Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Review of Bob Proctor's Program "The Science of Getting Rich"

By Larry D. Holder

I've written on this topic before, and now after some months of studying this program what comes to mind now is wow! If you want to get your hands on something that can really change your life, I mean really change it, then you have a winning way right here, right now, in front of you and ready for you. And tell you what-i'm willing to bet you might be ready for it too.No questions. Period. This is hands down some of the best material I have ever come across. As bob proctor says himself this stuff should have been in school programs. And the guy is definitely qualified-he's one of the best in his field. He's been studying this stuff for 50 years, and you know what? He's living the life of his dreams. And he says you can too!

Do you believe that you have anything to do whatsoever with what occurs in your life? Do you believe you have any control over what results show up in your life? Or have you thought about this at all, happy to sit on the sidelines as a bystander in your life, simply taking what comes? Maybe too busy paying the bills, doing the things we all do in life? Yes, it's easy to do, but common now, honestly, haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to really live?.Well let's get started then. What's this guy and his program about? The guy and the program are all about life. And how you can change yours. If you are interested in the best life you can have. If you want to experience change for the better, and learn how you have control over the results in your life.Bob's program, "the science of getting rich", will grab hold of you and open your eyes to the abilities you hold within you, and the great life you are capable of. That's right, are, capable of, each and everyone of us. We've let our abilities be taken away from us, period. We had them intact when we were children. They were simply conditioned out of us throughout life. We were taught they were not important. But we sure felt great back then didn't we? Do you remember the wonderful things you dreamed of when you were a child? The imagination you had? All the things you were going to do and be ? Was there ever any doubt in your mind about any of it? Did life seem great everyday? Now, a question? Do you feel that way now? If so, thumbs up, you're still connected with those abilities and the power inside yourself! You know what though? For most of us these abilities are buried halfway to china. And our lives probably reflect the fact in a lot of ways. Are you satisfied with your life right now? Really satisfied? full filled? Want to learn how to use your abilities and power of your own thought again to create the life you want? Bob's program will show you how. Simple as that.

You can sometimes recognize these edited and/or revised versions of "The Science of Getting Rich" by a slight change in title from that of the original. Other times, you'll find someone has added his or her name as a co-author or editor of the book.

This program offers many hours of extensive information from one of the best minds in the business. The equivalent of 20 CD's worth of priceless knowledge. Combined with a workbook and interactive capability to communicate with others participating. All accessible instantly online. Extremely well produced, with with Rev. Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield taking active roles, also two of the best in the business.Nothing of value is ever for free, however tremendous value is offered here for the price, which is quite affordable and 100% money back guaranteed. These people are very well known and bonafide. What price are you willing to pay for information allowing you to create freedom of time, choice, passion and money in your life? Is the price of a morning cup of coffee for a few months worth a chance to accomplish that? It was for me, and I listen to this material everyday- I like it that much.

I'm just like everyone else out there in a way. I have my own hurdles like the rest, but"living" this material provides the light at the end of the tunnel when the going gets tough. One huge benefit, as this program shows is "you get what you feel". No matter what I encounter now I understand I had a part in bringing it toward myself -good or not so good. I know 'where things come from now" and you know what, a lot more good things come than bad now. That's through practicing what I learned. And making feeling good a habit. I'll repeat that. If you make feeling good a habit and practice it long enough, you'll have the ability to spring out of bed each day like when you were a kid, and feel great almost all the time, no matter what is going on in your life. A lot of things we do in life are simply habits, period. You have the choice of practicing habits that help you or hurt you. Your choice. You get back what you are feeling. It works. Ever notice what comes back when you think rotten, depressing, angry, or anxious thoughts? And how quick they come? Thats power! You'll attract every circumstance, feeling, person etc. Into your life that matches these thoughts simply because that's how creation works. Ever attracted anything good when you're thinking that way? That's because it's not possible. Thoughts and feelings are the most powerful things in existence and science has proven this long ago. Everything ever created started first as a thought.Bob Proctor is known as the Master on this, and The Science of Getting Rich will teach you how you can use the phenomenal power of YOUR thoughts, through knowledge passed through the centuries to achieve anything you desire.

The author encourages people to set aside the logical, rational mind and allow themselves to believe, with absolute certainty they deserve to be wealthy, have the ability to acquire wealth and the ability to control their thoughts. Everyone thinking and acting in a Certain Way will be rich.There are a handful of books that belong to the classics or Hall of Fame of self-help books. Among those classic books would be the books, "How To Win Friends and Influence People", "Think and Grow Rich", "The Greatest Salesman in the World", and this book by Wallace Wattles- "The Science of Getting Rich".

His thoughts of walking became a habit. He believed he was part of a power bigger than himself, and expected his desire would have to be answered.His ability to achieve what he did is what Bob explains in this program, and much more. We all have such power of ability but get caught up in the day to day stuff and aren't aware anymore. Bob Proctor thinks we are waking up to this in large numbers, and is hoping to help through his work.Look out the window at the countryside. Every tree, blade of grass, leaf works perfectly all the time. Growing on it's own. The water flows in the creek. The planets circle in perfect order.

You can read "The Science of Getting Rich" hundreds of times. You can study it until you're blue in the face. You can memorize it, philosophize, and talk about it to your heart's content. However, until you apply what you learn from it, you're not going to get the results you're seeking from it, PERIOD! I know, at first glance, it seems like there's an awful lot in it to apply. However, the simple truth of the matter is there really isn't. In reality, there are only a tiny handful of concepts you really need to apply.

On proven results.With the ability of particle accelerators they have been able to divide ANYTHING on earth to the point of it being energy alone. One same energy of which everything comes from and of which everything is a part of. Including us. And this energy is affected by thought. This is proven beyond a doubt scientifically. So the thought "if we can hold it in the mind, we can hold it in the hand is scientifically proven". Through the power of thought.

Bob Proctor's Program is based on the works of some very fine minds and some very substantial science as well. What a great feeling to have the ability to create the results we want in our life through simply learning to work with our thoughts in ways that are best for us. And he's certainly not alone in this field. This decade trillions have been spent on research on the human mind and brain. Thoughts can actually be measured now with very sophisticated equipment in real time. The proof is before our eyes! The benefits of developing ourselves in this respect can only bring great things into our lives. What a difference we might see in all areas of our lives if we work on this ability within ourselves and learn from whats available. It's never been easier to improve ourselves than now. The teachers are out there, the material is there, and its only a matter of making a choice to learn so we can create what we truly want in our lives. We do have much control of what comes to us in life.

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A Defensive Device Girls Will Absolutely Love

By Divad B Eddards

Who could possibly have thought you can find rechargeable stun guns which looked fashionable? My girl buddies and also I saw specifically those on the Internet and appreciated that personal defense weapons could look really great. I know how effective these are as protective devices. My guy carries one and I have basically seen him make use of the non-lethal tool one time.

Nate probably stuck the stun device for 2 seconds on this person which grabbed my handbag. Quickly, he dropped the bag due to severe pain. He lost his balance and went down like jelly, yelling. I worried he may go through some permanent injury however Nate assured me the results would wear off in around 30 minutes and he would be fine.

For my very own birthday, I was shocked having what I assumed was a small fashionable flashlight. Nate informed me this was also a stun weapon. A high voltage stun weapon, actually. It would emit over a million volts upon contact so even only a half-second use is going to be enough to throw off an attacker.

The rechargeable fashion stun weapon with flashlight as well as a woods design is fashionable enough for bad guys not to notice this as a 3.5 million volt self-defense weapon. It fits inside my very own hand and the switch is very convenient.

My lady pals love my flashlight stun weapon. It worked awesome as a light source across a rocky trail and was even better as soon as two guys stood in our way, reeking of alcohol and putting on ugly sneers on their faces.

Nate did state a stun weapon was most effective if utilized with confidence. With 2 girls cowering behind me, and my heart beating very loudly, I shone light on their faces, blinding them, and then reached to poke one guy on the stomach with my stun device.

He slumped down, screaming, while his buddy panicked and backed off. I must have had a scary look on my very own face.

Yes, rechargeable stun devices with light make terrific weapons, especially when these are so well disguised. And my own just takes 2 hours to recharge, straight to an electrical outlet.

