Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prepare Ahead of Time in Regards to Fire Safety

By Jeffrey Jackson

Being prepared for fires can help protect your family from harm in case a fire does break out. Now is the perfect time to plan a fire escape plan. The safety of your home and family should be a main priority in your life.

Practice makes perfect. Regularly reminding children the best exits from various rooms around the home help them get acquainted with the idea of fire exits. It can only take a few minutes for a fire to engulf your home, so the more times they practice the less frantic they will be.

Teach more than one exit for your fire escape. It is important to have different ways you can escape in case one exit is blocked by the fire. For example, you can teach your family the best way is to exit through the front and back doors, but if that exit is cut off to use a window.

Help them know the best way to exit a window. Actually take the time to unlock the windows and show younger children how to unhook window screens. This will help them know exactly what steps need to be performed in case of an emergency, and they will be able to make a quicker exit.

Ladders that you may use for a fire escape should be approved by the UL, or Underwriters Laboratory. That means they are up to date with safety standards. Most apartments buildings are required by law to provide fire escapes from upper stories.

Be sure that everyone in the home knows that if a fire does break out in your home it is best to leave the home quickly. Don't waste your precious moments trying to remove valuables from your home. If a fire can't be put out by a fire extinguisher then leave your home without delay.

Owning a fire-proof safe may be a good choice if you are worried about items getting ruined by a fire. Safes are becoming more and more popular the last few years. You can also store pictures and copies of documents with your 72 hour kit that you can grab quickly on your way out.

Children will need to stay close by so you know their location. When teaching your family how to escape during a fire make sure to designate a special meeting place outside your home. It is also a good idea to teach younger children not to be afraid of firefighters.

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