Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to Communicate to Your Employees in Turbulent

By Wendy Mack

Communication with employees is often the first thing to drop off when a company is struggling to survive in a bad economy. This avoidance can affect overall company performance for a number of reasons. Employee stress must be recognized and dealt with, or productivity will suffer and profits will be effected as employees call in sick for stress related illness, lose touch with the overall company goals and eventually develop reduced levels of commitment to the company.

I would like to suggest five strategies to maintain effective communication in trying times.

#1: Show the C-Level

As a general rule, senior leader visibility and accessibility need to increase in proportion to the number of unknowns in an organization. Instead of waiting to hold town hall meetings until all of the details have been worked out, communicate frequently when options are being weighed and decisions are being made.

#2: Eliminate the Strain of Silence

Sadly, many company owners and senior management are hesitant to meet with employees through town hall or virtual meetings when the future is uncertain. It is difficult when they have little of certainty to say and are confused themselves as to the final impact of, or best solution for a problem. It is easy to avoid the situation and wait to talk to employees until more is known.

Unfortunately, silence only leads to rumors. If concerns and rumors are left unaddressed, momentum builds and leads to distrust. For employees to trust their management teams, leaders need to communicate openly and honestly about whats happening.

#3: Recognize the Tension

If you arent sure as to what you will do in a situation, share the options and possible courses of action you will take. TJ and Sandar Larkin, communication experts, indicate that employees lost trust in senior management not because they are hearing about difficult situations from them, but because they are hearing little or nothing at all.

William Bridges, who is an organizational transitions expert, agrees with this theory. He has found that employees prefer their management to admit that they dont know what they are going to do about a situation, but that they will let them know, rather than stay silent and leave the employees to wonder.

#4: Communicate Practical Optimism

Financial industry employees everywhere began to panic when Lehman Brothers announced their bankruptcy in late 2008. Attempting a proactive response to the crisis, the President of the Navy Federal Credit Union in Vienna, Va. sent a letter to all staff addressing their concerns. The letter reassured employees that the credit union had never been involved in subprime lending and always operated in a very conservative manner. But the letter also acknowledged that the current financial crisis posed risk to all financial organizations, the impact of which was yet to be seen.

This blend of realistic optimism is something that leaders should strive for. Employees dont want the truth to be sugar-coated. Communication expert Robert Holland urges leaders to consider a message like: I know the financial crisis has touched each one of you in very personal ways. These are troubling times, but let me tell you what our company is doing to weather the storm.

#5: Reach out to Remote Employees

It is easy for employees in the field and operating in remote locations to feel neglected and fearful as to their future. One Denver director of a company based on the West Coast which is in the middle of a large restructure has implemented the following plan for getting information out to these folks:

1. A short staff meeting first thing Monday Morning in order to ensure that every one is up to date on any news or decisions that took place over the last week.

2. A more formal all-hands call midway through the week in order to share rumors or gossip people may have heard and to set folks straight as to the facts.

3. An email at the end of each which summarizes all the weeks news regarding the reorganization.

The beauty of such a plan comes from its consistency and openness. People trust that they know what is really happening and feel comfortable raising their concerns. The portion of the all-hands meeting that addresses the rumors results in some good laughs. The whole office feels connected and supported.

However they ultimately choose to do it, successful senior management will take the time to recognize their employees anxiety and be open to honest two way communication. Successful leaders know that when tension is at its highest, good communication is a must for a smooth running organization.

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Video Security and Security of Mind

By Christopher Williams

Crime in and around our homes is a very real and common problem. Regardless of where one lives, crime can affect anyone at any time. Our sense of security is threatened when we feel helpless to do anything about it. Becoming a victim at home is not always something we want to think about, but we should. Criminals are only thinking about what they want, no matter where we may live.

Though we worry about crime hitting us at home, there are very real threats within the home that many of us may not readily think about. With the need for babysitters and housekeepers for busy moms and dads, having a video security system inside the home is just as important as having one outside.

For the criminals trying to get in, there are many great video security systems to help avert crime before it happens. Some cameras are motion sensitive, recording as soon as they detect movement. Additionally, homeowners can watch live streaming video and receive alerts right on their computer monitor.

Also available are night vision cameras, many of very high quality, that can detect potential intruders and identify them under the cover of darkness. Using video security measures in conjunction with an audible alarm will likely keep the intruder out and everyone at home safe.

While both parents often have to work outside the home, there are legitimate concerns when searching for a babysitter to care for their young children. Toddlers and babies are especially susceptible to abusive babysitters as they can't speak for themselves to let parents know if a babysitter is hurting them. Video security systems are invaluable in these situations. Video surveillance can be done both openly and discreetly with a live feed to any computer monitor for parents' peace of mind. Parents can observe at anytime what is happening in their homes and know how their children are being treated.

Discreet video surveillance in the home is a great tool in keeping a close eye on a housekeeper. Allowing someone in the home to clean, unobserved, can set the homeowner up for theft of treasured items. It's just not possible to put everything under lock and key, so video security is the best way to be sure the housekeeper is honest and doing the job they are hired to do. With so many nice things just lying around it can be difficult for some people to keep themselves in check, so keeping an eye on them is one way to be sure nothing leaves the house.

Using a video security system is one way to prevent crime or catch criminals in the act. The camera is a valuable witness for assisting in the apprehension and conviction of those responsible for a crime. It can also be used to alert homeowners who are away at work of a fire or other devastating occurrence in the home.

Crime has become more sinister and criminals more daring, so being prepared is the way to ensure the best chances of not becoming a victim in one's own home. Having a good surveillance system is perhaps the best way to keep crime out and our families safe inside.

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Tips for Taking Care Of Heart Rate Monitors

By Henry Calhoun

There is great potential in using heart rate monitors to give an exercise program the boost it needs to become a fat burning working out. Since most want to burn the fat of as quickly as possible a heart rate monitor can help, because it can help you to keep track of your targeted heart rate. This allows the person working out to increase the amount of calories burned while exercising, as well as make a workout more effective.

Probably the most basic way to improve the use and performance of heart rate monitors is to affix the devices properly. Heart rate monitors involve a chest strap and a wrist device. These items must be affixed properly and securely in order to deliver the right sensory information. So, if they are affixed in a manner that is too loose, they will not deliver helpful information. Conversely, there is no reason to affix them in a manner that is too tight. This can undermine the data provided by the heart rate monitor.

While you are working out you need to keep check on the heart rate monitor as to gain the maximum benefit from it. This does not mean you need to constantly watch it but take frequent glances so you can see when your heart rate is where it should be to reap the most you can benefit from your endeavor.

The heart rate monitor has another very important use other than a weight loss aid and that is as a safety device. It is possible when working out for your heart rate to elevate too high which can put you into what is called an anaerobic phase. This means that you are not able to get enough oxygen and can cause you to pass out and fall which may cause a person to injure themselves.

If properly taken care of, you will find that your heart rate monitors works best. When the monitor is not being used then it should be stored in a safe spot and it is also important to keep the chest strap and wrist device together when putting it away. If either piece is lost, then the heart rate monitor won't do you any good.

It is important to buy the correct monitor for you so it would be wise to shop around at what is available. Normally a name brand model would be best for quality and performance reasons but this does not mean you need to purchase the most expensive but see which has been tried by other users and get a good score.

As long as you understand about the care of your heart rate monitor and how to use it properly, you will be able to make the most of the information it provides you with. This will in turn ensure you that you are getting the most out of your workout routines.

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The Secret Golden Power of Karate

By Al Case

I grew up in the fifties, and this strange thing called Karate exploded onto the scene. Frail women could use it to take down savage brutes. Even a child could use it to protect himself against the bullies.

Unfortunately, very few have ever seen the true side of the martial art called Karate. I studied something called Kang Duk Won back in the sixties and seventies, and Kang Duk Won did illustrate the True Martial Art. With Kang Duk Won Korean Karate, which was a forerunner of Tae Kwon Do, the rumors were true, even women and children could use the art to fend off large attackers.

