Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gas Leak Detectors by Type

By Alison Tomas

Just about everyone knows how important the use of a gas leak detector can be. Far too many tragic accidents could have been avoided with the presence of one, and an effective monitor can easily prevent these things.

Perhaps people neglect to buy one because these accidents are less common than ordinary fires, but I feel that building awareness about them may lead to an increase in their use. As a result, I'd like to give you some background information about these.

Many of my readers ask me which type of gas leak detector they should go with. While they're all effective for their purposes, some may be more appropriate than others based on the situation. I'd like to quickly go over some of the different styles that you may come across.

I'd like to distinguish between the key attributes of each of the three most popular types. The one that's most appropriate for your home will vary based on your situation, but I hope you'll have a better idea as to which is the most appropriate fit once I've gone through the basics here.

The first one that I'd like to discuss is the traditional means of gas leak detection. This works based on the principle of basic sensors that can pick up on gas in the air if it's around. The problem with this method is that sometimes winds can contribute to inaccurate readings in outdoor settings.

As more efficient means of picking up on gas leaks is through ultrasonic methods. This technology is far more sophisticated, as it simply detects the sound waves given off by any gas leaks in the area. This method is a bit more costly as a result.

Lastly, many people like the idea of semiconductor leak detection. The technology is more advanced than the traditional means, though the price is much more affordable than the ultrasonic method.

As for which is most appropriate for your needs, you'll get a good feel for this by shopping for these units yourself. Once you see their prices, you'll quickly know how each possibility fits within the context of your budget.

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