Saturday, December 13, 2008

Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Chest

By Westy

Many people wonder which is the best exercise to use to build muscle in the chest area. If you look in your local gym there are a number of people using all sorts of exercises to get the results that they are looking for in their chest region. The bench press is the most popular choice for those who are looking to improve the muscles in the chest. This is known to be one of the best exercises that you can use to work the upper body and most especially the chest. There are others that you can use as well.

The other exercises that you can do for your chest are:

Inlcine Bench Press

Flyes On A Flat Bench

Incline Flyes

Cable Crossovers


If you are looking to increase your chest area, you should concentrate on the bench press and dips. They are very good exercises for giving you a complete workout. If you are trying to increase your size , these exercises are a very good choice for you to use.

Bench Press: So how does it work?

1. Lie on the bench with the bar above your line of site

2. If you're lifting heavy, get a spotter to help you grab the bar at arms length, and settle it above your chest (in line with your nipples is best)

3. Breath in as you are lowering the weight toward you.

4. Breath out as you push that weight as hard as you can toward the sky!

5. Repeat until muscular failure

The bench press works on the shoulders as well as the chest. You will feel the workout in your triceps and the lats at the same time. You should make sure that you warm up the muscles with some low weight first. If you do some warm ups first, you will feel the benefits in your muscles if you take the time to do this.

Here is a good example, if you lift two hundred and twenty pounds, the first warm up should be ninety pounds for fifteen repetitions. Then gradually increase to one hundred and forty for eight repetitions, one hundred and seventy pounds for four repetitions and then two hundred pounds for one repetition. This cycle of warm ups should prepare your muscles for the workout that you will give them on the bench press. You will be working the muscles till exhaustion so warming them up is very important first.

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Jeff Anderson's Homemade Supplement Secrets- A Review

By Westy

With the elevating prices of supplements in the market, the new e-book Homemade Supplements Secrets launched by Jeff Anderson has come as an aid to solve all our problems. The trainers are now relaxed as their budget has become thinner. Anderson has come up with a great idea of serving up all ties with the supplement companies that have earned large revenues. His e-book is a sure shot success and should be tried by every trainer. He also tells you the secret behind manufacturing your own supplement. How? Surprising, but true, you can get it done with the help of your kitchen table and mixing tools.

When you are making your own supplements you will know exactly what ingredients are used and can be assured of the high quality. And you will be getting these high quality supplements at a very small price in comparison to the prices that are paid for commercial supplements. The products can be made by you in capsule or powder form and you can get them done in your own kitchen.

Homemade Supplement Secrets Revealed!

There are trainers who have begun to use this method in their training programs.

There are times when you'll see small supplement manufacturers coming up with their advertisements on the net; you know how they make these supplements, simply by this method. And then they do the pricing and labeling and false claims about the product and its great effects. Ah!! Its ridiculous and all of us spend a hell lot of money for buying these worthless supplements.

The manufacturers of these supplements count on the desperation that a great many people feel in their efforts to lose weight. The companies promise results from the use of their supplements and many people buy them in a desperate effort to lose some weight. The products may very well work, but the amount of money that is charged is outrageous and the companies are more interested in the money that can be made than the health of the people that they are targeting.

Weight loss and bodybuilding supplements should be use intelligently to get maximum benefits. Jeff is very honest when it comes to the value of money. Now let us learn about how much we can save with "knock-offs", the difference is quite a lot you see. If you are set to buy a Cytosport's Muscle milk it would cost you $79.90, that's the retail price. But with Jeff's kick-off cost you can have it at $16.85. So now you know the difference.

Jeff goes into detail about how the supplement companies get away with this huge markup and how they are taking advantage of the consumer. It is, indeed, a wake up call for those who have been buying these supplements to help with their bodybuilding efforts. The price of these supplements and the hype that surrounds them is something that Jeff Anderson seeks to dispel.

Once you read the information about the supplement companies and how they are more concerned with the advertising than they are about the quality of the products that they sell, you will be outraged. It is highly unethical and you will now know why. These products are directly aimed at your health and it is up to you to protect yourself from these companies that are out to take your money and give you inferior products.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Build Muscle Quickly With These 3 Tips

By Caleb Lee

Whether you are new to weightlifting or not, you can benefit from these tips and learn how to build muscle quickly.

