Friday, April 10, 2009

The ADD Myth

By Rebecca Walther

Part One: We've all heard about it, we might even have children are diagnosed with it but how much do we really know about ADD?

Historically ADD and ADHD have been around since the 1960's or more accurately since 1968. At this point in time psychologist believed it was a form of brain damage or a sever learning disorder as the first few names implied, Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Hyperactivity Disorder, and Minimal Brain Damage. By the early eighties the disorder assumed the name Attention Deficit Disorder and started to become one of the most commonly diagnoised childhood illnesses of the time.

As these children were diagnosed they were put on medications and placed in behavioral therapies to combat the disorder. More children were on Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine than vitamins. To top it all off, most of these medications had ill affects that were never released by the manufactures. People were seeing children who used to be happy and playful become, literary, zombie like. The reasons for this was in the drug itself and in a secret the drug manufactures were keeping from the public. Ritalin was a drug designed for adults, which meant, at the time and to this day, that a proper dose for a child was never created. In other words, every time a child takes their Ritalin they are receiving an adult dose of the drug.

Parents are told not to administer adult doses of medications to their children. Whether it is Advil or vitamins, yet, without knowing it, they were intentionally allowing their children to receive an adult dosage of a drug such as Ritalin.

After the initial medication rush of the early 80's and 90's the psychological community realized they had made a mistake. Because of their mistake they decided to adjust the DSM, or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, to better fit the disorder. The DSM is the psychological handbook of diagnosis. Certified psychologist know that in order to diagnose a disorder the person patient has to meet the criteria featured in the DSM. So in the year 2000 the psychological community released a new revision to the DSM containing new diagnostic procedures for ADD.

One of the most unknown revisions that was made was the alimentation of Attention Deficit Disorder. Instead ADHD became the only disorder of its kind in the DSM. The average person has no idea that ADD no longer exist according to the medical field and the reason behind this is very complex. To find out the reason check out part two of this article on the ADD myth.

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