Sunday, July 7, 2013

How To Deal With Procrastination

By Lori Buenavista

Whenever you occasionally postpone tasks, or eliminate unpleasant chores, you're not alone-everyone procrastinates sometimes. In line with Psychology Today, 20% of adults engage in procrastination often enough that this will get bothersome. Procrastination affects efficiency, success, and ultimately, self-esteem. Don't wait until tomorrow-read on right away for some ways to cope with it:

Why Cope With Procrastination?

A number of people mention that they are better under pressure: it's they approach they always perform, and it works for them. Below are some explanations why procrastination is not the easy way deal with your tasks: procrastination causes high stress levels, hormones connected with high stress are difficult on your body, procrastination weakens your immune system, and relationships suffer when you procrastinate. As a procrastinator, you may put off going to a doctor or specialist, which compounds pessimistic effects.

How to Determine if You do have a Procrastination Problem:

Given that everyone procrastinates once in a while, it can be hard should you have a real issue. Joseph Ferrari, Ph.D., gives these 5 signs that you've got a procrastination problem: you often overestimate the time you have to perform tasks, you often underestimate the time it requires to accomplish tasks, you feel that you will be more determined to finish tasks "later", you're thinking that to be productive at a task, you should enjoy doing it, and you believe that working when you're not in the mood isn't the best approach to do the job.

Six Approaches to Deal With Your Procrastination: bribe yourself, give yourself a treat for finishing a job this can include everything from taking a brief walk to eating a piece of chocolate, break projects into, sometimes it's easier to talk yourself into doing a tiny little task, specially when you just don't feel like performing, make lists, create lists of all things you have to do. check off each item as you complete it-this action can offer a massive sense of accomplishment, get rid of responsibilities that you just won't do, let's get honest-some jobs are so tedious that you'll never ever do them, delegate or hire someone else to do them, if they should be done, be realistic, set goals that are reachable; or else you'll tend to procrastinate to avoid failure, make a good estimate, and see how long it should take to accomplish a task then double your calculation.

Avoid These Procrastination Strategies

Procrastinators usually see strategies to putter around, seemingly in a beneficial manner, while procrastinating other, more important tasks. Prevent these time sucks:

Facebook: You don't need to update your status every 5 minutes. Or read through everyone else posts. Log out and don't look again right up until one of the many duties on your list is completed.

Email: Some organizations generate a considerable amount of email. Learn how to identify the truly important messages; leave all the rest for later. Or, ask that colleagues use instant messaging or come your way in person for truly important troubles. Save personalized email for later.

Surfing the net: Reading through the news, reading the celebrity news, reading weather report all are secondary to your more valuable tasks.

Cleaning: There will always be housework. If you're avoiding working, doing exercises or assisting kids with homework, it's time to stop vacuuming and initiate concentrating.

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