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How To Safeguard Yourself Against Secret Cameras

By Jereld G Urban

My daddy is a security enthusiast. While I was younger, I realized he got an inclination to be paranoid, always thinking somebody was observing us and our every move. I normally believed this silly, particularly when father spoke of searching for bugs within the house, car as well as even school. My siblings as well as I usually laughed about it however dad stated we ought to be aware and know how to check for hidden cameras.

Bug detectors are counter-surveillance gadgets directed at tracking and verifying the presence of hidden cameras and also microphones which have been set up, probably with malicious intent. Dad sure is happier with these kinds of tools today.

When my brother and I attended college and made a decision to reside in an apartment, daddy was determined on sweeping the place before we transferred. He was very delighted to perform this since it was the first time he would be making use of a lens finder bug detector.

This can detect both wired as well as wire free concealed cameras utilizing either laser or radio frequency. My sibling could not help rolling his own eyeballs as daddy went about using his brand new toy.

On the laser frequency detection setting, he looked through a specially focused viewing port. In case there were a covert video camera within ten feet, then the lens would flash red and give its location away.

Not content, daddy changed the control to wireless detection employing radio frequency and started waving the system around the apartment. If there were bugs in the premises, then it would give a sound off or shake due to the radio waves.

He was truly crestfallen as soon as nothing came up throughout his bug hunting exercise. However he insisted on leaving behind the bug detector with us so we could perform a sweep frequently. Father added we could bring them to school and check for spy video cameras in the restroom or gym locker rooms.

We do appreciate father's concern and this is likewise to our own advantage that he showed us how to check for hidden cameras for our own security.

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Impress People With These Muscle Building Tips!

By Jan Brightley

No matter how hard you try, it's impossible to gain muscle from one day to the next. It is a goal that requires focus and determination. You need the right information about muscle building, such as what is taught in this article. Remember these tips from professionals and use them during exercise for the best results.

Building muscles requires an increase of food to fuel your body and feed your muscles. You want to eat as much as it takes to gain about a pound a week. Look for more ways to take in more calories. After two weeks, increase your intake again if you notice no weight changes.

Make sure that you are eating enough calories in general. Dependent on the quantity of extra muscle you are aiming for, an online calculator can assist you in determining how many extra calories you need to consume. Let these tools help you to design the ideal muscle building diet.

If you wish to build stronger, larger muscles, you must get enough protein in your diet. One of the best ways to get the protein that you need is by utilizing protein shakes and supplements. They are especially beneficial after a workout and also right before going to bed. Consume one a day to build muscle as you lose weight. If you are attempting to increase your overall mass, though, you can have up to three servings of these products per day.

Add a 10-minute stretching period to the beginning of your workout. Adding this warm-up period makes it less likely that you will injure your muscles as a result of your workout. Also, stretching regularly builds up resistance to injury in the long term, which means you won't have to take weeks off from your workout because you hurt something.

Your exercise routine should be changed on a daily basis. Avoid getting too accustomed to a single schedule. If you always save the same muscle group for last, they will never be fully worked out because you will always be tired at that point. Start your workout periodically with the exercises that you usually save for last, and you will find that you encourage more growth in those areas.

Create a training regimen that suits the goals you want to achieve. Although following a routine might be difficult to continue, this is the best method of building muscles and measuring the progress you've made. Expand your routine and alternate exercises as your body becomes more toned.

Be mindful of your diet and consumption when attempting to build muscle. Hydration is important in a lot of different health fields, and muscle building is no exception. Muscles, are composed of 70% water. Excessive alcohol will also dehydrate your muscles and inhibit growth.

You can cheat a little as you lift. If you need to finish a few extra reps in order to get the most out of your workout, don't use your entire body. Be careful not to do this to the extreme. Work hard so that your rep speed is controlled. You should be careful to never compromise your form.

Change your diet in accordance with your training. If you want to build muscle, concentrate on eating protein at the expense of fats. But, this doesn't entail an increase in the amount of food you eat. It means that your diet should be more balanced. A vitamin or protein supplement can help you to get everything your body needs to build muscle.

Proper eating is an essential part of any muscle-building program. Your body's muscles need specific types of nutrients so that they can stretch, grow and recover efficiently over the course of your muscle-building efforts. Protein shakes have been proven to be a great source of protein to consume after a workout to help rebuild muscle fibers.

Research your routine to ensure that your exercises are optimal for building muscle mass. There are various kinds of exercises that focus on different things, like muscle building, toning and particular muscle groups. Select the best building techniques and diversify your exercises so you develop all your muscle groups.

When attempting to increase your muscle mass, it's an excellent idea to consume foods that are rich in protein before a workout and immediately afterwards. Aim for 15 grams of protein both before and after you exercise. You can get this quickly and easily by drinking a tall glass of milk.

Do some plyometric exercises. These exercises let you create fast-twitching muscle fibers that can help build muscle. Plyometrics are similar to ballistic movements since they involve acceleration. For example, plyometric push-ups require you to propel your hands off the floor, pushing your body into the air.

After using these tips to improve your muscle strength and fitness level, you will see an increase in self-esteem. Your new look will give you a better self-esteem and make you healthier. So change your life today!

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Places For Corporate Management Training Programs

By Camille Nicholson

Corporate management training programs are meant to enrich managers of institutions with skills on how to handle them efficiently. The kind of education obtained in such classes is invaluable to anyone who wants to move up the corporate ladder. A lot of valuable information is learnt which brings any of those taking the classes up to speed with current trends. Here are some tips on how to find the best school to take the classes.

Among the first things you may want to look at is whether the places you are considering have permission to offer the services they give. This is so that you do not fall into the hands of fraudsters who will just take your money and not give you what is expected. They should have a permit for operation and meet all the legal requirements pertaining the offering of education services.

Your schedule will influence a lot where you will go to study this. For a busy person it would be advisable to look for an institution that offers part time training. The times for the lessons should be flexible enough to accommodate you. Look for such a place to ensure you do not strain too much creating time for the studies.

Even when the classes are flexible, getting to the place on time can be a little difficult for a very busy person. Balancing work and school may be hard for someone dealing with the two. Therefore you need to consider the location of the institution you are going to learn in. One that is close to your office or home would be the best. Accessing it would be very simple.

The quality of education offered is very important to look at. You do not want to be half baked after spending so much time on the program. Make sure you go to an organization that delivers high quality teaching services for all people who go through it. By doing this you are assured of being ready to face any challenges that the business world may throw unto you. Settle for the best.

The fee to pay for the program is another issue to have in mind. The rule is to go for one that is affordable to you. This is the only way you will be guaranteed not to fall bankrupt or become unable to pay once you have started attending classes. Consider these issues alongside the quality of education that is offered.

A well reputed institution will offer you great education. You should make it a point to enroll in such schools so as to experience the best services that available regards this matter. The reason why you should join a renowned school is that their standards have been tested by other learners already. From the good reputation they have, it tells you that their work is excellent.

Getting a few references from people who have gone through corporate management training programs is the easiest way to find a nice place. This will save you a lot of time and effort in your search. Talk to some colleagues and friends who have had similar training and get some referrals.

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Choosing A Couples Counseling Royal Oak Michigan Professional

By Camille Nicholson

Consumers that are in a relationship are known to face a large number of struggles in keeping everything together in a happy and harmonious manner. There are many instances where life obstacles stand in the way and are unable to balance out against the need to ensure that the relationship is still as strong as possible at all times. When selecting a couples counseling Royal Oak Michigan people are offered an opportunity to receive an effective base of guidance to keep their relationship together.

Professionals trained in counseling couples are equipped with the resources and skills required to ensure that issues are uncovered and resolved in the relationship. Consumers tend to focus on the use of these professionals as part of making sure their partnership is as happy and well managed as possible at all times. Selections that couples tend to make are generally quite particular and can be difficult to consider on various levels.

People of Royal Oak Michigan that require this form of guidance are typically faced with a large number of professional options to consider. Consumers are often unsure of what particulars should be considered when being confident they are offered the most productive guidance available. Making an appropriate selection is much simpler when keeping several factors in mind.

People often concentrate their initial attention on the actual issues they are having in keeping their relationship together. Consumers often find that local providers are skilled in various issues that can be quite focused in nature and limiting when using a professional that is unspecific to the complications that need to worked through. The specialties focused on by providers are often advertised clearly and should be carefully used in the selection process.

