Saturday, December 6, 2008

Six Things you should know about Diabetes

By Terry Stanfield

Diabetes mellitus is an abnormal condition that affects the secretion and excretion of urine and sugar in your body. This is a disorder that affects your carbohydrate metabolism which is caused by the genes you have inherited and also the conditions of the environment that factors into the equation. It means that the level of your body's insulin is adequate which can be found by testing your blood; it can also affect your body by being thirst, hunger, or loss weight. There are two stages of diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. There are certain precautions that need to be taken when you have Diabetes mellitus. You need know what category you are placed under: Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. You will need to understand there are things that need to be done to your body to keep this condition under control.

You may need insulin to get your glucose under control. This does not mean that you have let yourself down.

You will need to monitor your blood sugar closely so it does not go too high or too low. If you have Type 2 Diabetes you will need to check it more frequently than if you had Type 1 Diabetes.

Know what they are and the symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia causes excessive sweating, elevated heart rate, confusion, and very irritable which is caused low glucose level and if you are experiencing headache, thirst, and frequent urination than your glucose level is high, hyperglycemia.

Every individual deals with diabetes differently. You need make sure that you are taking the right medication for you and your type.

Once you have your glucose level stable, blood pressure also stable and stay away from the thoughts of consuming large amount of protein at once will all work in your favor towards your condition. By keeping other your glucose and blood pressure at a decent level you are keeping yourself away from kidney disease in which affects many diabetics.

By keeping the stress levels low, you will keep the blood vessels throughout your entire body stable so your eye sight will not be affected. If the level of blood pressure and glucose does rise it may lead to an eye disease that is prone to diabetics.

Your overall health affects your whole body as a whole this why you need to maintain your diabetes mellitus. There are a lot of different factors when dealing with diabetes but if one is skipped over it is your life on the line so being cautious on what you do to your body. Making sure that you are taken care of by a physician regularly will catch anything that may be getting worse such as your kidneys or your eyes.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Six Factors that should be avoided by people with Type 2 Diabetes

By Terry Stanfield

Type 2 Diabetes is a disorder that is insulin resistant and the ways to control this condition is through exercise and proper diet just for non - insulin-dependent diabetes. It is often controlled through prescribed medications which can be in pill form or insulin. Your body can be affected by insulin in two ways: hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic. It is often controlled through prescribed medications which can be in pill form or insulin. This type of diabetes is also known as adult-onset diabetes because this is when this stage of diabetes usually affected the body.

With these factors in mind when dealing with your diabetes or even a loved one's diabetes, you may run into adult-on set diabetes. This is not just something that you can pick up over night it is passed down through your genetics but there is a chance that it can be reversed so you can prevent Type 2 Diabetes. Here are some ways to keep your condition, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, under control.

Obesity causes Type 2 Diabetes to get worse because body fat is insulin resistant. The heavier you are the most risk you are in.

Living a sedentary lifestyle can make the risks higher because you are not up moving around working off the excess body fat. When the muscles are moving with exercise there is a better chance that the insulin will work because the muscle is burning the fat cells down.

Eating habits has to do a lot with Type 2 Diabetes. You need to make sure that the foods that are being consumed are high in fiber, less amounts of fat and are simple carbohydrates such as fresh fruit and vegetables.

Genetics plays a huge part in your life because there is a chance that someone in your bloodline has had diabetes and it can be inherited. You need to remember that you can beat diabetes though by living a lifestyle that is healthy and active.

Age has a part in diabetes also, your organs inside of your body ages along with the rest of us. This puts along of pressure on your pancreas because that is the organ that produces your body's insulin and once your pancreas lows down so does the amount of insulin that is produced.

The last two dangers that affects anyone lifestyle are high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you are consuming a diet full of fats and you are obese and not out exercising regularly you are looking at a stroke, diabetes or even a heart attack.