There are 3 tips you can use to get started that will help you to build the best quality muscle. Having these tips in your workout will help you prevent building fake muscle that isn't permanent.

Tip 1) Make it Short and Sweet

You want to get in the gym and out within an hour. Anymore than an hour for your workout, and you will result in lactic acid build-up, which will only hurt your muscle building program. Do not perform your exercises faster just to get them in, in under an hour. Simply use more weight and less repetitions and sets to ensure your body will tear down the muscle enough to build and then move on. Using exercises like the squat and deadlift, which use the entire body, will help in working many muscles in a short amount of time and also develop better stabilization.

Tip 2) Regulate Your Food Intake

Please do not think you need to go on a diet, limiting what you eat. You might get sick and that is not the point of working out. To help you build muscle quickly, concentrate on what you eat. A god target is to consume 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. Those are the three main nutrients needed for your muscles to grow. This does not limit you because there are many foods out there that will accomplish this target diet. For protein, you can eat fish and beef. Oils, like fish and olive oil, will help with the fat needed. Carbohydrates can be obtained by fruits and oatmeal. There are many other choices, so don't think this will limit your variety of foods.

Tip 3) Relax and Sleep

Sleep will help your body concentrate on rebuilding your muscles. Without it, you will take forever to recuperate. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep if possible. Try to be relaxed and take on the least amount of stress throughout your day as possible. Naps in your free time are like drinking a coffee in the morning for that boost of energy. They only boost your healing process and take off your recovery time.

Using these tips will give you the right foundation to build muscle quickly.

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Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Shoulders

By Westy

When you think of having a strong upper body, you should consider the appearance and strength of the shoulders. Many people believe that all that is necessary to have a strong upper body is to work the chest muscles. The shoulders play an important role in the physique and strength of the entire upper body that should not be overlooked. The shoulders should receive some work to give the kind of strong upper body that you are after.

In fact, you should consider that you work the shoulders in order to have a well proportioned look to your upper body.

There should be an increase in the exercises that you do for your shoulders to achieve a more proportioned and well muscled look to your physique. The bench press is a good exercise that will increase the size of the chest and the shoulders at the same time. It is mostly used as a chest exercise so you will have to find some exercises that can be primarily used for the shoulders.

Try the Military Press instead. Sometimes called the behind the neck press. It's the best comprehensive shoulder muscle exercise you will find and if you're looking for size, and strength you've got it all right here. It's similar to any other pressing exercise. You can use either dumbbells or a bar. Even the smith machine, but as stated in previous articles, you do not get the whole range of movement available and therefore do not develop the supporting muscles as easily. This can lead to injury so grab the free weights.

How it works:

1. Take a seat on your favorite bench

2. Position the dumbbells to each side of your shoulders with your elbows below your wrists. (If you're using a bar, place bar behind your back and rest on the nape of your neck)

3. Push that weight above your head until you reach a full arm extension, but do not lock your elbows

4. Lower the weight back down to your shoulders and then repeat.

The military press is not a difficult exercise to perform and should give you an increase in strength as well as the appearance of your muscles. When you use other exercises as well, you will have a well proportioned upper body. Having a well balanced group of exercises for your upper body is a great way to get the best results from your workout.

Some more tips to help you develop your shoulders.

Try doing the shoulder press standing up to get a whole body stability workout. Even start by lifting the weight from the floor in a clean and jerk motion, to the shoulders in a lateral raise motion, then shoulder press a few times before lowering the weight. It's intense, and will stimulate your body to grow VERY quickly. Vary the focus. Try cycling about an 8 week turnover focusing on Shoulder press, then Bench, then Chins. i.e. Workout Shoulder Press FIRST during the first 8 week cycle, then complete the rest of your workout. Next cycle, workout the Bench FIRST... etc.