Referrals should also be considered when making this selection. The referrals offered from other couples are often based on the actual exposure they have to their guidance and can be helpful in making a viable selection. Pricing reductions on sessions are often provided to clients that mention this information which can be quite helpful in keeping all expenses reduced.

The convenience that is offered when making appointments should also be focused on. Appointment convenience is essential as it is usually based on the opportunity to be assured that sessions are completed in the most convenient and effective time frames available while managing complicated schedules. Extended appointments should also be made available without any added expenses.

Support and resources should also be made available to couples that use these professionals. Many people discover that growth and resolution is mostly completed outside of the therapy sessions performed which is often why additional support is required. These added options should be carefully discussed with the professional during any initial discussions and solution options.

When selecting a couples counseling Royal Oak Michigan professional consumers are also interested in their pricing. The prices required for this kind of guidance can actually be quite difficult to manage on various levels. Low session fees offered with the most effective relationship support are often what provide the best deal to consumers.

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Facts To Know About Online Business Opportunities

By Camille Nicholson

The fact that the internet allows for lots of online business opportunities is not something new to the world. Opportunities do not just come in the form of gaining money, but also of meeting new people and getting back with old relatives or long lost friends. There are many ways for how people can obtain part time and full time online jobs. With the new technologies now available, numerous ideas for businesses have opened up.

The internet can be taken as another medium for doing business. Many choose to establish virtual businesses so they can avoid having to deal with overhead expenses like utility bills and renting fees for stores and warehouses. However, even virtual stores pay expenses for advertising, marketing, domain registration and website hosting.

Internet business ventures will always have at least one cost involved but opportunity advertisements often conceal or present this in a manner that is not clear. Entrepreneurs may be required to pay for videos or courses which they can use for learning more about the venture. They may even have to shell cash out for several domain names or website hosting accounts.

Some entrepreneurs will choose to avail of services on email marketing. Specialized software programs or starter packages may also be made available as supplies. A lot of sales letters will neglect mentioning how advertising is an essential for the growth of businesses though. Although free advertising exists, effective approaches will still cost some.

Putting up businesses online will entail as much effort as that needed to put up offline businesses. Hard work will always be necessary for ventures as this. Too often, entrepreneurs become too hopeful, thinking that this approach will call for little work but still turn up successful, earning them heaps of profits. Cases are not always like this though, especially for start-ups.

No businessman can achieve success without having to exert effort and give their time. Whether efforts are solely on employees or owners will not really matter. This is an area that can come hard to grasp especially by those new in the field. Regardless of what opportunity businessmen decide to pursue, effort, time and hard work will still be very essential factors to emerge successful.

Entrepreneurs should always be careful about the exaggerated claims in the offers. These will usually be on how much cash can be earned while doing other things or how fast earnings will start to flow in. Some of these are just too good to be true and must be viewed skeptically. Sales pages have been made to sell something so exaggerated claims are to be expected.

It is possible for people to earn fast money though. But this is really very rare. As a matter of fact, most people who earn thousands overnight have initially spent several years trying to build their businesses up to a point where such can be possible.

Before delving into online business opportunities, entrepreneurs must consider several things first. They should check company track records, leadership, and the products offered. It will also be essential that they determine just how committed the suppliers or the businesses that offered the opportunity are to them.

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New Business Idea For The Small-Scale Company

By Camille Nicholson

It is already a given for people to search for new business idea. This is because they will surely want to gain advantage for their small-scale company. One of the interesting ideas that the individual can utilize is the utilization of the complementary products or services. This is the best way for the individual to fully expand his sales volume.

It is also a good idea for the person to find another market niche that he can enter. It should be easy for him if he thinks about how the product or the service he is offering is being used. This basically means to say that he should find out alternative applications for his products or his services and move from here.

Even if there are now lots of service providers or products being manufactured, he should realize that there are still needs that are unmet in the industry. Find ways to fill these unmet needs. This will certainly expand his horizons when it comes to making his sales. Moreover, he can also do breakout sales using this idea.

He must utilize the tools necessary for the said matter. There are several available tools that the individual can utilize when he wants to increase his sales volume, customer base, and even market reach. One of the most effective tools that will address all these three is the Internet. Even the catalog sales tools can help him in this.

Private-label products have lots of methods to use when they want to sell. A perfect example of that is allowing other people to sell the products. Most of the times, he can allow other big box shops, distributors, wholesalers, and even competitors to sell the products under their label. This should give him lots of benefits to enjoy as a private-label product.

There are various breakout techniques around and he should make use of these so he can enhance the sales for his small-scale enterprise. The perfect examples for the said matter is the technological innovations, processes, and patented products within the industry which should him his company.

He must then learn how to improve his efficiency and productivity. It will be easier for him to make a sale when he ca increase his efficiency and productivity. The best way for the individual to do this is when he uses the Enterprise Management Software. With this software, he can incorporate all of his functions into a single software.

The person is highly required to be updated about the popular values and trends, especially with his target audience. He can integrate these popular values and trends with his service or product and sell them off properly to the target market. There are surely lots of potential customers who will take interest in this.

It is possible for him to make use of the new business idea where he has to integrate with the clubs, associations, and even competitors. He should try and take his products or services to them. This will certainly help in increasing his sales volume. He will surely experience lots of benefits with this method.

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Know Exactly What the Linden Method is Before Paying the Money

By Bo Yao

The Linden Method was developed by Charles Linden, an ex-sufferer of severe anxiety and panic attacks for many years. As such, his work was reviewed and published in many top journals and magazines.You might or might not have heard of his name and his technique before this but as you will read in this article, you will understand how this method can really help you put a stop to your anxiety attacks.Many experts have researched and concluded that anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia have one thing in common; it is all related to the brain. Now, the brain is one complex mechanism that even experts, despite years of research have failed to understand thoroughly.

Charles Linden, the author of this panic attack relief guide, created this program to help himself be cured from all those anxieties and panic attacks that were happening to him. He has successfully done it through the use of The Linden Method and has shared it to thousands of people who have experienced these as well. This program is credible and effective and has relieved many from their bad experiences.

If you are able to adopt his method such that your Amygdala reacts positively to the therapy, you therefore have a higher chance to control your panic disorders.Of course this is easier said than done. After all, we are dealing with the brain and as mentioned earlier on, the brain is one complex organ.In recognizing this, the merchant has physical centers in major cities around the world providing support. In the event if you are not able to visit these centers, you can also get help through email and telephone support without additional charge for one full year.

One of the topics that will be explained to you when you use The Linden Method is the field of neuroplasticity. It's a very effective method on how you can prevent panic attacks and anxieties from becoming intense and dominating your life by substituting negative thinking and other bad memories into positive ones. It's used by everyone but with the help of this panic attack guide, you will be able to understand more about how to do that.

The Linden Method is also open to everyone no matter what age you are. It entertains all age groups suffering from anxiety disorders and panic attacks. This program is also promoted by certified psychologists to their own clients and has also been featured by prominent magazines and newspapers.What you get aside from The Linden Method is a whole lot of support from the specialists behind this program. Upon purchasing this program, you will have access to their member online support and their training materials for you to use while using The Linden Method. This program really makes it easier for you to deal with your anxieties and panic attacks. All you need to do is to follow the steps and methods given to you with patience and dedication.

There's no need to hide or be afraid from the world anymore. Treat your anxieties and panic attacks now rather than wait for it to consume you. All you need is Charles Linden's The Linden Method and you'll be able to feel free.For people who have been troubled by anxiety attacks and panic disorders, know that there's no reason for you to endure these kinds of condition anymore. This is because there are a lot of ways on how you can be cured of it. Thanks to The Linden Method, you can now bid your psychological troubles goodbye just like that. But before trying this method out, it would be important that you also try and know first just what it actually is.

Charles Linden, writer of this widely-acknowledged book once suffered from anxiety attacks, panic attacks and Agoraphobia himself. After years of painful reliance on meds and anxiety management therapy, he decided to try and find new ways to cure anxiety - a decision that resulted in opening roads of uncertainty.

In simpler terms, The Linden Method is one way of helping you combat your psychological troubles. When you try out this method, you are guaranteed to have a clarity of mind, and would also feel peaceful in the world and towards the people you deal with everyday. You would no longer have to endure sleeping late and waking up after just a few minutes because you are not at ease with your surrounding and thus feel paranoid.