Type 2 Diabetes can be all controlled by you; diet, exercise, and routine check ups with your physician. Just keep in mind no matter how old you are and if your immediate family had diabetes you still have a chance to keep away from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cardio Workouts

By Jimmy Johnson

When losing weight, don't forget to take care of your body. This may sound like a silly statement, but many people harm themselves when they go on a diet. Many drastically cut their calories and skimp on the exercise. What they don't realize is that exercise is the best way to get rid of unwanted calories, and good cardio workouts are essential to losing weight and maintaining weight loss.

The great thing about cardio workouts is that there are so many different types to choose from, you don't have any excuse for claiming boredom as a reason for quitting. You can make almost any activities into cardio workouts. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you should begin with simple cardio workouts, because you body won't handle extreme workouts very well at first. You don't want to overdo it, and then quit because it is too strenuous. Begin by walking, and walk at a fast enough pace to get your heart rate slightly elevated.

House cleaning sessions can be cardio workouts if you do it right. Keep moving while you clean, and do activities that require vigorous motions, like scrubbing and vacuuming. You can also include your children in your cardio workouts. My daughter and I like to dance along to Wiggle's DVDs. They have quite a few that have nothing but songs, and these will keep you moving. The dance moves are not that hard, and it'll be easy for you and your children to learn the moves and keep up. As far as cardio workouts go, this is one that is a lot of fun.

Check out your television programming to find out any channels that offer fitness workouts. You can find great activities such as flow yoga, aerobics and step-fit programs that will kick start your day with a boost of energy. Find a few shows that you like and alternate between them to give yourself some variety, as well as target different muscle groups.

Make sure you start out gradually, so you don't overdo yourself and get discouraged. It will not take long before you notice a difference and start keeping up with all the moves. At this point you can either choose to continue with your home workout routine, or join a gym for a bit more of a challenge. Gyms can offer a lot more types of cardio workouts that you can't do at home.

Whether you are losing weight or getting fit, the keep to taking up a cardio routine is to find something you like, start slowly and stick with it. After a few weeks you will certainly notice a difference, both in your body and your mind, which will certainly be good a motivator to keep going. If you ever get tired of your cardio routine, feel free to mix it up with something new and different so you don't get bored.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

12 Steps to Using a Tazer Safely

By Jennifer Bales

1) A taser is a potentially lethal device. It commands the same care and respect as any other self defense product. Always store your taser in a secure location, locked away from children. Insure that your taser is never stored in the "ready" mode. If you decide to carry your taser with your personal effects, ensure it is secured so your children will never find it. Confirm that the state and local laws allow you to carry a taser before you take it outside

2) Never point your taser at a target you don't intend to fire on. A taser can be potentially lethal. An accidental discharge could lead to several nasty legal repercussions.

3) Fifteen feet is as far as the publicly available taser units will fire. In order to judge what fifteen feet looks like, measure it, walk it out and if you're going to be using your taser for home defense choose firing positions in your home. In a perfect world your target will be 7 -10 feet away from you. If you fire at a closer range, the probes of the unit may not have adequate distance to separate and lodge in a proper position.

4) A taser distributes an electrical charge capable of igniting flammable substances. Never fire your taser near combustible or explosive materials.

5) Your taser is designed to make your target lose control of their motor functions and so if you fire a taser at someone in the water, or someone who could be seriously harmed by a fall, you are no longer using a non-lethal weapon. Keep this in mind before you discharge a taser at someone.

6) Always keep your fingers and other body parts away from the front of the weapon. Remember, it is a weapon and not a toy.

7) If your taser is showing a low battery signal, replace the batteries immediately. Always keep your taser in good repair.

8) The ideal distance from your target is 7-10 feet. Never fire your taser at anyone closer than 3 feet away, as the probes may not lodge in a proper position.

9) The taser is designed to shoot from a level and upright position ( the weapon - not you) so if you want it to work, hold it properly.

10) Find a safe place to get used to handling your taser and if it has the laser sighting- which most of them do, get used to aiming it. Purchasing an extra cartridge to practice firing is an option you might want to consider.