When you return to doing the shoulder press first, you will have increased the size of your upper body all over. This will also improve the strength that you will have to perform the exercises with each cycle.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Best Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Neck

By Westy

When you look at a bodybuilder who has been working out for some time and someone who has not, there are some noticeable differences. The bodybuilder who has been gaining mass, but not a lot of mass will have a much more developed neck than someone who has not. When you have strong neck muscles, you will be preventing some of the injuries that can occur from a weak neck. This will help when you are doing some of the exercises in your workout routine.

One exercise that is very common to improve the muscles in the neck is the shrug. There are some variations that can be used, but it is actually a very simple exercise. Just shrug your shoulders.

It is possible to do the shrug using dumbbells or a barbell. You might be surprised at how much weight you can actually lift with the shrug. The exercise has a very short range of motion and can be done very simply. Just hold the weight near to your waist and shrug your shoulders. One of the important factors in this exercise is the amount of control that you use to complete the exercise. Make sure that you shrug slowly up and down.

You might be surprised at the amount of strength you can acquire from doing this type of exercise. You should find your ideal repetition between five and seven. You should always warm up before you do any type of exercise. You don't want to injure the neck muscles. Start off with a lesser amount of weight until you determine what your best repetition and weight is.

There's another exercise you could try if you've been developing your neck for a while and you want more strength and definition.

It's called the Weighted Neck Flexion and it goes like this:

1. Wrap up your weight in a towel.

2. Lay back on the bench with the head off the end of the bench.

3. Place the plate on the forehead and support it with your hands.

4. lift your body in a situp style movement using your neck muscles till your chin touches your chest

5. Bring your body back down to your original position.

6. Keep going until you are finished.

This can be done in the reverse style too when you're on your stomach.

There are other exercises that can be used to improve the strength of your neck. Put your hands on one side of your head and push your head in the other direction. You will be using your own body to perform the exercise and not risking injury with weights. This is the ideal way to start the exercises for your neck. It is important that you do not do neck exercises like the neck bridge unless you have been working out for some time and already have a strong neck. This type of exercise is most often done by those that are into wrestling.

The neck is a small part of your upper body workout. When you are working on the strength of your upper body you should make sure to include your neck in the workout. You will find an improvement in your upper body workout when you include the neck muscles in your program.

About the Author:

The Truth About Building Muscle - A Real Review

By Westy

Sean gives you quick and complete lessons in eating for mass gain and he provides you the information on why eating in the way he describes is critical to your goals. The chapter on "Critical Feeding Times" provides crucial lessons of the times when your muscles will require nutrition. It tells you exactly what to eat and when to eat to maximize your muscle growth. The supplement section educates you on those supplements that provide an advantage compared to others. He also states how these supplements can be best utilized to help you in your body building goal.

One area that is not typically given much attention is the importance of recovery and rest periods. You will learn with this program how to rest your body in the proper way to get great results. You learn how to recover from injury as well as how to get quality rest in between workouts.

The program is very well thought through and creator Sean has thought of every possible obstacle that you might have to overcome. The list of the questions that could be asked in the program are covered completely and there is no doubt an answer to many of the questions that you might have while you are working this program. You can find these answers to your questions contained in an extensive database that comes with the program.

The major part of the program is in the twenty six week workout plan. There are log pages that can be printed out for you to use while you are working in the program. There is also a full video that shows Sean doing the exercises in the correct manner for you to see. This will help you to use the exercises in the most appropriate manner to get the best possible results. You will also have a progress tracker that will help you to stay motivated while you are going through the program. There are many issues that are covered with the Truth About Building Muscle program. You will learn in the program's software:

(1) tracking your growth and body composition

(2) planning your meals

(3) creating the shopping list

(4) workout tracking

(5) full tracking to help you keep the program going strong

That's not all... Sean gives you a fully completed diet plan. It is a total of 12 weeks of muscle growing food plans at nine levels of calorie intake ranging from 2,000 to 6,000. All you need to do is calculate your suggested calorie intake (chapter 3) and choose the plan that works best for you. Then, is Sean's "Muscle Building Video Lessons" comprising of six lessons each where he takes you through your every workout on building each muscle.

