Saturday, August 9, 2008

Great Ways To Increase Your Motivation To Succeed

By Kenny Lindsay

One of the most challenging problems facing people in their lives is getting motivated to achieve their goals. Quite often they actually know what they want to achieve but just can't get themselves to take the proper action. In the article below we look at some great techniques you can use to get yourself motivated and taking positive action in order to achieve your goals.

An amazingly powerful technique to use is to imagine what you'll lose out on if you don't take action and go after your dreams. If you link pain to the failure that arises from failing to follow through, then you'll definitely be far more likely to get motivated and do everything it takes to achieve your goals.

A great motivation inducing practice is to stop perceiving the task that you've decided to accomplish as being so massive by breaking it down into smaller, more easy to negotiate steps. By breaking it down and only focussing on the little tasks you'll become more inspired since it seems far more realistic to take small steps and by taking some action you'll start to get momentum to take you to the next level.

It's essential when motivating yourself that you give yourself rewards along the way and don't deprive yourself until the goal has finally been achieved. Achieving something worthwhile is going to take committment and endurance, so it's important to make the journey towards your goal more enjoyable and therefore you should celebrate the little successes along the way since these are what take you to your destination.

By taking a bet with a co-worker you can greatly increase the motivation to achieve one of your goals. If you say to the colleague that if you don't achieve your goals then you'll have to hand over to them 50 bucks this gives you great incentive to push through the challenges and succeed.

Announcing publicly you're going to achieve can increase your motivation in a massive way. If you desire to lose 20 pounds in weight over the next 9 months then declaring you're going to do this at the gym or at a family gathering can be a really powerful motivator.

If you just can't get yourself motivated for a particular goal that you'd previously set then you might want to re-evaluate whether or not this goal is something you really want to go after. It could be that you'd set it a long time ago and it's no longer what you really want. If this is the case then there is nothing to be ashamed about in giving up and it is usually the wisest thing to do.

One of the many superb mental motivation techniques which you absolutely must use is to vividly visualize what your life will be like after you've accomplished your goals. Through seeing the possiblity of magnificent new things materialising in your life in the future it increases your motivation to take action in the present and most certainly ensures a brighter more successful future.

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