11) If you ever need to use your taser on a person, aim for the center of the chest. It is the largest area of the body and you're less likely to miss.

12) Once you have fired your taser and your target is on the ground, put the taser down and go. Tasers deploy small confetti type paper discs with identification information and the police will be able to trace which weapon was fired. A taser is replaceable, literally. If you fire your taser in self defense and leave and lose your weapon, the company will replace it free of charge with the right back up information. You, on the other hand are probably not so easily replaced

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Best Muscle Building Supplements - Creatine

By Westy

Creatine has a pivotal role to play in muscle building, and while you are being educated on creatine, you are actually learning a lot about muscle building too. The second part teaches you how to extract the best out of creatine supplements. Creatine supplementation actually helps in maximizing the reserves in your body for optimal use. If you intend to use it like any other supplement you might not gain what you should have, so then a bit of learning is essential. Product labels do not contain the actual information; it is of no use basically.

A Creatine Guide will help you to use the supplement in the most beneficial way for your muscle building and your health. You will learn about the dosage that you should use and what the effects of each level of dosage will be. You will also learn about handling creatine and the maintenance and washing out phase of engaging in supplementation. There are a number of techniques that are used with creatine that can increase the effectiveness and the safety of using it. There can be some great results achieved with these techniques. Not everyone looks forward to the idea of learning something, but if it is effective it makes the whole process a little easier.

The e-book not only deals with the supplementation part, but also includes the meals to be taken pre and post workouts. The Author believes in creating an anabolic environment and presets the guidelines for doing so. He also emphasizes on the glutamine content, proteins and other supplements. He also narrates the role of every supplement on human body; which is unique and quite helpful.

The guide also runs through the different supplements that you can buy on the market. You will find out how safe some of these products are and which ones you should consider buying. The questions that most people have about this supplement are also gone over in great detail. This is all of the real information that you will need when you use creatine in your muscle building workout. There are some myths out there about creatine and the guide will help you sort through this information and find the truth behind the use of the supplement.

A discussion on creatine synthesis is also a part of the guide as well. You should make sure that you use a high quality product when you are using creatine in your workout plan. The guide will help you find a high quality product from the many manufacturers that make this supplement. This will help you select the best possible product for use in your routine. All of the information that you will need to use this supplement is included in your Creatine Guide.

The guide will come with a lifetime of updates so that you are never out of step with the latest research on creatine. The use of creatine is a relatively new idea. That is why it is so important that you stay current on the latest information. When you use the Creatine Guide, you will be getting the best information that is currently available.

Honestly, there's nothing to complain. The book is thoroughly organized and less expensive. It also includes lifetime updates and is the best learning tool. The Creatine Guide is truly under-hyped, though it is so useful for muscle building. The e-book might not seem that important in the beginning, but as you proceed and start application, you will note the difference in you.

When you are finished with this guide you will have a clear understanding of creatine and how to use it in your life. The cost of the book is inexpensive in comparison to the amount of information that you are getting. Anyone has the ability to use creatine in their life, but only those who have a good handle on how to use it effectively should add it to their life.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Chest Muscle Building - Bench Press is Critical!

By Westy

The Critical Bench Program is one that you should have if you are looking to increase your chest area and find a good workout for the rest of your body. The program will let you create a program that works for you personally.

Personalization actually facilitates the use of this program and makes it simpler. You are given a weekly target and as weeks pass by, you go a step ahead with your mission. You get Mike's email address, what else ca be a bonus for you guys out there. Mike is willing to help you out with your questions regarding the program and will help you gain the maximum out of it. You'll hardly get the kind of advice that Mike has for you. He is an expert after all.

Because the program is personalized for you, it will be much simpler for you to follow. The program will require you to meet a target every week and when you do, you will see all of the results that you are after. Mike, the creator of the program, will be there every step of the way to guide you through the weekly targets. You will even have his email address.