I will tell you the secret of Kang Duk Won in a moment, but first let me make a point, what I am about to tell you was not true for Shotokan, or kenpo, or Goju Ryu or Shito ryu or any other art. These arts were altered, and so lost the essence of Karate. And, to be honest, there seems to be no sign of a resurgence of The True Art in these arts.

Shotokan, for instance, was supremely altered by the robust college students of Japan. It was tailored for tournaments and machismo and the singular and limited mentality that bullies holds only to the truncated truth that there is only art and it is the one I am studying. At one point a college student was beaten to death for not holding to this terrible principle.

Kenpo is another example of an art that has been reworked into something that can be brutal, but does not elevate the human condition. Tournaments, trophies, protective gear, and the desire to keep little Johnny entertained so he would keep paying his monthly dues are all part of this heresy. And, as time progresses, it seems that other influences are derailing the potential The True Art and stopping people from the real value a study of the martial arts can give.

Mind you, the secret of true martial art is still within such arts as Kenpo and Shotokan, but people do not open their eyes, study blindly, cannot open their eyes that there could be anything besides their own precious art. All they have to do is learn to do their forms in a manner more relaxed and conducive to mental relaxation. I do not mean limp relaxed, like Tai Chi often becomes when studied for health purposes, but relaxed, empty, and empty in a manner that results in awareness flickering through the body.

Do the form until you don?t have to think about it, but it is a simple, automatic sequence. Relax, and, while holding a slight tautness in the tan tien, close only the fist. Make a snapping sound with the fist.

We do forms in this fashion at Monster Martial Arts, and the result is an end to the mental chatter within, and a back and forth surge of intention and golden power. Indeed, we have more awareness in which to assess the threats of the world, more relaxed ability to move the frame, and the surge and whip of golden energy within creates a fist that will drop any attacker. Of course, you can always hold to the idea that there is only your art, and that nobody else in the world can have a can do that if you wish.

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The Terribly Sad and Tragic End of Yoon Byung In

By Al Case

Yoon Bying In wanted to study kung fu more than anything in the world, yet the kung fu master in his town refused to teach Koreans. Time after time Yoon had been caught peeking in windows and had been chased away by the master. Then Yoon had a smart idea.

During class he snuck up and arranged the shoes of the students in a neat line. He then retreated and watched when the master of kung fu stepped out of the school. The kung fu master was pleased at this display of respect, and he wondered who had done such a polite thing.

Yoon continued lining up the shoes on the porch day after day, and, eventually, the kung fu master found out Yoon was the one responsible. This was the way that Yoon became the only Korean accepted to study kung fu in this town by this master. He threw himself into a study of the martial arts, and he proved bright and capable in many ways.

Yoon grew older and eventually enrolled in college. He like to practice his kung fu on a tree on the campus, and he pounded on the tree so mercilessly that the tree eventually began to bend over. One day a fellow student came running up to him and begged for his help.

We are both Korean, and you must help me. Those Japanese karate students are after me. At that moment a band of the karate students came charging up.

Yoon put himself in the way and told the students that the martial arts should be studied for peaceful purposes. Immediately, the students challenged him and began trying to fight him. Using his kung fu Yoon dodged and darted and managed to avoid combat without hurting anybody.

The instructor who taught these students heard of Yoon, and, upon meeting Yoon, became friends with him. Eventually, Yoon went to study Karate in Japan with Toyama Kanken, who had studied with the fabulous Ankoh Itosu. Toyama was so impressed he traded martial arts knowledge with Yoon, and made him an advanced instructor in the Shudokan, which Yoon taught upon his return to Korea.

Yoon contributed greatly to Karate, causing the founding of the Kang Duk Won and contributing to the fund of knowledge which became Tae Kwon Do. Eventually he was swept up by the Korean war, where he became a prisoner of war and was forced to work in a cement factory. It is rumored that he never returned home, yet his contributions will always be embedded in the DNA of Karate.

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Airsoft Guns As An Enthusiast Activity

By Anthony Carter

Airsoft guns and associated accessories -- when considering taking up the use of such toy replica guns that fire soft plastic or rubber BBs -- can be fun and exciting pieces of equipment to own when taking up their use as a hobby. These toy weapons have quickly come to match paintball guns as a fun and exciting way to engage in shooter-type games.

For the most part, these replica guns are extremely detailed, and can resemble the actual thing in every aspect, at least to the untrained eye. They come in a variety of types and kinds, including handguns, shotguns and rifles -- especially those kinds of rifles that looked like the military version, such as the M4 carbine.

Usually, airsoft guns of the military rifle variety seem to attract many rookie or just-learning hobbyists and enthusiasts. As an example, the M4 carbine with attached grenade launcher is the most popular model of replica toy guns sold on the market, at present. To add a bit of safety, most makers of such toy guns will add a neon colored or orange colored tip to the muzzle.

With muzzle velocities of over three-hundred feet per second, which are usually gained from electric power that makes use of a piston and a rechargeable battery that forces air to propel those rubber BBs, the shooting capabilities are very attractive to those looking to engage in one-on-one or team against team shooting competitions in a combat environment.

If deciding that taking up airsoft guns as a hobby is going to be a good idea, it's a smart first step, then, to head to the Internet to see what sort of replica weapons will be available and how much they'll cost to purchase. Normally, a quality replica of something like the M4 carbine will run from $50 for a purely plastic model up to $300 for one that has lots of accessories and is composed partly of metal.

Usually, when the idea behind owning one of these toy replica guns is to begin engaging in team shoot outs or one-on-one shooter type games, there will be a need to add several different pieces of gear to the kit. This can include using a tactical vest or harness that's capable of holding several BB storing magazines and additional battery packs for use in a firefight.

Batteries that are employed for use in airsoft guns are rechargeable and will initially require at least four hours before they can be put into use. After that, keep in mind that it's a good idea to fully drain the battery before recharging it in order to ensure the battery doesn't create a faulty memory and shut the weapon down during the middle of a firefight.

Airsoft guns that fire off hundreds of rounds of soft plastic or rubber BBs have become a fun and exciting way to engage in first person shooter competitions and role-playing games for children and adults alike. They can be a cleaner and even safer way to engage in such activities than would normally be found with paintball or traditional copper BB weapons.

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Using Blood Pressure Monitors At Home

By Jack Douglas

Blood pressure monitors are becoming more user friendly so it is quite easy to check your blood pressure at home. If you have high blood pressure or other heart disease, tracking your blood pressure can be important to your health. Home blood pressure monitors are not very expensive, especially if you buy the manual rather than the digital kind.

There is one thing that you have to be aware of when choosing a blood pressure monitor, though, and that is the size of your arm. The standard cuff that usually comes with it, if it does not fit properly, may not give an accurate reading. Therefore you will need to size up in order to ensure a proper fit. The same goes for children and those with small arms. You need to purchase a pediatric size in that case.

Proper care needs to be taken of your blood pressure monitor. As sometimes happens, if you should drop the device, then it should be compared with another properly working monitor to check for accuracy. Another thing to keep in mind is it should not be left in a hot car, because this could damage it. You should also check your blood pressure monitor's tubing to be certain that it has no cracks or leaks.

As a general rule you will be recording the resting blood pressure. The only exception would be if your doctor tells you to do something else. The reason for this is that stress and activities elevate your blood pressure and if you need to keep track of the readings, then the same conditions have to be ensured for each reading. You also should not smoke, eat or exercise a half hour before it is time to take the blood pressure reading. The best way to get good readings is to sit comfortably with your feet on the floor.

When using digital blood pressure monitors, it is important to sit still while the unit is in operation. If you move around during testing, the results might not be accurate. Using a cell phone while taking your blood pressure might cause an inaccurate reading with digital blood pressure monitors also.

When taking your blood pressure if for any reason it seems unusual or incorrect, then you should always retake it just to be on the safe side. Before you do, however, you have to wait a few minutes. When you do the test again also start over completely, which means you have to remove the arm cuff before you measure your blood pressure.

Every now and then you have to make sure that your blood pressure monitor is still accurate. This is best done by taking your monitor with you when you have to go to the doctor's office and then comparing results from your device to those of your doctor's equipment.

