Wednesday, May 18, 2016

When It Really Matters To You, You Always Do This...

By Evan Sanders

When something really matters to you, you find a way to make it happen. When it doesn't matter, you find an excuse.

Someone once said to be a long long time ago, "You either have the results or the reasons why not."

If it matters to you, there isn't an excuse in the world that's valid.

If you really want something in your life bad, you have to be willing to live without excuses.

The only way to achieve something you never have is to do all of the things you've never done.

You have to be willing to live without all of the reasons why you can't do something - the thousands and thousands of "no's" and live your life focused on what is actually possible.

You have to focus on the reasons, or maybe even single reason, why it is possible and be willing to attack your dream with passion, persistence, and the patience necessary to see it all the way through.

Find the one reason that you can hold onto that makes it all worth it for you.

Because if you can find the one reason that makes it all worth it to you, you can endure almost anything that will come your way.

There will be obstacles.

There are going to be things that knock you on your butt.


But all of these things are here to build you into the person you need to be in order to achieve everything you want to in life.

However if you give up because things get hard, you signal to the world that you weren't actually worthy of achieving that dream.

But if you can continue fighting for something that you really believe in and want badly, you can do anything. You can become anything. You can achieve anything.

But you have to be willing to fight for it. If you don't fight for it, you will always lose.

And trust me, it's completely worth it. So who are you going to be? Are you going to be someone who fights for what they believe in or someone who fails the big tests and quits? The choice is yours.

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