Saturday, January 10, 2009

Natural Bodybuilding Advice and Where To Get it!

By Dave Vower

Building those attractive muscles is not easy. If it was, all people you see will posses an Arnold Schwarzenegger look. Muscle building usually requires a lot of time and sweat, literally, just to gain those rock hard abs. Many even rely on drugs just to gain muscles a lot faster. This however is not a good practice for it poses some health hazards. That is why many people are asking for helpful advice from more experienced individuals so that they will be more successful in their workouts using the more natural way of packing on some pounds. The problem is how will you know that he or she is the best person to ask for advice? And is this advice accurate?

Foremost, do your homework. Try looking for authentic information online. Read procedural books or journals on natural body building. Ask some advice from friends who also underwent a similar fitness program. Did their strategies work for them? Know how and know why? Did they make use of drugs?

However, it is best to seek professional help if you find yourself stranded in your quest for information. The experts are the ones that really know best. Compare yourself with other people who are currently having workouts. Do you have a similar body type like they do? Your fitness regimen will only have a higher chance of success if it is based on facts and lived experiences. The best part is, if the success stories are grounded purely on natural body building methods.

Natural bodybuilding will help your self esteem and also save you a fortune in the process.

To be more specific, the best natural body building advice that you can have is probably to eat healthy foods. Choose the foods that contain lots of natural components or ingredients. Yes, there are many protein sources, but select the ones that are low in fat like low-fat dairy products and skinless chicken. Fish, lean pork or beef are best if they are prepared or cooked in a manner that requires less or no oil. All in all, feeding your muscles with healthy foods ranging from proteins, the correct carbs, vitamins and minerals is a good practice.

You will also need rest built into your workout routine. Rest is an important component to your natural bodybuilding routine. Make sure that you give your muscles a chance to heal after the workouts so that they will give you the results that you want.

There are many different approaches to a natural bodybuilding routine that you can use in your program. It is best if you use the healthiest possible way to get the muscles that you want. It will take hard work, but in the end you will be proud of your accomplishments.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

What Are The Right Muscle Building Foods

By Dave Vower

Well trained athletes usually target two aspects in their training for them to develop their muscles really well. First, they have to practice a lot and do some weight training exercises and another would be eating the right kind of muscle building foods. But for starters who just realized that they need to gain some pecs and muscle humps, they usually don't place much importance on the way their eating habits can affect the overall progress of their fitness program.

It is this lack of understanding that has caused many people to miss the importance of a good well balanced muscle building diet. When you look at two people who are exercising in the same way with the same equipment and duration of workouts, you would assume that they would have very similar results from their efforts. However, if one of the people is eating a well balanced diet and the other is not, there will be a very different end result from these two bodybuilders.

You can also look at the quantity of food that is eaten by these two individuals as well. Even if the person who is eating a large quantity of healthy foods, they are less likely to produce fat on their body than someone who is eating a smaller amount of unhealthy foods. There is some interaction of the metabolism on the foods that are eaten. Most people would agree, though, that people who become fat do so because of the unhealthy foods that are eaten.

When you eat a good well balanced diet, you will find that you enjoy your food a lot more. There might be some occasions when you are eating even more food than you are used to eating. This is very true after a workout. If you make sure that you are eating a healthy diet, the calories that are being consumed will help the body to work harder to build the muscles in the body.

Here is a short overview of some muscle building foods that you can easily find almost anywhere. For the ones rich in protein, you can have the following: chicken breast, round steak, scallops, lean or ground turkey, low fat dairy products like milk and yogurt, and healthy seafood such as salmon and tuna.

When you are choosing your carbohydrates, you should look for whole grain products, fruits and vegetables. Look for carbohydrates that are as close to the natural source as possible.

Once you have a good list of the foods that you like, you should develop your own menu plan. You should choose your own menu so that you can be sure to include the foods that you enjoy eating. This is the best way to get the muscles that you want.