It cannot be emphasized enough that you should be consistent in your routine when it comes to taking your blood pressure. Any changes such as climbing up the stairs can elevate the reading versus if you took it while resting. Your blood pressure does rise and fall throughout the day, but your activities can also affect the outcome of the reading.

Another way of assisting your doctor with his diagnosis and treatment of you is to keep a log or journal of your blood pressure readings. You should make a note of the conditions, such as if you were relaxed, feeling stressed or whatever the case may be, as well as record the time of day and any other pertinent information to help in your treatment.

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How I Solved the Martial Arts!

By Al Case

To my knowledge, no one in the history of the martial arts has asked this question. No one has ever considered the Martial arts as one big puzzle. No one has ever taken the time to assemble the puzzle and see what the martial arts really are.

When the question occurred to me, and I solved the puzzle, I was struck by a fabulous concept. I discovered the True Art that people talk about but never actually get to. I also found out why people come up short when trying to find the True Art.

Interestingly, the True Art depends on hard core physics. Physics is at the heart of understanding all motion in this universe. Physics is the single thing that one must understand if they are to realize the True Art.

At first, like every other student, I availed myself of magazines and books, and I studied every art I came in contact with. I saw movies, ordered libraries of video tapes, and I had deep discussions with every martial artist I came in contact with. The digital age made my activities even larger, and i began sample and study arts across the whole planet.

I began making records of all the techniques that I knew. I covered the backs of business cards with them and laid them out across my living room. The thousands of cards covered with the techniques of hundreds of arts and styles.

I began to compile the techniques into categories. I labeled them by kick or punch, by straight or by circular, by whatever concept of art I could think of. I even tried categorizing them by where they had originated.

Slowly, I began to filter out the duplicate techniques. I threw away all the poser techniques; those techniques in which the attacker has to wait for the defender to do the technique. Eventually, the number of cards grew smaller and became more manageable. In the end I was left with 40 techniques.

Thats all the martial arts are, you know, forty techniques. Every other technique in every other art is, in some manner or other, nothing more than a copycat of one of the forty techniques. But the real blessing wasnt just that I came up with the source forty techniques of the Martial Arts, the real blessing was that I began to see threads of commonality that no one else had ever seen.

The Martial Arts have been solved, the puzzle has been put together so that everybody can see it. That puzzle, once viewed is an incredible doorway into the True Art. The Golden Age of the martial arts has now begun.

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Are Airsoft Guns Safe For Children?

By Anthony Carter

Many parents become alarmed when their children avidly ask for airsoft guns for special occasions. Airsoft guns are actually harmless as long as the proper safety protocols are followed.

Airsoft guns are deemed as one of the safest guns for people to use. However, despite what many people are saying about the safety of the guns there are still a wide array of people that would love to see the guns banned. Before you make a final stand on how you feel about the guns, it helps to have a knowledge concerning what the guns truly are.

Airsoft guns are realistic looking toy guns that fire pellets at a speed of 25 to 45m. The guns are nothing like the old BB guns that many people consistently compare them to. They will not fire out any windows or cause any ailments as long as you follow the safety precautions that go along with the guns.

The guns have been around for a series of 30 years, so inadvertently they are not as new as many people avidly presume them to be. The guns are designed for a plethora of recreational activities which include paintball, target practice and even war simulation games.

The guns were created in Japan. During the time of their creation firearms in Japan were prohibited, however people still wanted a gun that would serve a recreational purpose. They decide to make a non-lethal pellet that would shoot from the gun instead of a bullet or BB that could cause ailments.

The guns quickly began to grow all over Japan. People from many different walks of life were requesting one of the guns for themselves. They branched out to Hong Kong and the Philippines, however they did not reach the peak of their popularity until they reached the UK and the US.

Presently, there are three different types of airsoft guns available. You can obtain the spring operated gun, the gas operated gun or the battery powered gun. All of the guns serve an initial purpose of providing a recreational as well as safe sport that children can play in.

The guns are fairly simply to use, and they are noted as being extremely safe as well. The guns launch plastic pellets which have been recorded to not cause any unnecessary ailments.

To ensure that your child is safe you should always make them wear protective gear when using the gun. All children should be equipped in a mask that will protect their faces, goggles, and a pair of gloves when they are playing with the guns.

Parents should not be alarmed to purchase airsoft guns for their children. As long as your children realize that they need to protect themselves while operating the guns they should not have any ailments. Today's youth is accustomed to protecting themselves in comparison to prior generations.

Therefore, enforcing safety precautions with the airsoft guns and your children should not be any battle at all. You should consistently observe the law when playing with the guns and ensure that your children are always properly armored.

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A Few Things To Look For In A Gun Safe

By Bobby Dillon

There is nothing worse than coming home from a big successful hunting trip only to find that you have no place to store and protect your hunting rifles. Everyone who owns a gun of any kind should own some kind of gun safe and that's probably why you've stumbled upon this article here today. You want to know what to look for in a gun safe, well, let me tell you.

Gun safes offer protection against all sorts of dangerous predicaments. They are often weather proof, theft proof, and fireproof. When shopping for a gun safe one of the first things you should look for is the fire proof rating. The fireproof rating will tell you just how much care was put into the gun safe as a whole. The higher the rating, the better the gun safe will be. You're going to want to balance the quality with your available budget but try your best to get as much fireproofing as possible.

Every safe has a locking mechanism on it and gun safes are no different. You have to decide what kind of lock you would like to have on your gun safe as well as what kind of lock you can afford to have on your gun safe. Some locks, like digital locks and fingerprint locks, can get pretty expensive and others aren't worth putting money into at all. Figure out the delicate balance between price and quality and you'll find a decent lock.

Most women will tell you that size matters with men and it's the same thing for gun safes. The truth is that in most cases the bigger the gun safe is the better it will be but you might not need a gigantic gun safe for your miniature handgun collection. The size of your gun safe is going to boil down to a personal preference because you have to get a safe that will match the amount of guns you own. More guns require more space, less guns can be stored in a small and compact compartment.

Gun safes aren't all about safety and protection either, they can make some really nice decorative pieces for your hunting lodge or for your firing range. You can find some really ornate gun safes out there that are decorated in bronzed deer heads and fancy golden polishes and you can find some drab gun safes that look like gym lockers. Try and get out that will fit the style of the room you'll be putting it in so that it doesn't stand out too much.

It is important to understand that gun safes come in all degrees of quality on many different levels. You want to make sure that you get the gun safe that is right for you in particular because they can get rather expensive. Weigh the positives and negatives against the gun safe selection and choose one that will give you the most bang for your buck

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A Commercial Locksmith in New York Will Ensure That Your Business Is Protected

By James A. Broder

In today's day and age, security has become a major concern for a plethora of people, if your business needs an extra added amount of security you should call on the services of a commercial locksmith.

A plethora of commercial locksmith providers offer different security packages that you can obtain to protect your personal belongings. It seems almost in a sense as time progresses, crime inadvertently follows it.

The decline of our economy has much to do with the rise in the crime rate. People are avidly trying to find any means to support themselves and their families that inadvertently they will steal in order to do so. Commercial locksmith agencies have state of the art equipment that they can install to help protect you against a burglary.

When your home is broken into that is one thing. However, when your business becomes the victim of a crime that is a completely different story. It seems as though we are all living in a time where we need to do our best to protect the assets that we have.

Upon finding a locksmith to ensure that your building is safe from a burglary, you need to ensure that the locksmith is apart of a reputable company. Obviously, you do not want to call on the aide of a company that you have never heard of before. You need to ensure that the company has all of the correct certifications in order to fulfill your job.

You should receive a master key lock for your business that is only accessible by you the owner of the place. A generally good locksmith will ensure that all of your entry ways to your business are secured and also ensure that you have all the basic lock accessories that a business needs in order to remain safe.

File cabinet locks, as well as commercial locks for all doors of your business should be included when you call on the services of a commercial locksmith. If your company has its own private gate you should ensure that you receive a lock and key for that point of entry as well.

If you want to ensure that the services that the commercial locksmith is providing you will keep intruders out the best way is to test it for yourself. After the company has installed all the lock systems you should try to break the locks that were installed.

