Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cameras For Home Video Surveillance Systems

By Jeffrey Parker

Medium to large size businesses were the first to use video surveillance systems when they were pioneered. As technology improved, camera size and price tag got smaller and more and more systems made their way into homes. Vulnerable areas can be monitored from practically anywhere with closed circuit TV (CCTV), protecting your home from theft and other threats that go bump in the night.

The viewing monitor is a key element of the home video surveillance system. The monitor will display video images from the cameras. The images are usually black and white and of a higher resolution than that of an analog television set - typically between 500 and 1000 lines.

The surveillance camera is another vital element. When a home surveillance system is set up, cameras are generally installed around the exterior of a home in the locations that are the most vulnerable. They must be placed where they can be hidden or at least very hard to see. These cameras run constantly, sending video to monitors on a regular basis. To work properly at night, you'll need either lighting or infrared security cameras that will monitor even in total darkness.

Unless you incorporate a wireless security system, the coaxial cables will also be needed for any video surveillance system. These cables will send video signals from a camera to a monitor. The cables are obtainable in many sizes which may be found at a home security supplier or electronics store. Your own home security systemwill have coaxial cables, though you might need more of them, depending upon where it is that you intend to set up the cameras.

Switchers are also required for home video surveillance system. Switchers let you send more than one camera feed to a single monitor. Usually, a switcher will cycle through the feeds until there is any movement detected at a specific motion sensor security camera. As soon as the switcher detects any motion, the camera is locked on to the target and it will automatically observe the movement.

Many home video surveillance setups use video recorders so that their live video feeds can be recorded and kept for future reference. If you travel or go on vacation, the recorder will see any break in that happens. If the burglar is arrested and goes to trial, the video recording makes excellent evidence against him or her. A video recorder in an inconspicuous spot, difficult to access, can ensure that burglars won't get away clean.

By combining video surveillance cameras and a monitor, a home video surveillance system will catch break-in's and burglars easily. They're very affordable now, and they are used in literally thousands of homes all over the U.S. If you want the best way to protect a home, the home video surveillance system is definitely something which you will want to examine more closely.

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