Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Great Cardio Workout to Do at Home! - Kettlebells and Intervals

By Veronica Carrillo

We all know that obesity is epidemic in North America, with the United States leading the way. The USA is the country with the most overweight people, and obese people on the planet. Almost 65% of the entire population are considered overweight and large portion are considered obese.

It is great for many reason, it takes rich, oxygenated blood to the cells and muscles of the body. Increases the strength of the heart and lungs and speeds up the metabolism of the body helping you to burn more fat more effectively. An example of an aerobics activity would be running, dancing for extended duration, swimming and brisk walking, biking and skiing.

Aerobics is great for increasing fitness levels, stamina, and conditioning of the body. It helps to release many important hormones and chemicals in the body that has a beneficial effect on our state of mind. High impact aerobics involves lots of movement, and in particular leg movement, such as step aerobics, dancing, kick boxing, running. In the past people have said that these type of movements are too stressful on your joints and body and can cause arthritis or inflammation of the joints.

Step aerobics is even more effective at burning calories. Step aerobics uses a platform, or a step to perform aerobic, or dance like routines. The reason why step aerobics is so effective at burning fat is because it uses the principle of aerobics, which increases the heart rate, increases the amount of oxygen your body needs, while working the largest groups of muscles in the body. The thigh muscles, hamstring muscles, glut muscles, and have muscles are the largest groups of muscles in the body. The movement of these muscles require a lot of energy this energy is supplied by store calories in the body. So the more these muscles are used in more calories are burned in the body.

So like everything else take proper precaution and build up slowly and in a few weeks you will find that you care able to do this more advance exercise routine more and more. If you are just getting started then you should go slow for a few days and build up to more complex and advance moves. It is important to keep proper form when performing any routine in order to prevent ny injuries.

A lot of people shy away from step aerobics because they feel that it is high impact and can create problems for knees, what with the advance of proper shoes, and proper work out that form, you can still get a great workout doing step aerobics without the chance of damaging your knees. Having said that care should be taken whenever you are doing step aerobics and it is very important that you stretch and warm-up for release before beginning a step aerobics routine. This reduce the chances of you injuring yourself and damaging your knees. But once you follow these simple guidelines you can lose weight, get in shape, and increase your endurance within just six weeks of working out 3 to 4 times a week, for about 45 minutes each time. Give it a try and you will see.

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