Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Best Ways For Keeping Your Home Safe

By John Thompson

When you ask people what they do when they are away from home, and how they keep safe, many people don't do anything. Now, you know the trick...and the burglars and thieves know all the tricks also. I'll explain this in a second. Home security measures do have a few variations, but remember, the worst thing you can do to protect your home, is to do nothing at all.

In reality, there are some thing you can implement and they don't take that much time. For instance, when you are not at home, leave your blinds and curtains closed and a light on in a room or two. This way, a potential home intruder can only guess if somebody is home. If you make things a bit difficult, most times a potential intruder will move on.

The same idea goes for leaving on a radio or television. If there is sound coming from inside the house, along with the lights on, why should the thief take a chance?

As far as home security measures, it would be a terrible set back if you left a note on the front door for people, telling them you are not at home, and possible where you are. Leaving things at the foot of the front door is usually a tell tale sign that no one is home.

Thieves today are much more knowledgeable than in days past. But they still know some of the old school techniques for home security measures that us homeowners do. Hiding a key outside your home is just not as effective as it used to be. They know all the usual hiding places. It is safer to leave a key with your friend or neighbor.

Please do not leave your keys, purse, wallet or valuables of any kind near the front or back door. How convenient do you want to make it for a burglar?

Home security measures should be on the forefront of your mind whenever you are away from home. If you are concerned at all about your home security, these tips are the easiest to implement. Don't make it easy for a thief to invade your home. Take the time to learn more about home security measures.

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