Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How To Own Your Greatest Fears

By Evan Sanders

Find solace in touching your deepest wounds. There you will find yourself. There you will find peace.

It's okay to say "it's not okay."

Even though we try to fake it from time to time, there are some situations that are really not okay.

Putting on a smile to try to convince everyone that you're alright is never that convincing. Everyone can tell. Why not be vulnerable with them and tell them the truth?

Sometimes, things really do hurt you...badly...and you don't have to pretend that you're unwoundable.

We all are. That's what makes us human.

We all suffer in completely different ways from one another but in the end, we are all feeling something deep down in our hearts.

But that's beautiful. Because if we were all the same the world would be an incredibly boring place to live in.

But you never get anywhere by being fake. You have to be real. You have to be so real that the world sees you for who you truly are.

Because every time you pretend to be someone you're not, you create chaos within yourself. Your own soul doesn't even recognize the person you are.

So the only way to truly heal is to bring buckets full of love and compassion towards yourself. We are the only ones that can heal our deepest wounds so we must be the ones who take that journey within. Without taking the journey, the wounds will always be left unhealed.

But when we avoid our own suffering, we will continue to suffer endlessly.

You have to dive into what's uncomfortable. You have to go to the places you're deeply scared of and be willing to face your deepest fears.

Because in the end, if you take this journey, you will find out that the fears you had weren't so big at all. There were just shadows dancing in the night trying to make you believe they were something else.

Don't ever worry about taking the journey deep into the dark...

Because you are the light.

And you will illuminate everything around you.

About the Author:

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