Sunday, December 23, 2018

Guidelines For Couples From Marriage Counseling Huntington Beach

By Virginia Hughes

Many people think of a day when they will be together with the love of their life. This is the prayer of most bachelors and spinsters who are continuously on the search for a soul mate. But getting married is not where it ends. Marriage can either become sweet or sour depending on each person's efforts and actions. This is why married couples need some guidelines from marriage counseling Huntington Beach.

When it comes to issues about showing love, men are more to be blamed because women find it easier to do so. As a result, more of the message is given to them even though it remains the duty of both parties. But the men can show that they love their wives when they give up their own selfish ambitions for her sake.

Before getting married, it is important to avoid any circumstance that can get the two of you sleeping together. Once this happens, the love for each other begins to diminish and lack of trust sets in. After the wedding, memories of how you first did it would linger and that can make you lose your trust in him or her when there is a need for one of you to travel out. A general guide is that anything at all that pertains only to married couples should not be done before marriage so as to sustain the love and trust you both should share.

Do not get tired of each other. Even when it is practically impossible to be together in the day, make out time for it in the night before you go to bed. This practice will make you both grow fonder and always expect to be back home to narrate everything that happened in the office.

You should always try to surprise her. Make an unexpected visit to your spouse's place of work when it is lunch time and then ask her out. Your spouse will be surprised and happy at the same time because you left your busy schedules to make the provision. She will love to repay you when it is most inconvenient for you to repeat the act.

Do not be in a hurry to forget that special thing your spouse has done for you. Write them down and spend the time to recite them although it is better to memorize them. You can read it once a month, on special days like marriage anniversaries or as the year winds up. Be detail enough, even to say the minutest thing.

Try to settle any differences with your partner before going to bed. Talk about everything that did not auger well with you the last time you were both together. If you do not talk about it, the scenario will keep playing before you and that can create room for disloyalty.

In case your wife or husband does not ask for forgiveness over what you think is abnormal, do not let it remain long in your heart. Forgive willingly and every time because the act may not have been purposeful. You can draw your mate's attention to it, later on, to know why he/she acted in that manner.

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