Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Solving the Martial Arts!

By Al Case

There is a question in the martial arts that, before myself, has never been asked. Nobody has ever come up with the notion that the martial arts are a puzzle. That means that no one, in the history of the martial arts, has ever solved the puzzle.

When I began to consider the martial arts as a puzzle, and then solved them, I discovered something truly unique. I came across the actual True Art that has always intrigued people, but which has never been realized. I also came into the knowledge of why nobody has ever really discovered the True Art.

Amazingly, hard core physics is at the heart of the True Art. Physics is the study of all motion in the universe. Physics is what what students must know if they are to ever reach the True Art.

At first, like every other student, I availed myself of magazines and books, and I studied every art I came in contact with. I saw movies, ordered libraries of video tapes, and I had deep discussions with every martial artist I came in contact with. The digital age made my activities even larger, and i began sample and study arts across the whole planet.

I began making records of all the techniques that I knew. I covered the backs of business cards with them and laid them out across my living room. The thousands of cards covered with the techniques of hundreds of arts and styles.

Then came the tough task of putting them in some kind of order. I tired categorizing them by attack, by the fist or foot or whatever that was used. I tried to sort them conceptually, by whether they were from soft arts, or hard. One of the things I even tried was to lump them by what geographical region they came from.

I began to see patterns, and I started throwing out duplicate techniques. I tossed out all the techniques that were poser, that depended on the attacker waiting for the defender to do his stuff. The stacks of cards grew smaller, became easier to consider, and eventually there were only forty techniques left.

Forty techniques is all there are in the martial arts. All of the other techniques in all of the other arts are nothing more than variations or deviations from those forty techniques. The most important thing about all this, however, wasnt just that I had come up with the source of all martial arts techniques, the most important thing was what I was seeing the patterns and logics underneatht he forty techniques.

The Martial Arts have been solved, the puzzle has been put together so that everybody can see it. That puzzle, once viewed is an incredible doorway into the True Art. The Golden Age of the martial arts has now begun.

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