Saturday, September 26, 2015

Achieving Success With Product Management

By Della Monroe

There is a lifecycle within every manufacturing company that handles the basics of planning and forecasting, not to mention production and marketing. As part of this structure, there are people in product management who are the enterprise's link to the public and soothsayers of demand. They know the customer's wants and needs and how to put the right goods in the correct place. In short, they integrate all aspects of the business process to move forward the supply chain.

Different responsibilities fall into the lap of the managers of products in the area of development and marketing. There is always a view toward optimizing sales and profit and gaining market share from the competition. Sometimes it pays to eliminate unnecessary aspects of the cycle in the interest of efficiency and to correct problems with remedial action. The manager is concerned with the bottom line and the impact of strategy on the entire business.

Market conditions come into play in the selling process. A product's position is key. Its features and benefits must be clear and compelling. Tactics of the manager will vary based on the corporate culture. He or she may operate on their own or act as part of a team.

The features and benefits say it all and the product managers know how to get the word circulating. They know how to grab media attention and sales. They have strategies and tactics that have stood the test of time based on data analysis. If you question the need for these professionals, you are on the wrong track. There is vast benefit to adding such managers to the payroll and expanding overhead. They are worth their weight in gold. They can ride the roller coaster all the way to the top through the ups and downs of the business. They always seek to take their company to the next level.

Savvy executives soon learn the score and get on board with today's marketing needs. They start to understand a customer focus. It never ends with features of a product, but with bringing their benefits to light. It is about building a customer base that is loyal and supportive.

Managers of products will make the company more efficient as he or she works across department lines. They can ensure productivity and profit with their customer focus. Marketing is the essence of success. Problems must be identified and eradicated as you take something new to the public.

A skilled manager knows how to identify weak areas and to fix them in a flash. In effect, they keep the ball rolling on the perennial path to profit. They liaise with other departments and communicate ideas and problems. They offer executives a rationale that makes sense in today's economy. They have insight and foresight and the ability to manage risks with success. In short, they drive the sales team and focus attention and energy on the product.

This all amounts to the fact that product managers are market driven. Every company knows how vital this area is. You have to not only create a good merchandize, but you must satisfy existing buyers and develop a roster of new ones that will stick. In other words, you must understand the dynamics of supply and demand. It is fine to have the latest, greatest merchandize, but without communicating it to the public, it may just fall flat. So a company worth its salt will examine objectives and hone tactics with the right professional help in place. Let the research and development people ply their trade, then let the product team take the ball and run with it.

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