The Linden Method costs $99 to download. It comes with specially-produced Videos and CDs tackling everything from avoiding negative thoughts, fighting depression to sleeping soundly at night and developing healthy lifestyles and habits. You are also granted full access to the Linden Center's in-house psychologists and psychiatrists, guiding you every step of the way to healing. This package also includes 16 mp3 tracks, the Linden Method printed version and The pdf version of the program.

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21 Warning Signs You Need More Information On Tips

By Arthur Brixner

In the modern world, there are all sorts of ways to obtain career advice when you are looking for a new job. This advice could be discovered online, mentioned by a friend or family member, or even heard in a conversation with a co-worker. There is actually such a large amount of career advice available that you might have trouble figuring out which tips are worthwhile and which ones are not helpful. In addition, it might seem that you will never be able to try all of the pieces of career advice you hear. This article is meant to provide you with a pared-down list of particularly helpful pieces of career advice.

1. Due to the fact that today's job market can be difficult, you might want to hire a career expert to help you. These people are frequently referred to as career advisors; their work involves offering career advice to the individuals who hire them. Quite often, career advisors spend their time working with individuals who are trying to find work in a particular industry.

Frequently, this field is the one in which a career advisor was employed before he or she decided to provide career advice on a full-time basis. This allows them to offer a one-of-a-kind perspective. Before you commit to a career advisor, it is an excellent idea to have meetings with multiple people who provide this service. This way, you will make sure you select the person who will provide the best career advice for your situation.

2. The career advice in this paragraph is most helpful to individuals who are interested in entirely changing careers. It is important to take some time to think about your individual strengths. Personal strengths can either be innate traits or skills that you have worked hard to perfect. It is an excellent idea to actually jot down your strengths on a piece of paper.

Once you do this, you can start to consider careers for which you are well-suited. For instance, people who have worked as babysitters for years and have an innately caring nature might think about embarking on a career in neonatal nursing. On the other hand, if you were an athlete and have a passion for sports, you might want to think about being an athletic trainer.

3. After you know what type of career you want to embark on, you will have to find out how much training you need to take. For certain career changes, you will have to return to school and obtain a second degree, but for others you might not need to complete any extra coursework. One great bit of career advice is to spend time researching this immediately after you have selected a new career path. This will let you start on your training as fast as you can.

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Top 9 Physical Anxiety Symptoms in Women

By Jia Li Tien

Anxiety symptoms in women can be varied depending on the intensity of the episode. You can find both psychological and physical symptoms. Both the symptoms have its own effects and can affect the person terribly. The level of the anxiety might be slight or severe, one has to understand the symptoms in order to overcome the medical condition. Find the top 9 physical anxiety symptoms in women.

Anxiety symptoms in women are more common in women than in men. Women are prone to anxiety due to the various alternations in sex hormones. Here you can find the top 5 psychological anxiety symptoms in women.Obsession.This is one of the common psychological symptoms faced by women who suffer from anxiety. They worry about anything and everything starting from futile things to big problems. This habit may seem to be a simple issue but it is very difficult to handle. One will worry even for unnecessary problems.

Light-headedness.Light-headedness is feeling of dizziness which will not allow the patient to stand or sit properly and having difficulty in maintaining balance. If light headedness persist for long without exhibiting other symptoms then it is mostly due to anxiety and you need not worry about brain tumor and other head related ailment.Vomiting and nausea.This is a common anxiety symptoms in women. Central nervous system takes control of both vomiting and nausea symptoms. Acute anxiety can make the body to malfunction leading to nausea and vomiting.

Perspiration.Sweating occurs naturally when you exercise or during hot weather. However, when you become over anxious and afraid for unknown reason you will start to perspire badly in normal condition.Palpitation.Palpitation occurs when the heart pounds irregularly. Chest, neck, throat are the areas where you can feel the palpitation. Heart pounding is something each one of us would feel at some point in our life, but during anxiety palpitation is felt very often.Shaking and trembling.You feel shaky when you are anxious.High level stress and severe tension arising due to anxiety can lead to this condition.

Difficult to swallow.Swallowing becomes tough; you may feel as if the food is stuck in the midway of the stomach. This is even felt in the throat. Intake of regular diet get affected due to this condition. Note the anxiety symptoms in women properly and don't confuse with other ailments. It is important to differentiate these symptoms with other medical condition.A prolonged anxiety in women can cause different kinds of disorders. The very first onset of this situation is like an alarm bell - act now otherwise it will be too late. Hence, it is advised by the experts not to take it for granted. The longer it will stay in your body - the longer it will take to go. We can conquer this battle by many ways.

Treat it with food.Generally people think that every disorder needs a Doctor's prescription to get over but food therapy is one of the most enjoyable therapies. Find here some Do's and Don'ts to treat anxiety symptoms in women.Don'ts - Lessen your sugar intake, say no to junk and processed food. Stop taking liquor. Stay away from foods which are rich in Omega-6 fatty acid.Do's - include omega-3 in your diet; eat protein rich and complex carbohydrate diets. Eat whole grain and green vegetables which have B complex vitamins, magnesium, selenium and folic acid.Meditation and yoga.Many observations and research has proved that anxiety can be treated successfully by meditation and yoga. Try some 'Asanas' (yoga postures) and learn how to relax.

Give time to yourself.The simple formula is to go out and have fun. Try shopping; go for a spa or anything which makes you feel comfortable. Be social, interact with people and get along with new friends, knowing new people and exchanging ideas can calm you.Talking therapy.Talking therapy can be fruitful if done by an experienced person because he can dig out the cause of the anxiety which lies within you. Your mentor can analyze your shortcomings and evaluate the seriousness of the problem.Psychological treatment.This is a treatment done by an expert who deals with similar kind of situations. Generally, anxiety symptoms in women can be cured by this method. A counselor can make the disorder heal much faster.

Stress and Relaxation techniques.Recent studies have revealed that relaxation techniques are good to treat panic and anxiety disorders. People who have developed anxiety under stressful situations have found relaxation technique useful. It is very effective but not as good as (CBT) Cognitive behavioral therapy.Gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA).It is a type of amino acid that plays a pivotal role in controlling anxiety. Certain prescribed drugs for this medical condition acts on the GABA receptors in the brain. It is believed that GABA supplements can be ingested to heal anxiety but it is still not proved.Kava.This herb origin is south pacific and is considered effective to treat anxiety and mood disorders. Usage of this herb is harmless and shows positive signs in treating depression levels. Kava is also available in tablet forms for easy ingestion.Though these alternative treatments hold good for anxiety symptoms in women, it is advisable to consult your health practitioner for assistance. They would help you to handle the situation better.

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Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment - Overcoming Social Phobia In Minutes

By Joshua B. White

Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a chronic form of anxiety which plagues many people, and is currently the third most experienced anxiety disorder in the US. Explained as an irrational fear of being in social situations, social anxiety can prevent sufferers from developing normal relationships, keep them from participating in activities and basically enjoying a normal life. Because of a constant fear of not fitting in, or embarrassing themselves, people with this disorder tend to be very anti-social, spending most of their time alone, or with only a specific few, trusted individuals.

Most of the people who suffer from social anxiety disorder remain aloof, and avoid social settings. Unfortunately, this can worsen their condition. By doing this they may be adding fuel to the fire, but some people feel that this may be the only solution available to them. If this type of avoidance goes on for a long time, it can create a feeling of distress in a suffering person. Learning to be comfortable in all kinds of social settings is the best way to "get your life back".

Some stressful triggers for all those who suffer from social anxiety disorder:Meeting new people,Being criticized or teased,Speaking in public meetings,Eating/ drinking in public,Attending meetings, parties or some other social settings,Talking with authoritative people,Being the centre of attention,A dispute with close friend or relative,Things that can help in raising your self-esteem:Avoid chocolates, energy drinks, tea, and caffeine as these act as stimulants that may increase anxiety,Do mild exercise, such as taking a short walk, dancing, and jogging,Spend more time with friends,Try doing things you've been putting off. You will feel much confident and better afterwards.Join local voluntary service, because satisfaction that you will get by helping others can be great for your self-esteem.