Your not actually going to break into your business, however you are going to need to check all of the locks that the commercial locksmith set up to ensure that they will keep your business safe from criminals.

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The Unbelievable and Not To Be Denied Golden Sphere

By Al Case

Every once in a while in the martial arts one will hear of the concept of The Golden Sphere. Aikido is big on this theory, Pa Kua Chang deals with it directly, and Tai Chi Chuan done with consummate attention to detail will, eventually, create The Golden Sphere. And even those arts considered coarse and base, such as Karate and Tae Kwon Do, will, done long enough and with enough attention to detail, and with sufficient eye to the virtues of humanity, result in The Golden Sphere.

Unfortunately, most people never come across this concept of The Golden Sphere, have not heard of it, and are not blessed with even the rudimentary knowledge of how to attain it. Yet the Golden Sphere is nothing but a glow manufactured and sustained, an casement of energy, and the rules for that attaining are easily understood and simply done. Indeed, with a bare listing of the concepts involved, any one of any art could attain it, though, to be honest, it is easier if one has acquired all the knowledge, and studied all the arts.

First and foremost is the grounding of your machine, which is, after all, nothing but a machine. You must undertake a severe and deliberate study of stances, exploring all ranges of motion. You must course the energy through the legs, learning when to push against the ground, and when to brace upon it.

Second and equally important is the glow that one generates in the energy center. The energy center is called the One Point, or the tan tien, and it is the center of the body/machine. This energy center is generates the energy, and you must center your awareness on it, you must breath as if to it, cause it to glow from the excitation of energy running up and down the legs, you must make it work.

Third, most important of all, one must learn how to relax while doing the martial arts. If one is not relaxed, then energy is not concentrated in the tan tien, but rather dissipated throughout the body to points that are not relaxed. In other words, energy is locked up by points of the body that are not relaxed.

Now, you are breathing, grounding, focusing, and creating truckloads of energy inside the center of the body. This will cause you to glow, regardless of any wish or desire to the contrary--and, to be honest, only a fool would not want to glow. So liberate this energy, course it through the arms by doing forms, and like sparklers on a dark night, encapsualte your body with imaginations of geometric configurations, and let that energy surround you, protect you, and yet not bar you from the world, but rather open you to a different world, a world beyond senses, a world of ethereal perfection.

Eventually, as you practice without thought of time or other such worldly distractions, you will become the art. You will become the special and unique individual that, in your heart of hearts, you are. One thing that will help you to increase your progress on this path a hundred fold, is to study what virtue is, and how to manifest it in your life.

It is easy, you know, if you do your forms with attention to the details I have listed here, if you just get out of your way. It is easy if you put aside the problems of the world, solve them efficiently and quickly, and concentrate your time on this planet to what really matters, the creation and evolution of art. I advise you then, do what I have laid out for you here, and...and to do it through the learning of as many arts as you can, for to seek The Golden Sphere through but one art is slow, to seek it through understanding all is The True Way.

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The Secret of How to Glow Using the Martial Arts

By Al Case

I really shouldn?t be giving you this, I should save it and write a bestseller and sell it to you. But, call me Mister No Self control, I am but a blatherskite. Here is the simple secret on how to make yourself glow through the practice of the martial arts.

First things first, ask yourself what is it, actually, that you are going to make glow. Well, there is the tan tien, the center of the body, which is the energy generator, which is going to start up and that is going to cause your body to light up and glow. This will not be very noticeable, though you could make it noticeable if you wanted to, but it really doesn?t matter except as a a method of ignition.

You see, if you make the body glow, then the techniques and the discipline make you glow. You might be asking what is you, at this point. Good question, and if you have the correct answer you probably do not need to be reading this right now, and you can move to the head of the class.

Second things second, you aren?t going to glow if you are leading a life of guttersnipe quality. If you aren?t virtuous, then you aren?t going to be able to reach ignition, so you have to study what virtue is and how to make your life a virtuous one. It does not really need to be said, but a dark soul leads a dark life.

Third things third, have somebody push on your frame when you are doing the martial arts. This is called resistance training, or body resisting, and it is key to what we are going to do here. The person pushing must push lightly and so that the force travels through the body and down into the ground.

As the energy goes through the body it ignites the energy generator, and, zingo bingo, we have the glow ignite. Let me repeat, the push must be light, we aren?t building muscle bound bodies here, we are merely building peaceful, relaxed resistance. And, the body must be arranged for max resistance with least effort, which is to say that the parts of the body must be aligned so that they can course the energy without effort.

Now, here is the secret to it all. If you are using great effort, then you aren?t resisting in the proper manner. You must resist by not using the muscles as much as possible.

You are going to need someone to help you when you do this drill, and herein lies the key. You thought you were going to glow all alone, sitting in the dark and eyeballing secret scrolls without no stinking light bulb? No, you need real, live human beings, you need the human give and take for this method to work, you need humanity, and that is no secret.

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The Fabulous and Not To Be Denied Golden Sphere

By Al Case

Every once in a while in the martial arts one will hear of the concept of The Golden Sphere. Aikido is big on this theory, Pa Kua Chang deals with it directly, and Tai Chi Chuan done with consummate attention to detail will, eventually, create The Golden Sphere. And even those arts considered coarse and base, such as Karate and Tae Kwon Do, will, done long enough and with enough attention to detail, and with sufficient eye to the virtues of humanity, result in The Golden Sphere.

Most people, unfortunately, dont know of The Golden Sphere, have not heard of it, and are not blessed with even the rudimentary knowledge of how to attain it. Yet the Golden Sphere is nothing but an casement of energy, a glow manufactured and sustained, and the rules for that attaining are simplicity in itself. Indeed, with a bare outlining of the basics necessary, any one of any art could attain it, though, to be honest, it is easier if one has acquired all the knowledge, and studied all the arts.

First and foremost is the grounding of the machine that is your body. You must undertake a severe study of stances, through all potential ranges of motion. You must course the energy up and down the legs, learning when to brace against the ground, and when to liberate yourself from it.

Second and equally important is the glow that one generates in the energy center. The energy center is called the One Point, or the tan tien, and it is the center of the body/machine. This energy center is generates the energy, and you must center your awareness on it, you must breath as if to it, cause it to glow from the excitation of energy running up and down the legs, you must make it work.

Third, most important of all, one must learn how to relax while doing the martial arts. If one is not relaxed, then energy is not concentrated in the tan tien, but rather dissipated throughout the body to points that are not relaxed. In other words, energy is locked up by points of the body that are not relaxed.

Now, you are grounding, focusing, breathing, and creating truckloads of energy inside the body. You will glow, regardless of any wish or desire to the contrary--and, to be honest, only a fool would not want to glow. So liberate this energy, course it through the arms, and like sparklers on a dark night, surround your body with imaginations of geometric configurations, and let that energy encapsulate you, protect you, and yet not bar you from the world, but rather open you to a different world, a world beyond senses, a world of ethereal perfection.

Eventually, as you practice without thought of time or other such mundane limitations, you will become the art. You will become the special and unique individual that you are. One thing that will help you and increase your progress in this quest a hundred fold, is to study what virtue is, and how to manifest it in your life.

It is easy, you know, if you just get out of your way, if you do your forms with attention to the details I have listed here. It is easy if you put aside the problems of the world, solve them quickly and efficiently, and consecrate your time on this planet to what really matters, the creation and evolution of art. I advise you then, do what I have instructed here, and...and to do it through the learning of as many arts as you can, for to seek The Golden Sphere through but one art is slow, to seek it through understanding all is The True Way.

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UFC Anderson "Spider" Silva

By Josh Haynes

UFC President, Dana White has given his thoughts on middleweight champion, Anderson Silvas domination at 185 pounds, saying after two more fights he will have completely cleared out the division.

Speaking to, Dana said:

Hes probably two fights away from literally emptying out the middleweight division. But thats great. I think in my opinion, thats what makes fighters great. When theres not another guy standing where people go, What about him? He might win. When theyre all gone, then the guy moves up to the next weight class and does the same thing. I think thats what makes guys legendary, fighters that people remember forever."

