Monday, September 29, 2008

Interval Training: 4 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Own Results

By Max Collins

These tips which you'll read in this article have been termed "secrets" by some people. They are really no secret, but should be seen as common sense instead. By following the tips given here, you'll be able to see the results - you'll lose a noticeable amount of body fat. Read on to learn four ways to lose excess fat.

The first thing you need to focus on is to burn carbohydrates, not the fat, when you are working out. I know you might be thinking that this tip is backwards, but remember I said common sense was needed here to "digest" these tips. You need carbohydrates to burn more calories after your workout, which is the key to fat loss.

With interval training using heavy resistance, you'll actually continue to burn calories for hours after your workout, unlike an old fashioned cardio workout and lifted light weights. This will help you to lose fat while building muscle.

Second, you need to use a range of repetitions during your strength training. For instance, vary the number of reps even within a single workout. This helps to build muscle fibers while burning calories. Try varying the number between 5 and 12 reps to make the most of your strength training. This will help you get results fast - but only if you remember to watch those calories, of course.

Third, use a stationary bike as a part of your interval training - cycling using heavy resistance helps to maintain your muscle mass. A bike is also an easy way to let you continue to burn calories after a weight lifting workout.

Just remember that the type of workout I am describing here is not low-intensity. It is fast pedaling, "spinning" intervals. This is because the hard, resistance-based intervals are better for getting the fat loss results you are targeting. Only cycle against a strong resistance.

The last tip is to eat more; or actually, eat more often. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that people who eat six, rather than three times daily tend to have a lower calorie intake than those who ate the standard three daily meals. They also had lower levels of cholesterol on average, as well as lower insulin levels following meals. To get the best results, make sure to have plenty of protein and fiber in these meals.

To lose fat; and lose it quickly, you have to change the way you think and turn your back on those traditional methods which aren't producing results for you. Try these tips out and watch the results - they're pretty dramatic.

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