Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Need For State Of The Art Green Innovations

By Marie Edwards

One generation plants the tree and waters it while another generation enjoys the shade of the tree. Every generation has a responsibility to endow a better world to coming generations. Green innovations by the current generation will leave a better world for the future generations. That is the plain truth. It is the ultimate reality that every human being should accept and live with. There is a high demand for state of the art green technologies. That is due to the need to make the world to become greener. Actually, a greener world is a great place to live in.

Greener innovations are not a luxury. They are a basic need in the present day world. The importance of these technologies should not be taken for granted at any moment in time. They need to be taken seriously. Solar is the number one green technology in the world. Solar is a renewable form of energy that is captured and stored in a battery.

Ocean cleaning technology is a green innovation that is needed in society. This innovation will definitely end up saving marine life. Actually, plastic is a major threat to marine life and marine ecosystems. Most plastics that are used on a daily basis end up in rivers and lakes and they eventually enter into oceans because rivers pour into oceans.

Plastic needs to be declared as a global epidemic. Something needs to be done about this epidemic. There is the need for innovations that will facilitate the better management of plastics. Humans need to recycle more plastic instead of manufacturing more plastic. As a matter of fact, plastic recycling technologies will benefit the world in a number of ways.

Greener appliances are needed. It is better to purchase an appliance that has a higher energy rating than one that has a lower energy rating. A greener appliance might cost more. However, the short term cost that has been incurred will be compensated by a number of short run as well as future benefits. A greener refrigerator or television will be a great addition in a home. There are also greener kitchen appliances such as microwaves.

Actually, energy conservation should not be the exception. It needs to be the order of the day all over planet earth. Every day, a lot of energy is usually wasted on a global scale. That involves the wastage of one of the most vital natural resources in the world. Many countries around the world are facing serious energy crises because of wastage.

Conserving energy eliminates the need to create more energy to compensate for shortages. Conservation does a great good to the environment, to society, and also to households. A household that conserves energy will end up with a pocket friendly energy utility bill at the end of a month. That will facilitate the saving of money. Money needs to be saved as much as possible.

Mother Nature is filled with great awe and beauty. Humans have greatly benefited from nature since the dawn of time. That will continue being the case if people take it upon their hands to conserve nature. The destruction of nature is one of the worst things that a human can do. Conserving nature must be a top priority.

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