I wouldnt want to see [Silva] vacate the title until everybodys gone...Ill give you an example. Lets say Vitor (Belfort) comes in, and Vitor has to fight Dan Henderson and (Nate) Marquardt, and he goes right in and knocks both of them out in the first round. Anderson vacated the title, and people go, Oh, Vitor would have beat him. You annihilate everybody. You dont leave a guy standing in the division, and then you move.

Silva has already had two fights at light heavyweight and finished them even more impressively than his recent middleweight bouts. You have to wonder, with his friend and training partner, Lyoto Machida the 205 pound champion, will The Spider only be confined to super fights or will Dana talk him in to facing The Dragon?

What will the future hold for the Spider if he beats Belfort? Will anyone at 185lbs weight class ever beat him? Is there anyone that could even challenge him or even get passed the 1st round? With this seemingly more and more unlikely, will Anderson have to move up to the 205lbs weight class permanently? Will he be able to walk through that division too? So many questions! One thing is for sure whoever he fights you can guarantee you will be in for a show.

Anderson da Silva (born April 14, 1975) is a Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter. He is the current UFC Middleweight Champion, and holds the record for the longest winning streak in the UFC with 10 wins. Anderson holds a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Antnio Rodrigo Nogueira who follows Gracie Lineage through Carlson Gracie, ergo Murilo Bustamante and the Brazilian Top Team.

He currently trains with UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Lyoto Machida through Black House. Silva is currently ranked as the number one middleweight in the world by multiple MMA publications, Sherdog and Yahoo! rank Silva as the top pound-for-pound fighter in the world. Since 2006 he has been the UFC Middleweight Champion, and he is also the last Cage Rage Middleweight Champion and former Shooto Middleweight Champion. Besides the UFC and Cage Rage, Silva has fought for a number of other MMA promotions including the Pride Fighting Championships, Shooto and Rumble on the Rock. Silva holds notable victories over PRIDE FC Middleweight and Welterweight Champion Dan Henderson, 7 time King of Pancrase Nate Marquardt, former Shooto Welterweight Champion Hayato Sakurai, former UFC Welterweight Champion Carlos Newton and former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Forrest Griffin in addition to a pair of stoppages over former UFC Middleweight Champion Rich Franklin.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mexican Boxing Legend Carlos Palomino In Profile

By Ross Everett

Vince Lombardi once said "Winning isn't everything, its the only thing". For most of the mainstream sports media, that couldn't be more true. Countless hours on sports talk radio are spent deriding NBA players like Charles Barkley and NFL players like Dan Marino for never winning a championship. Simply stated, no one remembers the runner up and the mainstream sports media helps reinforce this 'frontrunner' mentality.

The mainstream sports media also likes to depict boxing as a repository of sleaze, but the reality is that more so than other sports 'the sweet science' cares about 'how the game is played'. Boxing pundits place great emphasis on the competitive quality of a fight--great fights like the Morales-Barrera trilogy, Hagler-Hearns or Hagler-Leonard are considered such for the heart and resolve shown by the fighters, not because of who won. The 2004 fight between current 'pound for pound' king Manny Pacquaio and Juan Manuel Marquez is a perfect example--despite breathtaking action from start to finish the fight was ultimately ruled a draw.

At a certain point in a fighters' career, they can even be criticized for having an undefeated record. While exceptions are made for the best of the best--Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and Rocky Marciano come to mind--having a 'zero' in the loss column often reflects poorly on a fighter's willingness to fight high level competition. Even for the best fighters, an undefeated record alone does little to guarantee a place in boxing history. Certainly, that is of much less significance that the manner in which these victories were earned.

Carlos Palomino was a fighter who earned the respect and admiration of fight fans both for his championship skills as well as how he played the game. A native of Sonora, Mexico, Palomino was the welterweight champion of the world for over two years during the mid to late 70s. During this time, he became the first world champion boxer to earn a college degree (from Long Beach State University in California).

Palomino came to the United States when he was ten and, like many Mexican immigrants, started to train as a boxer during his teenage years. He displayed a good deal of skill at an early age, but delayed becoming a professional until after a 2 year stint in the Army where he was the All-Army Welterweight Champion. He also won the national AAU championship in 1972 before turning pro later that year. He was brought along slowly and steadily despite a decision loss to Andy Price in 1974. By the middle of the decade he had put himself into championship contention and finally won the title in June 1976. Palomino scored a TKO victory over Englishman John Stracey in a very hostile environment (London, England) and became the WBC Welterweight Champion. He defended his title seven times over the next two years, before dropping the belt to a hall of fame level opponent in Wilfred Benitez in a split decision (January 1979). He lost his next bout to another hall of fame fighter in Roberto Duran and decided to hang up his gloves. He made a short comeback in the late 1990s, posting a 4-1 record before retiring for good.

After his boxing career ended, Palomino took on another challenge as an actor. He's worked steadily both in movies and television, appearing in shows like "Taxi" and "Hill Street Blues" along with countless action films. He's done a number of commercials, live theater work and has always devoted a lot of his time to charitable causes.

As a fighter, Palomino was much more technical and deliberate than the 'blood and guts' stereotype of a Mexican fighter. He had deceptive power, and a left hook that could end a fight, but would more often break his opponent down over the course of a fight with a punishing body attack and relentless pace. While he might not fit the mold established by men like Julio Cesar Chavez and Erik Morales, Palomino no doubt rates among them as one of the greatest fighters in the proud history of Mexican boxing legends.

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What You Are Really After

By Cody Scholberg

The difference between small and big businesses:

Big business and small business are very different from each other. While they have many differences, we are only going to look at one of them. The difference we are going to look at is one not commonly looked at.

Small business owners are an integral part of the system. Their strategy is to work as much as possible and hire out what they cannot do, either because they lack the skills or the time. In their mind, the more they work and the less they hire out, the more money is left at the end of the day for them.

Big businesses run with the owner not as a key part of the system. The big business owner attempts to work as little as he can in attempt to free up the most time that he can. In his mind, the less her works, the more free time is leftover for him after the workday, which means he makes the most time.

Both approaches are valid, reasonable approaches to business. They both have their merits, and there are types of people for both approaches. However, most people that should be big business owners get stuck running small businesses because they get what they seek.

For instance, a professional belongs in the small business category. Without his expertise, the business could not possibly succeed.

If it is money and/or free time you are after, the small business approach will make you miserable.

The small business approach will lead to a lot of work. Remember, the more you practice at something, the better you will get at it, and the more people will seek you for your skills. You will end up with a lot of work, because that is what you were looking for. You got what you were really after.

After many years of the big business approach, your business will be running by itself, and there is no work for you to do anymore, since your business takes care of it. Thus, you have lots of free time.

So you see, you get what you seek.

If you are looking for work, you will find more than you could ever possibly deal with.

If you are seeking free time, you will also find more than you could ever imagine.

Both approaches are excellent. However, be sure you are going after what you want. Many people who want to build a business to get free time are actually seeking to get more work, but they do not realize it. They think they are seeking time, but they are really seeking work. Someday, you will get what you are really after, not what you think you are after.

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The Origins of Aikido

By Rhys Jones

The term 'Aikido' is created by the grouping of three characters in the Japanese language. 'Ai', which signifies 'joining'; 'ki', which means 'spirit' and 'do', which means 'way'. These three words actually encapsulate the essence of Aikido as a sort of martial art: 'the joining of the spirit to find the way'. It was only in the period from 1930's to the 1940's that the name Aikido was formally accepted as the name of this martial art variety.

Aikido uses ways that do not fatally injure or kill not like other kinds of martial art. The movements and skills being taught are just intended to divert attention or immobilize attackers. This is possibly the explanation why most people prefer Aikido, because of its focus on peace and harmony as opposed to violence and hostility. In deed, Aikido teacher, Morihei Ueshiba, is of the conviction that to control hostility without causing any harm is the art of peace.

Ueshiba, who is also called Osensei, which means 'Great Teacher', developed Aikido from the principles of Daito-ryu aiki-jujutsu. He integrated the techniques of the 'yari', the spear; the 'juken', the bayonet; and the 'jo', which is a short quarterstaff. But what ultimately distinguishes Aikido from other forms of martial art is the fact that its practitioners can attack while empty-handed. Practitioners need no arms for their protection.

