Thursday, January 28, 2010

Get Free Car Insurance Quotes for Teen Drivers

By John Bellafonte

The day a teenager is able to get behind a wheel and learn to drive is typically an important milestone in his or her life. Driving is an important step toward responsibility and independence. It is a known fact that insuring teen drivers is expensive, to say the least. Parents and teens can obtain free car insurance quotes to find the most comprehensive and cost-effective insurance policy that provides optimum protection.

Everyone has heard the horror stories about teen drivers and the ramifications that unsafe driving can bring. There have been many studies conducted that show that more accidents happen that involve under age drivers than any other age group. For this reason, it is going to cost more for them to become insured. Families need to find a way to get car insurance at cheaper rates so that they can afford it.

In previous times, the only way to get free car insurance quotes was to pick up the yellow pages and go through each agent that is listed. Thankfully, today, people can now go online and get these same quotes in much less time than ever before. Using this tool can offer many more quotes at one time as well so they can be compared to each other.

Many people do not have the time it can take to get a bunch of car insurance quotes when there is an underage driver involved along with multiple agencies. There are online companies whose sole purpose is to mix and match insurance companies with those who are looking to get more than one insurance quote. All of the major insurance agencies are going to submit their quotes as well as smaller companies.

While typically insurance prices are going to be dependent upon the age, sex and type of car that is being driven, any driver who has not reached twenty five is going to automatically have to pay more for their premiums. This is because this is the highest risk group of drivers. By getting free car insurance quotes, there can be some advantages in finding the lowest rates for that demographic.

When searching for free car insurance quotes for teen drivers, keep in mind that insurance companies offer discounts to help defray the cost of high premiums for teens. For instance, it is cheaper to add teens to an existing policy than to purchase a new one. In addition, teens can get additional discounts for getting good grades as well as occasional use of public transportation.

When looking at insurance for under age drivers, it is always important to take advantage of the free car insurance quote whenever possible. Look for those companies who are going to give the most insurance for the less money while still keeping the proper insurance that is required by the state that is lived in. Enroll the underage driver in defensive driving courses and never let them use their cell phones while driving to keep them as safe as possible.

Safety is always the key. Low rates are great, but make sure the policy has the comprehensive coverage needed. Surf the Internet wisely and choose the coverage that best suits the teen driver in your life.

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