Social anxiety disorder treatment:Relaxations techniques ,Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercise, muscle relaxation, and medication, as they will help you in controlling various physical symptoms of anxiety. You can easily get muscle relaxation and deep breathing CD's from online stores or local health shops.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) ,This is one of the most successful social anxiety disorder treatments, and has worked well for millions who have suffered from social anxiety disorder (social phobia). This therapy is based on the fact that what you think will eventually affect the way you feel, and your feelings have a direct bearing on your behaviour. Therefore, once you are successful in changing the way you think in certain social settings that provoke anxiety in you, you will feel much relaxed and better.

The CBT helps in:Replacing all social anxiety triggers with positive thoughts leading to more stability in life,Learn ways to control all physical symptoms of social anxiety with various relaxation techniques and breathing exercises,Face various social situations in a systematic way, instead of avoiding them.Group therapy,Group therapy is a social anxiety disorder treatment which is sometimes used within CBT and includes observing, videotaping, acting, and even mock interviews in situations that people find anxious in the real world.

Social Anxiety-What It Is What happens when a person has social anxiety? This is a good question for anyone who feels they might have this issue or might know someone with it. Learning how to overcome it will come after the initial problem becomes understood.First off, a socially anxious person will feel anxious in these types of situations:Meeting new people,Being criticized,Having the center of attention,Doing an activity under surveillance,Meeting important or authoritative people,Being in a social situation, even with familiar people,Participating in group discussions,Engaging in close friendships or romantic situations

Social anxiety disorder treatment is wide and varied today and can be easily applies when you fully understand its triggers. Various relaxation techniques along with CBT can give good results over a period of time. If the problem is chronic, medications can be included in the treatment to get faster results, but it's always better if you can use a natural cure.Can you overcome Social anxiety? Yes you can. The reactions and feelings you experience in social situations are from the thoughts you think. Have you noticed that the thoughts you thought leading up to your feeling of anxiety were negative? Was you telling yourself something bad was going to happen or did you run a movie in your mind about how the situation would go?

The thoughts you think not only create your anxiety they can also be used to erase your anxiety. You can then use the thoughts in your mind to become more confident. Sounds a little odd right? Well what happens when you tell yourself not to do something? It happens right? Your body will react to whatever you tell yourself, your mind doesn't care whether your thoughts are not to do something or to do it. If you focus on something the body will react to the thoughts you are thinking.

Conquer the negative thoughts:A common cause of anxiety is reading the expressions and comments of other people wrongly and expecting a negative response to what you might say or what you might do. The trick is to make sure that you get rid of these negative thoughts from your mind and stay positive while talking to a group of people. Picture in your mind the response to what you have to say or do as positive.

Try this exercise now. Sit up straight, sit up so that you have perfect posture. Now think of someone with massive confidence and authority and copy the way they would sit. Did you notice your shoulder go back a little and your chest came out a bit? Think of something funny you remember. How do you feel? Great, right? By shying away from your social anxiety your body will act like a servant to your thoughts. Start to pan your day in the morning by seeing the day going perfectly, see yourself handling social situations and you gaining more and more confidence.Social anxiety affects most of us and those who are not affected by it have learned how to handle social situations. There thought process is totally different to yours, they're not afraid of what people mights say, they don't care of being judged they happy within themselves. Do these people ever find themselves in uncomfortable embarrassing situations? No, because they're not thinking about them.

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The Law of Attraction - The Secret to Successful Life

By Nathaniel L. Ferguson

Studies have shown that success does not come by accident. It can be learned. When we learn and master the key to success, we can easily get what we want in life. Our success becomes repeatable and we can create success in every aspect of our life, including financial success, great health, strong relationship and many other areas.Over the recent years, the law of attraction has received a great amount of popularity, emerging to the forefront of media as the key to help people to fulfil their innermost goals and ambitions. Much of the current understanding of the law could be attributed to The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, a hard-hitting self-help book that has sold millions of copies. The popularity of the law of attraction comes from its proven results in transforming people's life. Those who had applied this in a correct way enjoy significant successes that they can't imagine they could have achieved.

As outlined in The Secret, the law of attraction essentially decrees that 'like attracts like'. More specifically, this means that your mindset, thoughts and feelings establish your reality and influence the events that you experience in your life. For example, someone who thinks optimistically will attract positive energy, drawing positive things into their life that is in harmony with them. On the other hand, a pessimistic thinker attracts negative things, as their negative thoughts generating bad results.In this way, the law of attraction is always moving in a tide of motion, with an individual dictating their reality through their internal thoughts. Learning how to use the law of attraction and how to apply this secret to achieve a more positive reality has enabled many people to achieve success. We see various ordinary people who breakthroughs and achieve great success. You too can discover how to apply the secret of law of attraction to ultimately improve the circumstances of your life and to achieve the success that you dream about.

In contrast to beta, the mind level states of alpha, theta and delta, are associated with states of relaxation such as meditation. As you access deeper levels of your mind, you can more easily connect with a higher force that is greater than you. These mind states are not restrictive but rather very expansive. They help to expand your awareness beyond ordinary consciousness.As you go deeper within into higher mind states, such as theta, you can connect with a higher force, to Infinite Intelligence or what some people refer to as the mind of God. As your connection with Infinite Intelligence becomes stronger, you become more empowered gaining insights, guidance and abilities that were formerly outside of your reach. Then, you will be in a much more empowered position to make the Law Of Attraction work for you and make changes happen in your life for the better.

They have developed a habit of positive thinking that banishes any doubts they may have and this keeps them enthusiastic and motivated. This attitude attracts more success because that is what they are focusing on and what they have come to expect.For most people, success comes with hard, smart work coupled with a positive attitude and positive action. Then the law of attraction will work by drawing positive things and positive people to you, which will accelerate your success development. Fill your mind with great expectations in the firm belief you can attain them and you will be presented with all the opportunities you need.

In utilizing the law of attraction, you have the choice and consciously choose to think positively or negatively. If you remain positive you will attract good situations, but if you are negative you will attract despair. By being in positive state and ready to receive, you will automatically behave and act to change your environment to correspond to your desires. As outlined in the Secret, such law of attraction techniques will assist you in communicating positive vibrations to the universe. Above all, never ever give up trying to incorporate the law of attraction into your life to your advantage, and your circumstances will respond to you with your persistence.Many scientists and theorists from across the globe have come to the conclusion that everything is regulated and governed by a set of universal laws such as the law of cause and effect and the law of gravity.

An intention is another way of setting a goal. The difference I've found in intending versus goal setting is my attitude. When I set a goal I generally see it as something that has to get done. It is work. I'm dreading it a bit, but I have to get through it to get to where I want to be. Intentions on the other hand are exciting. I'm looking for opportunities for success, I have faith that they are coming and I get very excited at even the slightest thing that points to my success. Every time I have something to do toward that "goal" I'm excited.

Visualizing is mentally practicing success which has been proven time and again in creating success. This is an aspect that is often used in sports but left out in most people's ideas of goal setting. Taking the time to picture your success in your mind can have a great impact on your life.

Focusing keeps us intent on actively looking for ways to help us reach our goals. It helps us see the opportunities showing up in our lives and reminds us to act when they appear. A side benefit of this one is that is really will help you to appreciate the moment. If we are looking for opportunities and good things in life, we are living more in the moment than if we are worrying about the future or grumbling about the past.

Buddha stated that "what you've become is what you've thought", a statement and notion that the eastern civilization had understood and acknowledged centuries before the western civilization had even heard of it, let alone really understood or practiced it.Karma also has reference to the law of attraction with their underlying belief that you'll eventually be revisited by that which you've sent out into the world.Everyone has heard the sayings "good karma" and "bad karma", this is where the sayings originate from, it was and still is their belief that if you are kind and compassionate you will be met with kindness and compassion and on the flip side if you have been unkind and shown little compassion then you'll equally be met with the same!

Faith in success keeps us moving toward our goal regardless of how we feel or what is going on around us. It also keeps us positive and feeling good. It makes sense to have faith if only to feel good and be more pleasant to be around but when you think about it, who would you rather give an opportunity to? Most people will give a job or an opportunity to the person they feel would run with it, not the person who acts as if the world is out to get them.And gratitude when our goals are reached just makes sense.Now you'll hear quantum physics mentioned in connection with the Law of Attraction and frankly, I believe in that aspect. But regardless of whether you believe in the quantum physics of it, the steps you go through are just logical steps that have been proven over and over to produce success. So when you see me refer to the Law of Attraction know that I am referring to a collection of principles that have helped countless people create success in all aspects of their lives.