For those who have a very busy schedule, you will get an extra e-book that lets you personalize the program to meet your needs. There are routines and information for those who are doing the exercises and the program in their home without the use of the usual equipment. "The Top 12 Bodybuilding Mistakes Revealed" will give you the chance to understand the mistakes before you make them without realizing it. This is some great advice for those who could potentially cause themselves injury from making these mistakes.

If you want to see the guru himself in action you can check him out in a 1 hour video doing a hardcore workout. And as if this is all not enough Sean gives you an Option to Upgrade with some extra Bonuses. What does he give you in it?

(1) You will have three months of personal training through email.

(2) The cardio workout that will help you to lose fat and get the look that you want fast.

(3) The Bodybuilding Inner Game Ebook, highlighting the psychology that can make a massive difference to your bodybuilding success

(4) The entire program on Mp3 format so that you can take it with you when you are away from home.

(5) It also includes additional meal plans - vegetarian plan (12 weeks), and Low budget meal plans for if you're short on cash

These extra meal plans range in their calorie count from two to six thousand calories.

In the end, you cannot deny the sincere effort that Sean shows in this program. This can be a great benefit to those who are looking to improve the appearance of their body. The program is very well organized and thoroughly thought out. There is information on nutrition, training and recovery from injuries. You will have a total plan that does not leave anything out. All you need to have is the determination and the will to get through it and you will get the results that you want. This program can be used by those who are just beginning and those who are looking for a more intermediate program. It is up to you to get the physique that you want and the Truth About Building Muscle can help you to get there.

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Weight Lifting Exercises - TRAPEZIUS

By Westy

The traps, as they are commonly called, are the Trapezius muscles. They connect your back and your neck (to put it simply). Most often they are trained when working out the shoulders or back. There are only a few exercises you can use to train these muscles. But don't let that put you off. You can achieve massive growth in this are using just a few simple movements. Often it's enough to simply do a few shrugs after your main workout exercises.

The main exercises that will work these muscles are the upright row and the shrug.

The first exercise is the shrug.

You can perform this exercise very simply with a barbell or dumbbells. You can do these exercises from a position in the back or the front.

They are performed quite simply by grabbing some weight, and shrugging your shoulders! Nothing to it. Some people like to add some variation by rolling their shoulders forwards, then backwards in a circular motion when they shrug. That's why I recommend using dumbells or a barbell instead of the smith machine so you can get the best range and flexibility with the movement. You can stimulate the area more effectively this way.

How it's done:

1. Grab the weight and hold it at arms length in front of your body using an overhand grip

2. Raise your shoulders and try to touch your ears, as high as you can

3. Hold the movement and then lower your shoulders, repeat.

When you are performing this exercise you must use control and lower and lift your shoulders slowly. Keep from straining your neck when you are doing the exercises to avoid injury. It is possible to use a heavier weight because of the smaller range of motion. The other exercises that you can use are the upright row. This type of exercise is typically used as a shoulder exercise and will work the traps while you are working your shoulder muscles.

An upright row is performed in this manner.

1. Take a wide grip if you're intending to hit the traps with more intensity.

2. You should hold the bar in front near to your thighs

3. Lift the bar straight up along the line of your body until you get to about the hight of your chin

4. Hold for a moment, then lower and repeat

Make sure that you keep your elbows higher than the bar while you are doing the exercise. When you use these two exercises and make sure that you perform shoulder exercises as well, you will be getting a strong neck and trap muscles for your efforts.

About the Author:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No Nonsense Muscle Building - Turn My Skinny Body Into Sexy Fast

By Westy

When you use the program, No Nonsense Muscle Building, you will learn the principles that Vince Delmonte uses to help you with your bodybuilding efforts will help you to get past all of the things that have been holding you back. The first page of the book will let you know where Vince stands on the issue of an unattractive body. You will understand that the book is based on the opinion that you are the only thing that stands between you and a sexy body.

The program will focus on eliminating negative thinking and hard work. You will have to follow the program to the letter to get the results that you are promised with this book, but if you can do that you will find success. There are some things that are included in this program that you will not find in a typical bodybuilding program. Focus on flexibility and endurance are covered extensively as well as weight training.

