Monday, May 18, 2009

Fitness Ultimatum by Jillian Michaels Set For Release on Wii

By Patrick Daniels

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels is back with a new fitness game based on the Wii platform. The new release, called Fitness Ultimatum, offers a unique way to get in shape.

When you begin Fitness Ultimatum, you'll play the role of a new recruit in real-life fitness expert and celebrity trainer Jillian Michaels' "boot camp". You can navigate through the different exercises, routines, and games by selecting different locations in the training camp using the intuitive controls of the Wiimote. The Jillian Michaels avatar will help guide you through "boot camp", offering encouragement and advice and even chastising you if you fall behind. It's hard not to stay motivated when you have fitness guru Jillian Michaels with you every step of the way!

Unlike other fitness games out there, Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum uses the Wii gaming system's unique accessories to let you physically interact with the game. For example, you can use the Wii Balance Board to jog, jump, or navigate an obstacle course, and you can use the Wiimote to pummel a punching bag or row a kayak. In each case, you will move your body the same way as you would in a real-life fitness setting. It's a fun and exciting way to tone up and lose some weight, and there are plenty of exercises and games to choose from, so you'll never get bored. You may also enjoy playing head-to-head with friends and family members with Competitive Campfire mode. Compete to see who can burn the most calories or choose to play together just for fun.

Whether you're just a couch potato or you're already a fitness guru, Fitness Ultimatum lets you choose a level of difficulty so that you can customize the game to suit your current level of fitness and your desired level of intensity. You can also choose from a variety of workout lengths to make it easy to fit them into your busy schedule. If you're working toward long-term weight loss or fitness, Jillian Michaels will help you select a set of fitness goals and track your progress toward achieving them. You'll also be able to examine how much weight you're losing or how well you're training using interactive graphs and statistical data.

In addition to all of the games and workouts and interaction, Fitness Ultimatum also includes videos on nutrition and weight loss from a health perspective. If a gym membership is something you are not interested in, then Fitness Ultimatum offers a good alternative.

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