As a small child, he was much into physical fitness and conditioning. This was because of his vow to avenge his father's attackers. In due course, his studies and activities brought him to the discipline of the various martial arts. He studied many of them. He even has certificates for fencing, fighting with spears, etc. He has learned it all. This is possibly the explanation why Aikido is such a diverse and multi-disciplinary kind of martial art.

Yet despite his expertise, he was still dissatisfied. He felt that there was still something missing. It was then that he turned to the religions. He studied under a religious guide, Onisaburo Deguchi of the sect called Omoto-kyo in Ayabe. Deguchi trained him to take care of his psychic development. He then pooled his spiritual beliefs and his mastery of the different martial arts and Aikido was born.

His relationship with this fascinating spiritual leader Deguchi also paved the path for his introduction to the elite political and military personnel as a martial artist. Because of this association, he was able to launch Aikido and even pass on his knowledge to students, who have, in turn, developed their own methods and movement in Aikido.

Aikido is a blend of the diverse styles of jujitsu as well as some of the ways of sword and spear fighting, of which Ueshiba was an expert. To obtain an overall idea, Aikido combines the joint locks and throws of jujitsu and the movements of the body necessary when fighting with swords and spears.

Oriental in origin, it was brought to the West by Minoru Mochizuki when he visited France in 1951. He introduced the Aikido ways to students who were studying judo. In 1952, Tadashi Abe came to France as the official Aikikai Honbu representative. Then in 1953, Kenji Tomiki toured throughout the United States while Koichi Tohei stayed in Hawaii for a full year where he set up a dojo. Aikido then broadened its influence in the United Kingdom two years after and in 1965, it reached Germany and Australia. At present, Aikido has centres all over the world.

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Why Buy a Fire Control Panel?

By Christopher Williams

Before construction begins on a new building, the governments of most countries, including those in the United Kingdom, require plans for the addition of a fire control panel. Typically, a detailed description of the operation, type, and placement of the fire control panel must be forwarded to the appropriate agency before any work on a new building can commence.

A fire control panel is designed to function as the central point and control for a fire alarm system. It protects the occupants of a building by allowing for the automatic control of fire alarm components, and by processing data from environmental sensors. In some cases, a fire control panel also supplies electrical power to sensors, relays, transmitters, and other critical components of a fire alarm system.

Conventional panels are not typically used in large buildings, but they are often used in smaller buildings, such as schools, restaurants, and small retail stores. This type of fire control panel features one or more initiating circuits, to which multiple sensors are wired in parallel. The accuracy of information received by a conventional panel is limited by the number of circuits it uses. Because each circuit represents a specified zone, the information a conventional panel provides is often less accurate than with other types of fire control panel systems. Emergency fire personnel can only see that a fire exists within a zone, but may not know which room within that zone contains the fire.

The coded panel was a type of fire control panel that was developed before the advent of coded panels. Manufacturing of these panels began in the early 1940s, and continued through the 1970s. Coded panels were similar to conventional panels in many respects. Both types employed the use of zones to help emergency responders locate and suppress a fire. Coded panels, however, used separate "code wheels" to help occupants and emergency personnel locate a fire. A separate code pattern was assigned for each zone, and were usually posted beside strategic pull stations. While some older colleges and hospitals still use coded panels, this type of fire control panel is not widely used in new buildings today.

Multiplex systems were designed as a transition between conventional panels and modern addressable systems. They were frequently used in large buildings and complexes throughout the 1970s and 1980s. During the early development of multiplex systems, this type of fire control panel was coded to operate as a large conventional panel. As technology improved, these panels were coded with advanced features, such as the ability to control more than just fire alarms. In some cases, these panels controlled door locks, electronic systems, and HVAC systems without the presence of any emergency condition or alarm.

Today, addressable panels are most commonly used in new buildings. These panels offer single point fire detections, as well as greater programming flexibility. Single Line Circuiting loops are used to control and power various categories of devices. In many addressable panels, loops can operate sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, and manual pull switches, as well as many other types of devices.

In today's modern buildings, a fire control panel is critical to the safety of occupants and visitors. Selecting the correct fire control panel can help alert emergency responders and occupants in the event of a fire, before property damage and injury can occur.

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UFC Flashback: Ultimate Fight Night Features Lauzon Vs. Stephens

By Ross Everett

Ever since he burst onto the MMA scene Joe Lauzon has been working to earn respect. Hes lost only once since then"to top contender Kenny Florian in a bout that earned fight of the night honors"but for some reason hes had trouble being taken seriously as a top contender in the UFCs lightweight division. In the main event at the UFC Ultimate Fight Night in Tampa, Florida Lauzon withstood a game challenge from late replacement Jeremy Stephens to earn a 2nd round submission victory.

Lauzon was in control of the fight throughout, but Stephens gave a good account of himself despite his opponents obvious technical superiority on the ground. Stephens wasnt able to match up with Lauzons ever improving BJJ skills, but he used good old fashioned tenacity and some powerful punching to keep the fight competitive throughout. Lauzon appeared to be on the verge of ending the fight midway through the second with a ground and pound assault that he attempted to transition into a rear naked choke. Stephens fought back with a vengeance despite his disadvantageous position and opened a nasty cut on Lauzons forehead with an elbow strike.

As puddles of crimson gathered anytime Lauzons head neared the mat, he gained a new sense of urgency not wanting to lose on a stoppage due to the cut. He regained control on the ground and caught his opponent in an arm bar. Stephens tried to extricate himself, but was eventually forced to tap giving the bloody Lauzon a hard fought triumph.

The semifinal matchup featured another impressive effort from Cain Velesquez, who many have pegged as the heavyweight superstar of the future. He trains with the American Kickboxing Academy, and has a reputation as the hardest worker and most dominant sparring partner in a gym who includes among its membership superstars such as Bobby Southworth, Cung Le and Josh Thompson.

Velesquez was never really threatened in the fight, but he did have difficulty finishing off tough UFC newcomer Dennis Stojnic. Stojnic displayed impressive toughness and a chin of granite, which is less surprising given his training home at Amsterdams Golden Glory gym where he works alongside such fighters as K-1s Semmy Schilt and DREAMs Alistair Overeem. Stojnic did become the first of Velasquezs opponents to make it into the second round as he withstood a brutal beating near the end of the first to make it to the bell.

In the second round, Velesquez quickly caught his opponent and sent him to the canvas with a nice combination which he followed up with another ground and pound attack. Stojnic again kept trying to defend himself despite a hellacious beating, though the referee finally jumped in and stopped the contest awarding Velesquez the TKO verdict.

On the undercard, Josh The Dentist Neer earned a tapout victory over the sports best known (and perhaps only) vegan, Mac Danzig.

In the opening bout of the evening, up-and-coming welterweight Anthony Rumble Johnson used his significant height and reach advantage to dispatch tough Luigi Fioravanti. Though most observers were impressed with Johnsons wall to wall domination of the tough US Marine Corps veteran, he was very critical of himself in his postfight interview calling his performance sloppy.

The live crowd in Tampa gave a very poor account of themselves, at times booing fighters mercilessly for no apparent reason whatsoever. This was in addition to the usual booing when the fight goes to the ground typical of uneducated MMA fans"they often turned on fighters midbout for no discernable reason. Their behavior reached a nadir in Cain Velasquezs post fight interview, where he was booed mercilessly despite an impressive victory and informing Joe Rogan that he was about to become a father for the first time. It was somewhat surprising, since the Tampa/St. Pete area is home to a flourishing MMA scene.

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Various Types Of Airsoft Guns

By Anthony Carter

These are basically manufactured for recreational purposes. It can be operated manually or using compressed gas like green gas, CO2 or propane. These are mainly designed for children above 16 or more. The projectiles from the guns when fired from the gun travel at low speed and are very light. Hence these are not harmful. Some of the guns can be operated only by players who are 18 or more. There are several types of airsoft guns for your preference and there are various features in these guns. Let us find out more about these guns.

