Monday, September 14, 2009

Do You Know What Concentrated Fish Oil Is?

By Peter Bertonach

If you've been reading about the benefits of Omega 3 capsules there's a good chance you've read about concentrated fish oil found in them. But what is concentrated fish oil?

If you caught a fish and squeezed it (really hard) you'd get what is known as standard food grade fish oil out of it. And there would be DHA and EPA, the 2 most important Omega 3 fats in it.

But you wouldn't get stacks of those good fats. Enough to be useful if you ate the fish, but not a lot for a simple 1000 mg capsule.

So what do manufacturers do to overcome this? The use concentrated fish oil. It can be called super concentrated fish oil or highly concentrated fish oil, but it's all the same.

By putting the oil through a concentration process it is ensuring that there are much higher levels of DHA and EPA in the oil. This is good because it means that you can get a significant amount of good fats from taking a few Omega 3 capsules. Otherwise you'd probably need to take handfuls.

When a fish oil is concentrated the process used to do this turns the natural triglyceride form of the oil into an ethyl ester form. This is ok, the ethyl ester form of the fat is perfectly good, and can be absorbed into the body when eaten. This is known as "bioavailability".

Some manufacturers turn the ethyl ester form back into a triglyceride form believing that if the oil is in the same form as it came out of the fish then it must be more "natural". But the result is that the triglyceride form resulting has a different molecular makeup and isn't nearly as "bioavailable" as the ethyl ester form. But it's still good for you.

There is a manufacturer that has combined the best of both worlds, combining a concentrated fish oil in it's ethyl ester form with an unconcentrated fish oil in it's natural triglyceride form.

The results have been impressive with studies showing effectiveness of 2 1/2 times more than "traditional" Omega 3 supplements.

So Omega 3 supplements use concentrated fish oil to deliver more Omega 3 fats. But one uses a mixture of both concentrated and unconcentrated fish oil to result in a more potent blend.

You can find out where to source these more potent Omega 3 supplements by visiting my website.

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