the motivation to get you up and out the door.

You can also try punishments instead of rewards. You could give up some money, force yourself not to watch your favorite TV program; anything that will really make you want to make that workout. You have to make sure that this will be something that will bother you enough to make it worth you time to get that workout in. Get family or friends on board to make sure that you stick to the punishment if you skip your workout. If you try to do this alone, it's far too easy to avoid the workout and the punishment both.

Another thing to work on that will help you motivate you to work out would be to list your workout goals and review them daily. Keeping your goals fresh in your mind will help you stay on track, and will remind you when you start to slip.

The hardest part of any workout plan is simply getting motivated to start. Whether you work out at the gym or in your own home, remember that if you can just clear the obstacle of getting started, the rest is easy.

Still reading? Stop right now! You have a workout to do.

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