The spring powered guns are not the most powerful ones like the electric guns and the gas guns. However there are few models that can fire 500 fps such as shotgun and the sniper guns. The spring gun uses the elastic potential energy which is stored in its spring and with the help of compressed air it would fire. The most important thing is that they must be cocked before shooting.

The automatic electric guns are the next one; they work on the rechargeable batteries. They are mostly used types of air soft guns and the manufacturing of these airsoft guns is done in Japan. The guns have automatic operation making it very popular and most of the users call it AEG (automatic electric guns).

Hybrid guns, these guns are the latest type in the market. They are also a type of AEG but with a bit more of extra reality. They operate on a round per shell basis. In this method for every pellet which is fired the shell casing is ejected, the cap is fired and this produces a realistic sound and a real smoke effect.

The low-powered electric guns are otherwise known as LPEG, because there must be a difference between AEG and LPEG. These guns are considered as better choice when it comes to cost and handling but they are totally different from the mini electric guns.

Medium Powered electric guns, they are usually copies or clones of designs made by manufacturers like Tokyo Marui. Fully compatible MPEGs are clones of Marui or Classic Army originals. Mini Electrics Company UHC is very much known for its spring guns. They are different from LPEGs and are mostly of made of black or clear plastic. They are great for kids for practicing the targets.

Automatic Electric Pistols, these guns are popularly known as AEPs and were introduced in the year 2005. They operate using the electric powered system. They are good in cold weather and are better sidearms than the gas powered pistols. AEPs have a fixed slide where there is no external movement of the slide when it operates. Classic guns, these guns are gas powered which is old type of airsoft guns. They can run using the conventional airsoft gas or use an external CO2 tank. They are more than the common AEGs.

The air soft guns can be purchased based on power, range and your requirement. The person can buy the guns in any store and online automation store. A person must look for better deals over the internet for the best discounts and offers.

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Jewelry Drawer Safes

By Agnes Lamont

If you don't know what a drawer safe is, then I assume you have been lucky enough to have never had your home burgled! Until last year I had never heard of a drawer safe but all that changed when my house was broken into by thieves who took possessions of financial and also of sentimental value which no amount of money could ever compensate.

I could have protected my personal valuables by having a drawer safe and prevented the theft of these items. Often drawer safes are called hidden safes as it is unlikely a thief will know where to find it, and even if they do, they will not be able to open it which of course means your valuables inside will remain protected and secure.

Companies who supply drawer safes for the home market specialize in the design and installation of hidden safes and secret compartments. The most popular models are designed to protect jewelry, cash, passports, handguns and other small items that don't need to be lying around. Often manufacturers call this hidden safe the "jewelry drawer safe" because most people want to hide jewelry in it.

I was amazed by the huge range of drawer safes on the market and thought it wise to do some research before I decided which one was right for me. A feature of some drawer safes is easy opening means you dont have to worry about keys, or where you left them, or have to try to remember combination numbers. This type of safe can be opened in seconds by pressing a concealed switch or switches, however as you are the only person to know where the safe actually is and how it opens, it provides secure protection for your valuable items. Even other members of your household wont know where the safe is unless of course you tell them!

Many drawer safes are fire-resistant and operate on a 12 volt system that mean they work even if your electricity is out! Many types of switches can be used to open drawer safes but we won't get into that on the Internet.

It is worth bearing in mind that drawer safes can be used to safeguard more than just your financially valuable items from theft. They are becoming very popular with parents who want to store family medicines in a safe place where their children cannot gain access. By storing medicines in a drawer safe, parents can be sure their children do not tamper with them or cause themselves harm by taking unsupervised medication.

Drawer safes are also becoming increasing popular in hotels, replacing the more conventional cupboard safes. As guestroom size diminishes, especially among city center hotels due to rising real estate costs, maximizing in-room space is critical and drawer safes free up space in the main cupboard or closet. Most modern hotels being built will now specify drawer safes which have the added advantage of holding a variety of laptop sizes.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Burglar Alarms Guide

By Christopher Williams

An American by the name of Edward Holmes patented the first electro-mechanical burglar alarm in 1852. It was very uncomplex in nature, but well-received by the general public. When a trip wire was tripped a gong was struck by a solenoid. The trip wire was usually wound around doors and windows. The family dog was typically the best form of alarm and protection prior to this invention. It wasn't until the 1900's that this alarm saw it's most prominent advancements.

There are three main components to the basic burglar alarm system: the detection device, the main control unit, and the siren or sounder. The detection device, depending on what it's set for, can monitor motion, heat, noise, shock, vibration, and smoke (if the unit is also used for smoke detection). When the device is triggered it sends the message to the main control unit, or the brain. The data is quickly analyzed and it is then determined whether or not to sound the alarm.

A wireless burglar system is relatively easy to install, and doesn't require a specialist. Every component of the wireless system contains a radio transmitter/receiver which allows the detection device to communicate with the control unit. With this setup there are no worries about running wire, the parts can be placed just about anywhere, and it is easy to add onto the system or move it around.

A monitored home security system allows the home to be protected 24 hours a day by an alarm company. When a detection device is triggered the alarm is set off and the information is sent to the alarm company monitoring the system. This gives the homeowner peace of mind when they are not at home. There is also minimal maintenance to the homeowner, as the agency hired to install and monitor your home will also ensure that the system is always operable.

Magnetic switches can be used on doors and windows as a burglar alarm. They are very easy to install and maintain. In the simplest terms, there is a magnet and a switch that are lined up on the door or window. When the connection is broken between the two, i.e. the door is opened, then the alarm goes off. The draw-back to this is when the window or door is then closed, the alarm will usually stop.

There are different reasons to have a burglar alarm, and they are no longer just for the wealthy and business owners. They are still used to protect valuables, but are also widely used to protect the family as well. Not all intruders are after monetary riches. The cost of home security systems has decreased, making them very affordable.

It is very important to choose the right burglar alarm. The money you have available to spend on an alarm, if you are able to install it yourself or need a professional to do the job, and why you need the alarm system are all key points to consider before you make a purchase. To ensure that you are completely satisfied with your choice, do some research and educate yourself on the alarms available.

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Belfort Knocks Out Franklin In UFC 103 Main Event

By Ross Everett

Vitor Belfort made his first appearance in the UFCs iconic octagon in five years, headlining the main event of UFC 103 in Dallas, Texas. Just over three minutes later, he had already become a top contender in the middleweight and light heavyweight divisions. Belfort dominated veteran Rich Franklin en route to a devastating knockout victory, and following the bout talk quickly shifted to The Phenom as a potential future opponent for both Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida.

The fight against Franklin was contested at a catchweight of 195 pounds, and Belfort took several tries to finally make weight on Friday afternoon. The pace of the bout was tactical and deliberate until the very end"Belfort landed a few leg kicks, but for the most part it was several minutes of the fighters circling each other. Belfort was clearly measuring Franklin for a big power shot, and he found it after a brief flurry in which neither man gained an advantage. Out of nowhere, Belfort floored Franklin with a nasty uppercut and quickly mounted a ground and pound assault on his fallen adversary. It only took three or four big shots to Franklins head before the referee jumped in to stop the fight.

At the post fight press conference, Dana White quickly endorsed the prospect of a matchup between Belfort and UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva"either for the title or at a 195 catchweight. Silva has only three fights remaining on his UFC contract, after which hes insisted that hell retire. Obviously nothing has been signed, but White clearly wants to get his moneys worth out of the fights remaining on Silvas deal and from that standpoint alone a matchup against Belfort makes perfect sense.

A changing of the guard was in evidence in the co-main event, as Junior Dos Santos defeated former PRIDE Open Weight GP champion and MMA legend Mirko Cro Cop by verbal submission. Cro Cop appeared to be moving much better on his surgically repaired knee than in recent fights, though he still demonstrated an overreliance on his counterpunching. Still, through the early part of the fight he was doing well with his straight left hand counter. As the fight wore on, however, Dos Santos began to pick Cro Cop apart and in the third round began to use his Muay Thai knee strikes to good effect. It was a knee strike to Cro Cops head followed by an uppercut that ended the fight"Cro Cop suddenly indicated to the referee that he couldnt see and was unable to continue. Ironically, he may have suffered a broken eye socket similar to the one he famously inflicted on Bob Sapp in a 2003 K-1 bout.