In the program there is a discussion on the issue of spotters and their importance in the program. The program fully endorses the use of partners in your workout. You will be pushing yourself very hard with this program and the use of a partner is essential to getting through the workouts.

Spotting is truly a skill and Mike tells you how to develop this skill. One can also make some modifications in the program, but don't go over the board, follow the rules.

The program is ten weeks long and at the end you will have achieved some great results. Remember, that your bodybuilding will be very hard work and you will have to stretch beyond your limits. The physique that you create at the end of the program will be well worth all of your hard work.

Mike has vast knowledge and he is glad to share it with us. His book happens to be the best of the lot and is well recognized and praised by some of the expert trainers. It gives you ample knowledge and you will be one of the most educated people in your circle. It is wise to be knowledgeable in every sphere and if bodybuilding is what you prefer, you need to learn about that as well.

If you want to have a great result from your bodybuilding, you should invest in a quality program that delivers results. There are many books and programs out there, but this is a great addition to your collection. Show your friends who are into bodybuilding as well and you may be able to work as partners to have a great body at the end of the program.

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

So, you're booked for a cardiac stress test. Terrified?

By Dr. T. Johnson

Your heart turned to stone when the doctor told you he was booking you for a cardiac stress test. Take it easy. It's a piece of cake. I did it, anybody can.

I will tell you all about the cardiac stress test your doctor has ordered. This simple, easy and painless procedure will expose any secrets that your heart may be hiding from you, possibly fatal ones.

You remember what the doctor said but, somehow, you are not reassured. Are they going to cut you open? Wouldn't it just be simpler for you to go home and cut down on the beer and pizza? What if something "shows up"?

You rarely hear of people suffering heart attacks in their sleep. Cardiac events usually occur when a person is walking, shoveling snow or exerting themselves somehow. Road rage also wreaks havoc on the heart as well as on the mind.

To properly assess your heart, it must be made to work a bit. This tells the whole story. This is why you often hear of people having heart attacks when they are doing something.

A reading of between 140/90 and 90/60 is considered normal. Any readings over those and your doctor will want to investigate further. Consider any concerns your doctor has as blessings. Many people don't find out till it's too late that there are problems. Remember, your blood pressure is only an indicator of your overall well-being.

Cardiac illness is not just for fat people, smokers or old folks. It is sneaky and can lay you out flat in no time with no warning. Blood pressure of between 90/60 and 140/90 is considered normal and any time yours falls outside that guideline, have yourself checked out right away.

Sometimes your arterial system may be on the verge of a major breakdown and there is no way of finding out without stressing the system a bit. This is what the cardiac stress test does. It's like your mechanic taking your car for a test drive to confirm what you told him the problem was. The test is painless. There is not much to it and the technicians are not sadists. They are there to help you work your body a bit so that any shortfalls will become apparent.

Unlike a broken bone, heart problems can hide right near the surface of your life and you could be totally unaware of it. Using the cardiac stress test, kind, well trained technicians put your body through its paces a bit so that any problems will stick out like a sore thumb. Don't worry, they are not going to make you run the Iron Man contest.

Whatever is scaring you, whether it is the sight of you puffing a bit on the machine or that scar on your back, the technicians have seen it all before. Go there relaxed and confident if you can. You might even find the experience enjoyable!

They will connect you painlessly to some equipment as you walk slowly on a walking machine. They will watch closely how your body reacts to the stress of some mild exercise. Their machines will show exactly what is happening in your body. At the first sign of a problem, the machine is turned off and you are closely monitored to make sure you are okay.

If your cardiac stress test reveals any problems, you and your doctor can work out an action plan, whether it involves medication, finding ways to relieve stress in your life, surgery, change of lifestyle or whatever. Your medical professional will suggest some treatments like prescribing stop smoking aids if you smoke. Smoking does raise your blood pressure. Make sure your doctor knows where you can get self help for anxiety, also.

Consider your cardiac stress test a blessing, whether it finds anything or not. It's one of those "pay me now or pay me later" scenarios. Either way you win.

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