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Top 5 Tips to Staying Positive

By Ayman de Meijer

Although sexless marriages may appear on be on the outside to most people unhappy and un fulfilling - for many couples living this life this is not so. These couples have learnt how to stay happy/positive in a sexless marriage by finding other ways to be intimate with each other.Most of the time it is not a subconscious decision - over time couples find that their sex life begins to decline due to varying reasons such as routine, caring for children, working long hours and lost libido. For these couples their relationship may be totally fulfilling in every other way - but there just is no or very little physical intimacy by the way of sex.

Choose what you focus on,Recognize you are in control of where your mind's energy is spent. Make a determined effort to focus on positive things and don't allow yourself to dwell on negative emotions or thoughts. When you find yourself thinking negatively, come up with ways to redirect your thought patterns, e.g. by focusing on a goal, happy memory or something you are grateful for.Positive affirmations.Plant positive seeds in your mind's soil. Identify positive affirmations you want to believe, e.g., 'I have the power to change my circumstances' or 'I am a valuable person', and repeat them to yourself whenever you can. Soon, you will find yourself acting on what you allow yourself to believe.

Although some couples may not experience the physical intimacy of sex - the emotional intimacy for them may be equal to or much deeper than sex. The sense of closeness and unbreakable bond that develops between a couple who have deep emotional intimacy can make a marriage with no sex not seem a problem. When a couple has a strong deep connection on an emotional level - all other problems or issues seem to pale in comparison.

What are you grateful for,Keep a journal of things you are grateful for. Take the time each day to jot down what you have valued from your day or what you are thankful for. Do the same about yourself. What are your personal strengths? What do you like about yourself? Focus on and remind yourself of these reasons to be happy everyday and you're sure to chase those negative vibes away.

Be inspired,There are sure to be people who have experienced the same negative events or circumstances that you might have encountered. If you find your particular experiences hard to deal with, buy a book or audio cassette of someone who has walked in your shoes but overcome their problems. Realize there is always hope in any situation and be inspired to go beyond your circumstances.

Reminisce.Think about times in your life when you have felt the happiest or most positive. Allow yourself moments to reminisce about these times and put a smile back on your face. Believe that more of these times can be created in your future."Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" James 1:12

Bring them a little positivity.What can you do to help turn their day around? It could be something small, like acknowledging a recent accomplishment. Bring them a snack from the vending machine. Even simply asking them how they are doing can help them to open up a little and get things off their chest. Do what you think would cheer you up on an off day. If you are met with an even bigger wave of negativity, just walk away. You know that you tried, and you can't win them all!

The first point on how to Stay Positive throughout life, or your next storm, is to be PREPARED. "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." - Alexander Graham Bell. Although my family and I lost power in our house, we did not need to panic because my mother prepared all the materials we will needed to survive through the night and throughout the week. My mother was ready for the storm! In order to stay positive throughout life, you must be prepared for what life has to offer you. You and I both know, life is difficult because there are so many different challenges and obstacles we must overcome on a day to day basis. But ladies and gentlemen, if you prepare for these challenges, you will be ready for action!

What do you do to stay positive every day? Have you had to make some tough decisions about who stays and who goes? Let us know! The best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible today. Quote by, Charles W. Eliot,When life hands you a lemon, are you prepared to make lemonade? Try staying positive when everything around you is negative. It is essential for your health and well being. More importantly, the way you think, feel and act determines the outcome of your experience. So, why not make it a great experience by guiding your attitude toward one that is positive.

The final point on how to Stay Positive throughout life, or your next storm, is to have MIND CONTROL! There are going to be times in your life where it is so bad that you will start to become depressed. Not having heat in your house during the winter could slowly alter your mood and cause frustration. Many people fall to their emotions and remain confused and frustrated about a situation. However, in order to Stay Positive throughout life, you must always keep a positive attitude. You must be able to quickly flipped the switch and look at the bright side of things. You must tell yourself that my cup is not half empty, rather it is overflowing. In order to accomplish this, you must have MIND CONTROL.Here are some tips on how to use mind control during your next storm,Keep with you an object that immediately puts a smile on your face.Collect quotes that brighten up your day.Create a poem or song that you can recite to keep you focused.

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How to Overcome Fear of Flying Permanently

By Adrian M. Felton

Flying is one of the most common means of transportation for you to get from one destination to the next. However, there are some who are so overcome with the fear of flying that they simply to afraid to fly and will seek alternative methods of transportation regardless of the travel time. This fear of flying is often referred to as aviophobia.Compared to driving accidents, accidents on air are few and far between. This doesn't mean that they don't happen at all but statistics show that in-air collisions are rare.

Learn the Symptoms.This fear can manifest in numerous ways. To find the best treatment for your condition, you must know the common symptoms you may feel when experiencing an anxiety attack because of the object of your fear. The symptoms you will experience may vary. Sometimes you will experience a symptom you did not experience from your previous episode.

Overcoming Your Fear of Flying.Like it was mentioned above, there are ways for you to get over your fear of flying. Here are some steps that are worth practicing so you can fly everywhere without having to go through all the symptoms of aviophobia.Know the Facts - Find out the facts or statistics about accidents happening on air and compare them to the statistics when it comes to driving accidents. You are sure to find that the odds of having an on-air collision is slim compared to that of driving accidents.

Know the Effects of Flying - In order for you to cure yourself of your fear of flying it is best that you find out what should you expect when you fly. This includes the make and model of the plane that you will be riding, its speed, what side effects you are supposed to feel during take off and landing and how long it will take you to reach your destination.Meditate - If your fear of flying is still there after doing research on the first two steps, you should learn the art of meditation. When boarding a plane, think of things that are pleasant to you so you can keep your mind off the fact that you will be flying. You can practice breathing exercises, read a book or hum a tune. Anything that can help you focus on something else.

Bring Medications Prescribed by Your Doctor - One way to combat your anxiety attacks during flying is to take anti-anxiety medication that is prescribed by your doctor. This is a far better option compared to having to intoxicate yourself prior to boarding or having to take medication that is not recommended by your physician.Face Your Fear - Your fear of flying can be remedied by facing it head on. Flying lessons can come in handy to acclimatize you on air. With an instructor guiding you through flying, you will learn that there is nothing to fear from especially when flying safe.

Accept Risks - Regardless of how much you prepare yourself from any eventuality, you will never really know when accident will strike. The same rule applies when flying on a plane. By accepting the fact that risks are always involved in everything that we do, you will be calmer and more accepting of the fact that your fear of flying can be remedied.It's estimated that approximately 50% of the population is afraid to fly.Fear is a problem. It fuels all types of anxiety disorders, and is usually linked to an unpleasant experience, or the belief that an unpleasant experience will occur. This idea is based on the psychological school of thought called behaviorism, which suggests that behaviors are learned through interactions with the world around us, and shape our behavior.

When we have negative life experiences, our behavior becomes conditioned to respond through avoidance or anxiety. Either you freak out when you have to fly, or you avoid flying altogether. The more flying is paired with anxiety, the more conditioned your response becomes. In time, simply going to the airport can trigger an anxiety attack.Our beliefs also add to our anxiety.

Placement of your seat:Turbulence is often worse at the back of the cabin. When you book your flight, if at all possible, book a seat that is in the front. Additionally, choose a seat that is right before or after the exits as this can help you relax. If your fear of flying is related more to a feeling of claustrophobia book a seat at the bulkhead and on the aisle. In this way you will feel less blocked in. Sitting in the middle or in the window can make you feel squished in with no way of getting out.

