Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kahuna and the Geeks

By Nui Kahuna

My computer network yesterday was in a complete mess, like FUBAR, so I had to call in geeks to do the proper configurations for me. Military people will surely know what FUBAR means, do you? As for the geek assigned to do the configurations for me, he arrived at around two in the afternoon, and left vaguely around six hours later that afternoon.

I just handed him quite a big pay, and of course, it includes the extra money he may use for beverages.

Good thing my computer was diagnosed for threats, because it became a home for about 79 viruses!

The alarming part is that my computer had been sending spam because of a dangerous program. You must have been thinking that my computer hasn't been protected against such threats. No, I was fairly confident that it was protected. In fact, I even spent hundreds of dollars just to keep it in good shape.

The geek told me all kinds of things that these rat bastards do to get control of your system, and he said that for many of the things they do there isn't any software to combat it yet. He recommended regular maintenance by a guy like him. I took him up on it.

He was really good. I think he made the proper system configurations, because my computer has been running faster than it used to before.

And so, he deserved an extra fee.

Which I paid.

Anyway, last night's news had shown a photo of a man who had been trying to kidnap little girls in Northern Virginia. It was said that he was even spotted near bus stops and other areas where most of the kids go.

If you have a stun gun, pepper spray, or any other viable tool and you spot a guy like this, take them down. This kind of predator doesn't deserve any understanding or sympathy. I had this exact same scenario in my neighborhood several years ago. I had my daughter trained for this kind of encounter and she recognized the danger immediately and took off.

I missed catching the jerk by a few seconds, and I can tell you if I had, that the batteries in the The Runt would have to had gone dead before he had had enough voltage in him as far as I'm concerned.

Okay then. I'm pretty much aware of the fact that I'm thoroughly expressing my emotions right now. Like the head of the Children's Museum being involved in child porn. That followed a middle school principal involved in the same thing. I'm going to have to take the electric bleachers out of storage for another BBQ.

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