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Building Muscle And Losing The Fat

By Dave Vower

Many people wonder how they can lose fat and build their muscles at the same time. There are those that believe that they will have to diet away the fat and lose the fat before they can begin building the muscles. There is no need to waste your valuable time. You can do both of these things at the same time if you eat right and work out in the right way.

Another fact is that muscle weighs more than fat. So while you are dieting and exercising you are becoming leaner, but you may not see weight loss on the scale. It is a paradox for some people because they have a number in mind that they want to weigh.

Muscle will burn the fat more efficiently than it burns with diet alone. This is why building muscle is such an important part of your fat loss program. It is not necessary to be overly concerned with the number on the scale when you are building muscle and burning fat.

Your body will shrink as you build muscle and burn fat. While you may not weigh less, you will look smaller. If you are still in need of weight loss, building your muscles will also help you to lose weight at the same time. Fat will not turn into muscle. Muscle will burn the fat.

You might be wondering what kind of diet you should be eating to get the muscle that you need. If you are trying to lose weight, you should reduce the amount of calories that you are eating. The diet that you should be eating should consist of lean meats, chicken and fish. You should also be getting plenty of vegetables and whole grains. Don't forget to include fat in your diet. You will need fat to keep you healthy. And of course, water is one of the most important parts of your diet.

You should eat make sure that you are getting the proper amount of protein when you are building muscle to burn fat. The fact is that someone who is building their muscles needs to take in more protein. There are plenty of sources of protein for your body and if you are not getting enough in your diet, there are supplements that you can use to get the protein that you need.

You only need more protein if you are a serious body builder or are into another form of extreme training. For a female who wants to lose a little weight and jests want to have a little muscle definition, you probably do not need to eat more protein. On the other hand, some experts say that that anybody who embanks on an exercise regime should consume more protein. Others say you only need more protein if you want to build body mass or if your diet is too low in carbohydrates.

Bodybuilders will need more protein than the average person and if you are serious about building the size of your muscles you should be sure to find out how much protein you need.

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Build your Leg Muscles, the No Squat Way

By Dave Vower

Building the muscles in the legs is hard work that is most often done in gyms. This muscle group is one of the fastest muscle groups to build up. A good workout for your leg muscles can give you good results in a relatively short period of time. There are many exercises that you can do to help build up your leg muscles. Walking, stair climbing and other exercises for the legs are sufficient to build up your leg muscles. We use our leg muscles all of the time and that is usually the reason that many people want to build up their legs.

However, the questions as to how can one build those massive leg muscles is still at hand. To answer such, leg muscles can be built best using the traditional squat exercises. This routine if done consistently and correctly can achieve great results. Dubbed as the lord of all types of exercises with regards to muscle building, the squat is a definite mainstay in leg exercises. Usually, it takes about a dozen repetitions of squatting with weights to reach the desired positive results.

On the contrary, many individuals who are planning on leg training are reluctant with the squat routine exercises because of the comfort aspect and the huge possibility of back strain. More people are beginning to use other leg movements to stimulate leg muscle growth. Movements like leg extensions, leg curls, standing calf raises and leg presses are now used as alternatives for the squat. However, it has been noticed that it will take a longer time for one to improve those leg muscles without dependence on the squat. Sometimes, the said alternative leg movements may require an extended period of time and intensity to achieve good outcomes. Nevertheless, these exercises are still very effective in strengthening or developing the legs.

This is the usual pattern for the alternative leg exercises: A. Each set will be done with 12 repetitions Leg extensions - 1 set then a minute of rest Leg Curl - 1 set then a minute of rest Standing Calf raises - 1 set then a minute of rest Leg Press - 1 set then 5 minutes rest B.

When you are planning to use the exercises for your leg muscles, follow a set plan of repetitions and sets to get the best possible results. The exercises that you should use are leg extensions, leg curls, leg presses and calf raises for a period of twelve repetitions and a minute of rest after each exercise. Take a five minute rest after the leg presses. Once you have completed a set of twelve repetitions each, move on to a set with ten repetitions each. After the set is completed with ten repetitions, move on to a set with eight repetitions for each exercise.