The focus of this program is on adding muscle to skinny bodies that are in need of some training. When you follow the approach that is taken in this program you will be able to reach the goals that you have set. There are no excuses in this program and Vince will eliminate all of the notions that you might have about your skinny body. Once you are free of the excuses, you will be able to use the program to its fullest extent.

When the goal of your program is a massive amount of gain, you will have to follow the methods and techniques that are presented in the program. Explanations will help you to understand why you are using the techniques and methods. This is important if you are to fully understand the program. It is written very clearly so that you will have no problem understanding the information that is contained.

Two full chapters of the book are devoted to hormones and recovery and their importance in your program. You will learn why rest is so important and how you can use it to build up your strength. Hormones are responsible for the mass that you will gain with this program. It is an important component and is included in the program. The diet and training methods are designed to increase the hormones in your body to help you to gain the mass that you want. Vince is a tough trainer and you will have to follow his methods if you want the results that he promises.

Things might seem to be a bit complicated during the earlier days, but a couple of days and reads and you will be comfortable. Vince allows an access to the member's area for the 52-week workout plan. A calendar has been installed for your convenience; you can tick the date and the workout schedule, fulfill the descriptions of the exercise in the form of an animation and have proper guidelines for carrying out those exercises.

This helps you to set your goals and have a clear understanding of what you are supposed to be doing. The program will require you to use a three week gym session that gives you full body workouts that are extremely intense. The program can be personalized to help you determine where you need improvement and how you can work the program to your benefit. All of the issues that you might have with the program are dealt with and an individual program that works for you will be determined.

You will learn flexibility training and how it impacts your workout. When you are able to lessen the imbalances in your body and work on your weak areas, you will find the workout is much easier to follow. Weight training is where you will begin the program and you will work toward a more modern technique toward bodybuilding.

Listening to your body is also an important part of the program. You will learn how to use what your body is telling you to your advantage. This is something that every trainer has to be aware of when they are working with bodybuilding.

About the Author:

Sean Nalewanyj's Truth About Building Muscle - Inner Circle

By Westy

Muscle building goal which many find elusive is made very simple and real by Sean Nalewanyj's step-by-step mass gain program, Muscle Gain Truth- No Fail System. Sean admits that "Building muscle is one of the simplest things to understand but one of the most difficult to implement." Learning to build ones muscles is very easy. However actually doing it is another ball game. This is where Sean's program comes in. It is unique and simple. Sean understands that many people although equipped with the knowledge required for it, fail.The Truth About Building Muscle

What Are Some Of The Reasons People Fail

1. Laziness or lack of motivation.

2. Lack of information about bodybuilding

3. Loss of focus

Once you learn to get past the obstacles that are confronting you, there will finally be results. There are some things that you can do to prepare for your muscle building. The success that is reached with the program will depend on you and your motivation and focus on the goal. You should understand that the concept of muscle building is relatively simple, but practicing those concepts is difficult.

The program that you will receive approaches the topic with more than just mental preparation. You will learn how to use the techniques that Sean presents in a clear and focused manner. You will also learn how to push past all of the bad information that you may have received in the past.

You just need to follow the basic principles highlighted in his program. The same that Sean used to build his 80 lbs; that many people have successfully followed to flaunt impressive bodies. Seans principles- Principles that bring out great results.

(1) Workouts- Many people unfortunately do not understand the meaning of "intense workout" and its relation to a mass gain program.

Sean's program does not just state what to do but tells you why to do it. Under the program you just need to dedicate 3 INTENSE workouts a week. One for an hour. The other time you rest and eat. When Sean says "you must train with 100% intensity" he tells you just what you need to do to bring major changes in your body.

(2) Nutrition: The type and the kind of nutrition that you take play a pivotal role in muscle building. According to Sean this is when the "real magic" of muscle building takes place.

The workout plan will include:

(1) Video lessons to show you every detail of the plan

(2) lessons ranging from warming up, stretching, choosing the best exercise and then effectively getting it done.

(3) Breathing and rest information that will help you to get the results that you want.

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