Friday, July 20, 2012

Want to know your genetic design?

By Phylipa Dinnen

Nobody believes the Chinese sage's words 'Easy is right'.

We are usually in awe of people who overcome the overwhelming odds to 'make it ' in life. What we don't appreciate it was their resistance to life in the first place that lead them to the hard times they went through.

It is possible to bypass these hardships if you know and understand your Human Design. This will teach you what you need to know about yourself, including how to eliminate the invisible resistance you are putting up. You cannot learn this anywhere else! Knowing your Human Design will help you establish where your resistance is. Your resistance to healthy relationships; your resistance to the correct job; your resistance to the right home; your resistance to money (always the big one!) and your resistance to the joy your life can have.

Some say there is such a thing as luck. Others say there is such a thing as magic. My experience is that there is nothing but luck and magic. I live within that field now. That doesn't suggest my life is all plain sailing. It does mean that I don't have to fret about where I am heading.

Human Design System

The concept of the Human Design System evolved from an amalgam of the ancient wisdoms. It is an incredible new method for profiling both individuals and their relationships. Deep within your DNA in the cells of your body lies a hidden code. It's a code that determines who you are and who you'll one day become. It is the original blueprint written into your genes; unmistakeable and unrepeatable. It is your design.

- If you're tired of being told what to do by somebody else, knowing your Human Design is crucial.

- If you have suppressed part of you that is desperate to emerge, knowing your Human Design will help this happen.

If you have no idea what direction to take in your life, knowing your Human Design will give you direction and a new zest for living.

We're all different. There are four different auric types, all outlined by the genes. You need to know where you fit in or your whole life could be aimless.

Find out who you really are. The real part of your life starts with seeing your Human Design Chart with a Human Design Reading.

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