Marybeth associated not being able to get out of her seat as the trigger to believing she was trapped. And if she were trapped she would panic. As you can imagine this created intense anxiety for her. She bit the bullet for a while, but finally decided she wouldn't fly anymore.The negative attributions we make about flying are rooted in our core beliefs. Here are a few related to flying:The plane will crash.I will die.I will panic.I will be trapped.I can't do this

The good news is you can change or modify these beliefs by learning to refute them in light of the truth. Challenge yourself by asking the following questions:What evidence do I have to support my belief the plane will crash? What is the worse that could happen if I panic, and how does that compare to the worst thing I've ever experienced? Do I want to upset myself? How likely is it that these bad consequences will occur? If the worst does happen, how can I handle it? The other key piece is paying attention to what you're telling yourself. Harness negative self- talk that perpetuates your fears by:Noticing how what you're telling yourself impacts your mood Not talking about your anxiety to everyone. It perpetuates it.Not listening to everyone's horror stories about flying,Other tips for the fearful flier include:Chose an isle seat if you're claustrophobic,Learn relaxation and deep breathing exercises to calm yourself,Distract yourself by reading, listening to music, or watching a movie

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The Law Of Success Book By Napoleon Hill

By John L. Holmes

Napoleon Hill's writings only talked about a part of the Law of Success.Everything he says is true, however it's not the whole story.To understand how the law worked for the ultra successful men in his book, we have to look at why the law worked for them.

As all laws of success contain a piece of change, dealing with change is inevitable, so you should pack your bag with the necessary things before you start the journey to success. Before anything else you should learn some more about change.Change is the nature of existence: Look at the big picture, can you name one thing that did not change and stands still. Despite everything about you is changing, sometimes you cannot notice the change. This is why personal changes generally develop slowly and you get used to that change before you notice it consciously.Life never stands still and neither troubles nor joy lasts forever. If you cannot protect your life at the optimum level, dealing with change is better to get the best out of changes. The clouds will turn into sunny days eventually.

If they had to develop new abilities, they learned exactly what they were and how to proceed. They became precise and thorough in every aspect of their lives. They could assess a person and situation instantly and respond appropriately. Think of Donald Trump. They developed an instinct for finding the information that could help them. Their information environment wasn't handed to them, they had to figure it out. The process of Intending-to-figure-it-out developed within them the Ability to find and use the information they needed to be successful.

Change is uncertain: Familiarity signals safety but uncertainty is something you avoid. You cannot control what you do not know. Change has both positive and negative effects. Dealing with change produces stress but also provides opportunities. Change can be an opportunity rather than a problem.Change needs to be consciously managed to become positive. The better you adapt to change, the more successful you will be at the end.In some circumstances you may need to consider using the driving forces of change rather than resisting to change. If you resist to change, you will also resist to opportunities.You should take control of your mind to overcome self sabotage. Clearing the worries, doubts and self punishment out of your mind is a better way of dealing with change than letting all the internal chatter.

Do not become the victim of your attitude. Change is everywhere and you cannot block it but you can change its path for your own sake.How to predict future emotions and benefit from them as a driving force, depends on your mindset. The more optimistic you are, the less likely you are to be influenced by negative information about the future.Never underestimate the long-term impact of positive activities. Practice what you like to do especially when you are busy with dealing with change and no time for anything. Positive Activities will lower down your stress level and empower you to deal with change.

Asking for help from a supportive listener whether a friend or a professional can be useful to overcome negative feelings about change but keeping feelings inside can also be a choice. Laws of success are flexible about social support. Either way you can cope with change. You can choose to talk or resiliency.Writing down your worries is one of the laws of success. Explaining your emotions on a paper will ease your thoughts and clear out some space for success.Courage to face obstacles. You cannot predict what you will discover when you turn the obstacles. Be confident to challenge yourself to discover the opportunities that you can use to your advantage. Courage and self-confidence are essential laws of success.

The great men in Hill's book created magnetism in their lives, which attracted what they needed. These men, in essence, performed magic and totally transformed themselves.Information is the First Law of Success. Use impeccable information as your foundation.

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Anxiety Tests

By Paul H. Gray

Many parents have come to me and expressed their frustration that their son or daughter is a straight A student but keeps bombing on major tests like the ACT. Their concern is that their student needs a good ACT test score to get into the college of their choice, but while they are a straight A student in every other aspect of school, it just sees that tests make them freeze up.

In worse cases, nonetheless, people with anxiety disorder become withdrawn to their surroundings. When left untreated, anxiety disorder may get in the way of living a normal life. Some may even feel that they are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.But the condition won't go this far if the symptoms are easily detected and promptly treated.It is of course daunting for most people to draw the line between normal fear and anxiety disorder, especially when there is lack of information on what the condition really is. This is why an anxiety test is performed by doctors among individuals who are suspected to have anxiety disorders.Doctors would often furnish their patients a questionnaire. The queries solicit how the patients would react to certain situations. For example, some of the questions may be about feelings of guilt in doing certain activities. Other items may ask whether or not the patient feels scared of things that are reminiscent of the past.

For these learners, it is very frustrating trying to fit into an academic world where books and other "visual" learning dominates. By discovering your combination of the three learning styles, you can greatly increase your retention of information and reduce test anxiety.

Physiological reasons behind test anxiety are very powerful and yet very simple and easy to overcome. The biggest culprit in this area is shallow breathing which makes the brain slower and creates headaches and neck aches. By learning some very powerful breathing techniques, you can ensure that your brain gets all the oxygen it needs.

During a test, your brain can use as much as 50% of the oxygen you breathe, so it is no small wonder that a nervous, shallow breather will have a lot of difficulty on tests.Psychological causes behind test anxiety are the most commonly known and yet the most ineffectively dealt with. Repeating positive affirmations and "just don't worry" advice are very ineffective and even insulting. Instead, a very structured regimen of confidence building steps needs to be undertaken to take the fear away.Overcoming Test Anxiety is a major component of the College Exam Tutor ACT test prep course. It is video-based and available online and something worth checking out.

There are different ways to reduce test anxiety but in this article I list the most effective ways to reduce stress before, during and after a test.Optimize your physical needs - the physical improvement directly effects mental anxiety.Rest- this is the most crucial of all ways to reduce test anxiety! Get two full nights sleep (8 hours or more each night) before an exam.

Exercise (or anaerobic movement) One of the great ways to to do this is to walk outside in nature. Walking outside oxygenates the blood and reduces sugars and adrenaline which normally increase test taking anxiety.Nutrition (tailored for study needs) Eliminate caffeine and heavy sugars during the time of test taking. This way you're not overloaded with chemicals. Make sure you have a solid piece of protein, a piece of fruit and a tall glass of water.

One physician who I treated recently, knew the exam material very well. As he noted, "My problem with this test is my nerves." Fortunately, he realized he needed help in learning how to calm down prior to the exam and during the actual test in order to pass his board exams. After a few counseling sessions, this doctor was able to successfully pass his certification exam. In addition, he reported little or no anxiety while taking the test.Younger students and their parents often mistakenly believe that prep classes and coaching will rid them of their anxiety. Prep courses are useful, but they do not provide the right kind of help for the the student who has a great deal of anxiety.

Visualize success. The day before the test, see yourself completing the test with ease! Play the entire scenario in your mind from waking up to finishing.Study Well & Prepare.Studying regularly is undoubtedly one of the best ways to build confidence.Pick a seat with few distractions around it.Arrive for the test with materials and optimism. Don't show up too early or too late. Avoid discussing negativity with school mates. Do not flip through your notes 15 minutes before the exam. Instead, relax and text a friend, read a good magazine or eat a snack.

Tips During the test.Read the directions slowly.Circle important/significant words.Put notes in the margins.If needed, do a memory dump on the back of the test page.Don't dwell on an unexpected question too long. just skip it and come back to it.If you ever start to feel overwhelmed during the test, utilize a calming technique. Turn your test over, breath deep and focus on something in the room while visualizing something calming like a campfire or beach. Doing this for 30 seconds is one of the best ways to briefly vacation from that exam.Utilize friends, family, therapists and supports that will help you with ways to be calm and peaceful while encouraging you to use proper study habits.

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Uncover The Interesting Experience Of A Great Ghost Hunt

By Ernest Walker

More than one in three Americans surveyed in October 2008 by Ipsos and the Associated Press expressed the belief that ghosts are genuine. Similarly, a Gallup poll from June 2005 related the fact that roughly forty per cent of the British public have faith in the reality of the haunted house. The swiftly growing array of TV series devoted to this topic, and the simple access to cases in point on websites and blogs mean it ought not to come as a great shock to realize that the notion of the ghost hunt has become an increasingly fashionable activity.

Some people participate in ghost hunting as an amateur hobby. Other enthusiasts make it into a profession. Whichever method suits you better, you will discover the supernatural is a fascinating, thrilling, different world. From a simple vigil, to a commercial ghost venture, most people will find something appealing in this area of uncanny activity.