It is best if you follow the exercises and repetitions in the order that is described here. It is also very important that you follow the rest period exactly. You should never go past the eght repetitions when you are doing your leg exercises. Adjust the amount of weight that you are using to perform the exercises. The last set of exercises is the hardest that you will do in your leg muscle building routine.

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Tips For Building Arm Muscles

By Dave Vower

When you are working out, you should look for exercises that will focus on specific muscles. There are some tips that you should learn when you are doing this form of exercise. The exercises that you do for your biceps and triceps are the ones that will give you big arms. There are some exercises that will focus on these muscles on your body.

The first one that you may already be familiar with are bicep curls. The experts in muscle building recommend that you use a five, ten or fifteen pound weight for these exercises. When you are standing straight, push the forearm out in front of you while keeping the upper part of your arm, close to your body. Curl the arm up toward you.

There are a number of biceps curls exercises that you can add to your muscle building routine for variety. Hammer curls work on the muscles under the biceps which will help the biceps to become bigger from your workout.

Wide grip curls as well as close grip curls are used to work on the biceps muscles. The single cable arm curls are used to increase the tension in the arm and build up the biceps muscles. And the preacher curl is a common method of building on your biceps muscles as well.

Push ups have been a muscle building technique for a long time. You can do a push ups a little differently in an exercise called push downs. Start is plank position and push down but hold that position for a few counts before you push up.

Triceps dips are for arm muscle building. Sit on the edge of a chair and push yourself up only using your arms and then hold the position and let yourself down.

For the triceps, you should do triceps dips. Begin by sitting on the edge of a chair and push yourself up using your arms. Hold the position then sit back down.

Don't forget your hands when you are working out your arm muscles. Exercise your hands with hand grippers.

All of the exercises that you do for your arms will help you to increase the size of your muscles. It is a good idea to do eight to twelve repetitions of these exercises to build up your arm muscles.

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The Diet You Should Use For Building Muscle

By Dave Vower

A bodybuilder is an athlete that must pay attention to the foods that he eats. If you are trying to grow your muscles, you will need plenty of nutrition to allow the muscles to grow and get the results that you want. Your muscles need nutrition to grow and repair while you are working out.

The bodybuilder will often follow a diet that is centered on the amount of protein that they are receiving. It is important that the bodybuilder get 1.5 to 2 g of protein in their diet for every pound of their body weight. All you have to do is take a look at the nutritional information for all of the foods that you are eating and make sure that you are getting enough protein. Fish, eggs and lean meats are great sources of protein.

Another element to your diet should also be carbohydrates. This is an important part of your bodybuilding diet. Carbohydrates will give you the energy that you need to work out and keep your body functioning through your bodybuilding workouts. Complex carbohydrates are the best for your diet and these include whole grain breads, pastas and rice.

You also need to make sure that there is fat in your diet. It is recommended that you eat unsaturated fats and stay away from as much of the saturated fat as you can. Olive oil and flaxseed oil are two good sources of unsaturated fats for your diet.

A building muscle diet must contain fiber. Enough fiber provides bulk and helps your body get rid of impurities as well as preventing constipation. Whole grains, certain nuts and seeds provide good fiber.

Fruits and vegetables are also to be included in a well balanced diet. It is best if you eat a lot of vegetables and a little bit of fruit. Fruits will give you energy and vegetables will give you great nutrition for muscle growth.

The best building muscle diet is balanced and provides the nutrients your body needs to work out at those maximum levels. Expert's say avoid large meals and eat 5 to 6 mini meals. They also suggest you eat the majority of your carbohydrates and protein in the morning.

The best way to get the kind of body that you want, is to work on your diet and your exercise at the same time. There is plenty of information out there about the right kind of diet that you should use. However, you should be sure that you are using a diet that is designed for an athlete.

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Back Muscle Building

By Dave Vower

To increase the size of your muscles, you can use a number of resistance exercises that will target your biceps and triceps. It shouldn't matter where you choose to do your exercises. You can workout at home or in a gym and the results will be the same.

