Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lessons To Learn From Shackleton Leadership Program

By Cecile Ingram

There are several lessons to learn from Shackleton leadership program. The first one is that a leader should put his people first. A leader must always put the interests of his subjects first. The will of the people must always prevail his is because is the people who gives leaders the power to lead them. In exchange therefore, a leader must provide protection to his people. This is the essence of putting your people first.

The other lesson is to be flexible in tactics. A leader must be a flexible person. We live in a dynamic world were things keep on changing. The leader must also be flexible in tactics as he is exercising his authority. If there is a change which is beneficial to the people you are leading, it is important that you be flexible to the change.

The other element to consider in leadership is choosing of representatives to represent you. It is necessary that those chosen must possess the requirement needed. They must be professionals who are ready to do their things in a very professional way. The individuals must also be those who are honest and loyal to the authority. This will ensure that they implement the activities of the authority as directed.

Only those who are qualified to handle the duty are the ones who should be given the opportunity to represent the leader. Any wrong thing which your appointees do will be blamed on you. Equally, any good thing which they do will also be accredited to the leader. It is therefore important that a leader must exercise caution when delegating.

Being optimistic in time of difficulty is also essential element of leadership. Being able to maintain a bold face during difficult times. This will also make the people to be courageous in all the things they do. The other thing to consider is being able to show good example as a leader. Good leaders are the ones which are mentoring their subjects. You cannot mentor someone if you are not a role model. A leader therefore must be ready to be a role model.

A leader must also be ready to treat people with equality. All the people should be subjected to the same standards and same laws. If one has done a mistake, he should be punished the same ways another person having done the same thing would be treated.

The other lesson is being able to exercise caution in pursuit of the goal. Even though as a leader you may have the desire to achieve some set goals, it is necessary that you conduct your operation with great caution. Failing to exercise caution may lead to making big mistakes. Therefore while pursuing your goal, you must ensure that you do not make mistake which may injure your reputation as a leader.

A leader must also be realistic with all his subject. Though it is good to be optimistic, the optimism must be realistic and achievable. This will make people to believe in you. These are some of the lessons to learn from Shackleton leadership program. This will make the leader to be effective in his leadership.

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