A profusion of knowledge is easily accessible for people who want to become caught up in the objective assessment of apparently haunted sites. High quality investigations into this divisive subject matter strain to observe systematic procedures and the use of scientific implements to record evidence and statistics. Top-quality proposals and details of eye-witness testimony and first-hand experience proliferate in magazines, books and on the Internet.

Successful paranormal studies call for a fusion of personal insight and dedicated devices. One basic prerequisite when wanting to learn to hunt ghosts is suitable photographic equipment. Ahead of the commencement of your research, double-check that all batteries are totally charged and moreover that you have an adequate number of extras. Always take a generous amount of pictures, a bare minimum of at least fifty on every outing, to take in all potential aspects and camera angles.

Spiritual phenomena don't always become visible plainly in photographs. It is notoriously hard to catch these images during the hours of daylight. Night-time photography with a flash under conditions of subdued lighting, and from a distance no greater than five yards provides the greatest opportunity for positive results. Filters and slow speed shutters can also be advantageous. Loading a thirty-five millimetre camera with an ISO 400 film comes highly recommended.

Some supernatural researchers choose night vision, thermographic photographic kit, sometimes set in motion by infra-red or ultra-sound sensors. Full spectrum camera equipment provides egress to the colourful plane of multi-spectral imagery as a system of depicting photographic impressions from visible, UV, near infra-red along with wide spectrum light. Non-visible radiation uncovered in this manner can be regarded as substantiation of the materialization of spirits.

Other detection equipment used includes Geiger counters, compasses, white noise generators, ion meters, thermal scanners, dowsing rods and air quality monitors (to test carbon monoxide levels which are said to fluctuate due to paranormal phenomena). Unexplained voices can be picked up on EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recording devices. Electromagnetic field (EMF) meters can also be employed.

Background research is advisable before embarking on any ghost hunt. Give the property the once over in daylight, prepare the paraphernalia and run through a safety inspection. Always pay consideration to your emotions and intuitive feelings, and let your heart lead you to places where you get the impression of ghostly occupants. Keep in mind that the greatest means of perception on a hunt will always be the human brain.

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Social Anxiety Vs Driving Phobia - Is It Really the Car You're Afraid Of?

By Vedette Bellemare

Human phobias, which are generally defined as an intense, irrational fear of an object, place, or event, are mysterious. They are very common - experts believe at least 1 in 10 people will develop a phobia at some point in their lives. Yet it's often unclear WHY they develop.Phobias are fears, and fear is a normal part of life. Fear is a good thing in many cases. It's good to be afraid of things that really can hurt us, like certain insects, dangerous animals, or falling off cliffs. But the human mind can fixate on some fears and over-exaggerate them out of proportion to their actual danger.

Being afraid of something (even something irrational) is not in and of itself a phobia. A phobia is formed when we anticipate danger and begin to avoid places and situations we associate with that danger. So a phobia is irrational fear PLUS habitual avoidance.The 2 Main Ways Phobias Develop.Phobias tend to either develop gradually with no definable cause, or suddenly as a response to a traumatic event.In the case of driving phobia, some sufferers report their fear came on gradually, steadily becoming worse over time. This type of phobia usually has no apparent cause and is often a simple misfire between the brain and the feelings / nervous system. Driving somehow becomes associated with danger, even though nothing dangerous actually happened.Some people develop driving phobia as a direct response to trauma; things like car accidents, bodily injury, injury to other drivers, property damage etc. It's more obvious why the person associates driving with danger in these cases.

Tell yourself.I trust that life supports me. I am safe. The truth is, you are safe. Driving is an everyday activity that untold millions engage in without incident. The thing that makes you feel anxious is the belief you're in danger. You're really, really not.I am solutions oriented. Driving anxiety disorder is solvable. One of the main reasons people become more and more afraid of driving is because they see it as an intractable problem with no real solution. This is false. This disorder is very treatable - IF you're willing to change your belief that it's not. That's the starting point for all therapies: the belief that change really is possible. I take charge of my emotions, my desires and my abilities. You've gotten in the habit of letting fear take charge of you instead of the other way around. I know the fear feels big and unmanageable. That's perfectly OK. It's still just a feeling, YOUR feeling. It's a feeling that belongs to you. You don't belong to it.I'm confident. I know I will solve my problems successfully. Confidence is simply the belief you can do something. The more you believe you can do it, the more likely you are to do just that. Confidence starts with belief. Beliefs are just thoughts, and affirmations are an effective way to start changing them.

So You Have Driving Phobia. Now What? Whether your driving phobia is gradual or is a result of PTSD, I'm sorry. I sympathize, because I've also suffered with this phobia. It can be a tough thing to live with.The good news is that phobias respond well to treatment. Treatment options for driving phobia (or any other) include: Cognative Behavioral Therapy (CBT),Hypnosis,Gradual Exposure Therapy,Meditation,Self Help.Which Solution is Right for You? In a way, it doesn't matter how you choose to treat your phobia... as long as you take action and are serious about wanting to change. If you approach it sincerely and with a real desire to change, chances are that you will see significant improvement. And of course the opposite is also true.If you're brand-new to phobia and have no experience with anxiety treatment, I recommend you choose a good anxiety treatment therapist. You may need guidance early on in your anxiety recovery.

Those experienced treating and living with other phobias may find that learning meditation or using self-help resources is enough to successfully treat driving phobia. Keep in mind that self-help alone is often not enough for many people, especially if you're inexperienced.Treating Phobias Focuses More on Solutions Than Causes.Whatever caused your driving phobia, treating it successfully means learning new here-and-now skills. It will probably not be necessary to spend much time re-hashing the past.Modern anxiety treatment methods are about retraining your brain, nervous system, and emotions to judge and respond more appropriately to actual dangers instead of perceived ones.

Driving phobia is a complicated problem and it can even limit a persons daily activities. Due to this, it is worth concentrating on dealing with your fear of driving. There are a number of ways to do this. It's probably best to start by identifying the origin of the fear as this process can then offer ideas on how to proceed with reducing your phobia. Some alternatives to overcome the fear include self help programs, some forms of therapy, driver training, hypnosis as well as medication in other cases.

The initial stage to overcome driving phobia is to identify the source of the fear. To know the cause of the fear will offer significant clues to assist you in selecting a method to overcome it. Different fears - and even different people - react more readily to some types of help than others, so it's worth experimenting. After you have identified the cause of the fear, then you can choose a treatment option which can possibly help and start your recovery.

One technique which can help to overcome this problem is to go through a driving training course. Often the fear comes because you do not have enough confidence in your driving skills or because you have experienced a minor accident or even a moving violation. In circumstances like this a driving course will be of great help. The course will assist you develop your skills which will raise your confidence in your abilities behind the wheel. When you feel better regarding your capability in driving, you should be in a position to do it with no fear.

Driver Training / Coaching. Perhaps your fear is due to feeling that you lack good driving skills. Whether you need to learn how to drive, or just want to brush up your abilities, a good defensive driving course can make you more confident behind the wheel. Hypnotherapy. Common misconceptions about hypnosis are that you're under someone's "spell" and might be manipulated. This is mostly due to stage hypnosis that's used for entertainment. A qualified hypnotherapist treats anxiety by inducing a relaxed state where you learn to change your internal reactions to fear triggers.This also helps you control the physical reactions of anxiety like dizziness and hyperventilation by stimulating the parasympathetic response - your body's built in stress reduction mechanism.

Hypnosis is another helpful alternative to people having a typically milder fear such as general anxiety. Hypnosis can be conducted by a hypnotist or specialized therapist or sometimes it may be self-induced by use of audio recordings. The hypnosis should train your mind to respond to the experience to drive with tranquil confidence rather than panic and anxiety.If the driving phobia is more severe, possibly resulting from a traumatic incident like serious crash, the best choice can be to go for professional counseling and therapy. Jointly working with a professional, you can slowly overcome your fears in a secure environment. Techniques may be used that develop exposure to drive on a controlled road until you are in a position to perform the task without fear. Group therapy may also be helpful since you know that you are not alone. In the group set up, guidelines and techniques are usually shared concerning methods of overcoming the problem. Sometimes medication is prescribed to alleviate anxiety as another option to deal with driving phobia.

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