Monday, June 19, 2017

Listen To Christian Audio Sermons

By Betty Hall

Ordinary pastors and Bible teachers reach millions of people through messages recorded on tapes or discs. It's easy to get Christian audio sermons. Many are delivered by ministers to local congregations but are also broadcast over radio or television. Ministries often offer copies of sermons or special audio recordings designed for ministry partners and supporters.

The teachings given by godly men and women help listeners deepen their knowledge of scripture and see how God works in our lives every day. Great speakers used to reach their own congregations or perhaps attendees at a camp meeting or revival. Now, they can impact millions of listeners and gain a much wider following. People who might miss a radio or television broadcast can hear a replay of it at their convenience.

It is very helpful for busy people to listen to uplifting discussions while commuting to work. Instead of feeling that time is wasted just getting to work, it can almost be like attending seminary. Tapes and CDs make a sermon available at any time convenient to you, perhaps while jogging or waiting for the bus.

A recording is also great if you fail to grasp the full meaning of a lesson the first time you hear it. Repeating it over again might let you really get it. If it's a message you feel is truly valuable, you might want to hear it more than once, too. A repeated teaching will be retained instead of forgotten as soon as it's over.

Many famous speakers have been able to extend their influence by offering a copy of an especially important teaching or of a series of lessons. Doctor James Dobson, a well-known radio talk show host with an advanced degree in psychology, has helped millions of listeners become better husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, and parents. Television celebrity Pat Robertson and his son Gordon are seen daily on CBN television; they also can be followed online. Faithful supporters of The 700 Club, their world-wide ministry, receive a special sermon each month on CD.

Pastors like Charles Stanley and Chip Ingram are household names. People listen to them for encouragement, correction, enlightenment, and inspiration. Those who would have a hard time reading a book by these and other Christian authors thrive on listening to discs or tapes. Some people listen to discs when they can't sleep and find them soothing.

Ask almost any believer and you will find that they value being able to listen to Christian teachings. Many say that their lives have been changed by revelations of biblical truths they were not understanding from their own reading of scripture. For example, learning the meaning of the Greek or Hebrew word used originally can change the whole nature of the text. Others like hearing the experiences of believers who have battled similar problems and come out victorious.

Living righteously is easier when a person receives instruction and encouragement on a regular basis, not just on Sundays at church. Recorded audio resources are the most convenient and personalized way to deepen knowledge and faith. Most popular ministries offer single sermons or a series of lectures in their online stores or as a gift to those who make donations.

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