Earlier in the card, Paul Daley made the most of his role as a late substitute for injured Mike Swick as he stopped Martin Kampmann by second round TKO. Kampmann complained of an early stoppage, but Daley gave him trouble throughout with his sharp strikes and fast hands. Kampmanns defense was nonexistent, and his decision to stand and trade with a noted power striker was highly suspect. The end came after a brutal left hook knocked Kampmann to the canvas, after which Daley followed up with some ground and pound until the stoppage.

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Types Of Storage Equipments Than Can Help You Save Money

By Joseph Perkins

The self storage concept entails leasing out segmented spaces of a huge warehouse to customers for any time period that suits them, no matter how short or long. With the growth of the industry, self storage companies have begun to offer a variety of services that provide better and more sophisticated storage solutions. Through greater use of technology, these companies have immensely increased the scope and efficacy of self storage. They have evolved so much that they can cater to all conceivable storage requirements not only efficiently but also without any hassle to you.

Various types of equipments are being offered in self storage facilities, depending on your needs and budget. Because the price charged goes by the footage, you need to maximize the available room in your storage space, or you are just wasting money. The following are several basic storage components that you might utilize in your storage unit.

Shelves that span the length of the unit are great for accommodating a variety of items, from tools to framed art, files and apparel. You can use it effectively for various purposes, like the storage of records or clothing.

Carton Live Storage is an automated warehouse storage system in which cartons are kept on inclined roller beds. Gravity pushes them down the conveyor from the starting point to the ending point. This guarantees that stock is selected in the proper order, which maximizes efficiency and available space. The money you'll save in the process will more than make up for what you spend initially.

You can ask the warehouse storage professional whether they offer shelving or racks for rental. If you are wise, you will also find out if you can have this placed in your unit without paying for it or have your rent free sometime for using their company.

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UFC 87 Flashback: Brock Lesnar Comes Of Age

By Ross Everett

The last time that Georges St. Pierre defended his UFC welterweight title, it quickly turned into the low point of his career. Already facing a number of personal issues away from the cage, he looked sloppy and distracted as Matt Serra defeated him by brutal TKO. This time, things were different as GSP brutalized Jon Fitch over five rounds to win an easy unanimous decision. The judges scores of 50-43, 50-44, 50-44 underscored the one sided victory.

After a dominant takedown to open the fight, followed by a barrage of GSP punches it looked as if Fitch wouldnt make it out of the first round. He managed to survive, though generated little offense the rest of the way as the champion had his way with him both on the ground and in standup striking exchanges. Fitch landed enough counterpunches to open a cut near the champions eye, but never even came close to winning a round. Fitch had to gut his way through another tough moment in the 4th, where a big knee followed by a flurry of kicks and punches had him on the verge of a TKO loss yet again. It may have been the champions strategy that saved him, as GSP decided to take Fitch down again rather than continue the striking onslaught as the round closed.

As the final horn sounded, GSP bowed down in front of Fitch in a nice, Muay Thai inspired show of respect. In yet another moment that is thankfully commonplace in fighting and all too rare in other sports, Fitch and GSP sat knee to knee in the center of the cage congratulating each other for over a minute as their respective cutmen worked on their wounds. The sportsmanship and mutual respect continued after the decision was announced, when Fitch embraced GSP and hoisted him into the air in celebration. To paraphrase HBO boxing announcer Jim Lampley there is no sport like fighting, and there are no athletes like fighters.

And theres very likely not another athlete like Brock Lesnar even within the ranks of fightsport competitors. In his 3rd professional MMA bout the amateur wrestling legend turned WWE champion displayed a brutally effective new fighting style along with stellar patience and cage control as he obliterated tough and highly experienced Heath Herring. Lesnar received a thunderous ovation from his adopted home state as he entered the cage to the sounds of Motley Crues Shout at the Devil and quickly brought the crowd back to their feet within seconds of the opening horn as a powerful straight right sent Herring to the canvas.

From that point forward, Herring was completely out of the fight though he repeatedly demonstrated his toughness by staying in the fight and not tapping out to strikes as had Min Soo Kim in Lesnars MMA debut. Unlike Lesnars gameplan against Frank Mir in his UFC debut"when he clearly wanted to overwhelm his opponent for a quick win"perhaps the most impressive element of his improvement as a fighter was his patience.

Overall, Lesnars performance bordered on amazing"a serious case could be made that he won all three rounds by 10-8 margins, though all three judges scored the fight 30-26. He repeatedly took down and threw around the 64 250 Herring like he was a welterweight.

Lesnars win gives a much needed boost to the UFCs barren heavyweight division. Should Lesnar continue to develop and do such a good job of fighting within his abilities his potential in the sport is limitless.

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Aoki Submits Alverez To Make Claim For Lightweight MMA Supremacy

By Ross Everett

In one of the highlight matches of the DREAM/K-1 Fields Dynamite! New Years Eve megacard, Japanese submission machine Shinya Aoki used a heel hook to submit a top notch opponent in Eddie Alverez at 1:32 of the first round.

When the Aoki/Alverez fight was first announced, there was some speculation that Aoki had chosen one of the worst possible stylistic matchups for him. A product of tough Kensington neighborhood in Philadelphia, he grew up not far from where much of the exterior scenes were shot for the first Rocky movie. Though Alverez escaped the areas cycle of crime, he did so by earning respect on the streets for his toughness"basically, he was such a feared street fighter that no one would mess with him. With this sort of toughness and heart bred into him, and a solid background in boxing and amateur wrestling hes become one of the best all round fighters in MMA and among the best in the world at the weight.

Alverez received an enthusiastic reaction from the fans in Tokyos Saitama Super Arena as he made his way to the ring on New Years Eve"his run to the DREAM lightweight finals and particularly the epic battle with Hansen has made him a highly respected and popular fighter in Japan. The reaction he received was nothing like Aokis, however, who was cheered like a rock star as he bounced to the ring to his trademark theme song Baka Survivor.

As the two fighters stood for referee instructions, it was striking how much taller and rangier Aoki was than his opponent. The two men respectfully touched gloves and bowed slightly before heading back to their corner for the opening bell of what most anticipated would be a lengthy chess match between two of the best fighters at the weight.

For the first minute of the match, it appeared that a slow feeling out process was underway. Alverez was the aggressor for most of the first minute, coming forward while using his jab as a range finder.

What happened next can only be described as unbelievable"the sequence started when Aoki grabbed Alverezs ankle after a kick and appeared to go for what looked like a standing anklelock submission. Alverez managed to extricate his ankle and seeing that Aoki was off balance took the opportunity to go for his own takedown with a move that looked more like a judo throw than a traditional wrestling move. Against 99.9% of the other fighters in the world, Alverez would have ended up on top and started working in full or half guard.

When Alverez landed, however, Aoki wasnt there. In one single, almost gravity defying motion hed used the momentum from the takedown to shoot under Alverez and grab his leg. Alverez struggled briefly, but Aoki quickly cinched in a painful heel hook. Having prepared well for his opponent, Alverez went to counter by changing his body position and relieving the pressure but Aoki followed him move for move. Eventually, Alverez maneuvered himself into an even worse position and with an audible shout of pain was forced to tap. He got up slowly after the fight, but as of now theres thankfully been no indication of a serious leg or joint injury.

Ever the gentleman, Aoki dropped to the canvas after the tapout to check on his opponents condition than started his postfight celebration. He quickly addressed the crowd in Japanese to an enthusiastic response before heading to the back.

One superlative that is no longer in dispute is Shinya Aokis status as the best submission artist in mixed martial arts. Theres simply no one else like him in the sport"theres plenty of good, solid submission based fighters but Aoki elevates it into an art form. Hes got the technical background to be sure, but what elevates him above the rest is his amazing ability at improvisation. This makes it downright impossible to adequately prepare to fight him, as Alverez discovered. Even if an opponent has mastered all of the defenses and counters for every known submission technique, theres no way to defend someone who can make up effective submission moves during a fight.

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