Some of the exercises that you will use to build up your arm muscles are a standing barbell, preacher curls, incline curls, dumbbell curls and concentration curls. These exercises can be done by a beginner but you should make sure that you consult with an expert to get the best possible results. You will also be able to avoid injury if you use the proper technique when you are doing your exercises.

Many people use push ups to get an increase in the size of their arm muscles, but there is a different exercise that is similar. A push down starts off in a plank position and lower yourself to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and then raise yourself back up to the beginning position.

Pull ups are a good exercise for back muscle building. They are self explanatory. They are big in military workouts. The exercise is to lift your body off the ground by gripping a bar above your head, and then pull your self up to chin height above the bar. Build up you number of repetitions.

Using closed grip bench presses can work on your biceps and triceps all in one exercise. Lay down on the bench and keep your hands close together more than you would for a typical bench press. Keep the elbows tucked in and your wrists straight. Lower the bar to your chest and then straight up. You should also use hand gripping exercises to work on the strength of your hands and forearms.

Proper nutrition is important for your arm building workout. Keep your intake of fatty foods limited and don't consume too much alcohol. The usual food pyramid is a good thing to keep in mind when you are working on your nutrition plan.

These are just a few back muscle building exercises. Technique is so important in lifting exercises so you do not injure your back. Definitely see demonstrations first before you try these exercises and get feedback on your form.

Your back truly is your lifeline. Back muscle building is part of your core strength training. A strong back will help with your total workout. Always, remember to take a day off to lets your muscles rest and rebuild. With these back muscle building exercises build up to higher weights to get greater strength and bulk.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

CCTV security - It's origins and uses

By Giles May

Close-circuit television or CCTV is the technology which transmits videos from mounted cameras to remote monitors, commonly for security and safety reasons. The transmission can take place either through cables connecting the video camera to the monitors or through wireless connection.

Developed originally in Germany in 1942 to observe the V2-rocket launch by German engineer Walter Bruch, the CCTV system was installed in main business streets to prevent crimes. Banks and stores followed suit, to monitor the activities within the establishment and as a record of evidence of criminal activity. Today, CCTV systems are available for a private individual to install for the security of their homes and properties.

The system works by installing video cameras, which often tilts and pans the room, in strategic places that can give a wide view of the location. These video cameras transmit and record these images to a remote monitor or set of monitors usually observed by security personnel.

CCTV systems are often installed in densely populated areas; banks, airports, subways, stores and malls, police and military facilities and even in the streets. These crowded locations are prime targets for crimes like theft, terrorism and other acts of violence. Studies show that a criminal is unlikely to commit physical crimes such as direct assault within the view of or near a camera. The fact that the offender's features can be recorded in the cameras and be used to catch him later can greatly deter someone from committing a crime.

While it is still being questioned whether CCTV can actually reduce crimes, it has provided help in detecting crimes. The video recordings of the CCTV installed in shops can provide identification to shop-lifters and burglars or clues to crimes done within the vicinity. Other than monitoring criminal acts, the surveillance systems are also being used to combat anti-social behaviours which include minor offenses such as littering, urinating in public, drunkenness, traffic violations and other public order offenses.

Although it is most commonly associated with surveillance and security, there are other uses of CCTV. Electron microscopy, medical imaging and robotics are few other applications. Live on-site video displays for conferences, concerts and sporting events such as boxing and wrestling are also an application of the CCTV technology, as these footages are broadcasted to small and specific areas.

The CCTV systems have various types. Some cameras capture only images, while some can record sounds as well. The type of CCTV camera for a particular business depends on its main usage. If the main purpose is for surveillance or traffic control, it is not required to have coloured cameras; black and white images have better resolution. However, if the main purpose of the CCTV system is criminal identification and deterrence, a coloured system is essential.

A CCTV system can offer a sense of peace and safety to the everyday citizen; the awareness that criminals and terrorists are unlikely to commit violent acts when there are cameras around help calm people's minds.

Lessening crime rates and bringing peace of mind to citizens only shows how valuable CCTV systems are these modern times.

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