Saturday, January 25, 2014

Procedure For Bathroom Tile Refinishing Dallas

By Eliza Mendoza

In every home, bathrooms are normally the most used room. Due to this the tiles become worn out, scraped, scratched and they develop a dull appearance. No matter the quality of tiles, tub or counter in your bathroom, after some time the wear and tear will be very damaging and end up leaving a film of grime and grout that will make the entire room to appear very dirty. Remodeling the bathroom may cost you a lot of money so it is better to refinish it. Bathroom tile refinishing Dallas requires some tools and a little effort. Though it may take some time, it is possible to do the work on your own.

The market is currently providing different products that are used to refurbish bathrooms. The products may require being used in addition with others. You can visit your local hardware to find the right products to be used with the tiles. Ensure that you go for a refurbishing kit that has good quality. The good thing about the kit is that they have everything required in the process. The package has the following; rubber gloves, cleaning pads, industrial strength epoxy and special powder.

The first step involves preparing the surface to be worked on. In this, the first thing that you should do is sanding the surface to prepare the surface for the new paint application. A course sand paper is used in this. To make work easier and be able to complete faster, you could use an electric hand sander. When undertaking this task, it is important to wear personal protection equipment such as a dust mask. This will help protecting your respiratory system.

After that, clean the dust away to be able to see if every part has been sand. This will also help you to see all the dents that need to be filled. Use filler putty that is specific for tiles. Then, give the filler time to dry well. Once dry, you should sand the surface again to ensure that the filler putty blends in with the tiles.

Then next step is to protect the area you are working on. One can tape around the edges of the area you want to paint. Faucets and other accessories in the bathrooms should be covered using a cloth, tape or a painters paper to prevent them from been sprayed on.

This is the stage where you apply the first coat. The first epoxy coating on the surface should be applied using low pressure spraying gun or a brush. For your safety purposes, you should use a respirator. When you are through with applying the first coat, you should allow it to dry for about 24 hours. When it has dried, you should apply the second coating.

Once the first coat is completely dry, you can now start applying the second one. This second coat may require up to five days to dry before you can start using the room. If you use the room before the second coat is completely dry, you can end up causing uneven breaks that will make the whole work look very unprofessional.

The good thing about tile refinishing Dallas epoxy kit comes with a white color that easily blends with common bathroom tiles. When looking for a light color shade of epoxy, you can add a particular proportion of universal tint. You cannot change epoxy to dark colors because it is bright white. A major benefit about epoxy kits is that they are safe when using on different surfaces. All you need is ensuring that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.

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