Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There is a Motor in the Martial Arts

By Al Case

One of the big, mystical secrets in the martial arts is the concept of Chi. Chi is a mystical energy that causes the universe to act in mysterious ways. And, after a lifetime, Chi is supposed to be a secret energy that you can use to do superhuman things.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of proof for these claims concerning Chi. Maybe a few people who can do things, but most can't, and a few oddities don't prove the truth of certain theories concerning the subject of Chi. Fortunately, there is a theory that is not mystical, that will work, and that will result in Chi.

A motor is two terminals which result in tension. Everything in the universe can be defined as a motor. Every tension in the universe is the result of a motor.

An electron and a proton interact to create energy in an atom. Potassium and sodium interchanging to create energy in a cell. Everywhere in the universe you will find a motor, and you will find tension, you will find two terminals.

And, when you take a martial arts stance with the human body, you have increased your weight, and this causes energy to move between the body and the planet. When you shift the weight from leg to leg, from stance to stance, the weight moves up and down the legs, and this excites the tan tien, a spot two inches below the navel which generates energy for the body. Thus, there is energy, and the body is a motor, and you can call this energy chi.

Here's the big downfall: everybody focuses on making the body strong, and so creates only the low level of chi required to operate the body. What people should be doing is focusing awareness on the method, instead. If you build the awareness it takes to build energy of this sort, you will find the energy that will result in the 'superhuman' potential that people look to Chi for.

Thus, do your form, build awareness, and concentrate not on the violence of action, not on building the body, but on becoming aware of what you are doing. Feel the energy going down and up your legs, feel the energy building in the tan tien, and feel your connection with the planet. Do this and you will shortly become aware of energy building in your body in a surprising way.

Energy that warms the palms upon mere thought, energy that tingles a body part just by thinking of it. Energy that can be channeled into body parts, and can even be felt outside your body. Once you have started building energy of this type, then you can start searching for more spectacular ways to manifest it.

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