Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Want to Train at a Texas Jiu Jitsu School?

By Tony Hadley

For anybody who wants to train in the art of BJJ at one of their local Brazilian Jiu Jitsu schools they must first decide on whether to train Gi or No-Gi. The term Gi simply mean that you train in the traditional Martial Arts Uniform like the ones you see in most karate or judo gyms. It's a heavy or thick uniform that has pants and a long sleeve shirt with a belt.

When training No-Gi you are training without the Gi and usually just wear a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Some wear rash guards that will help reduce the chances of becoming infected with a staph infection.

People who train with the Gi claim that the benefit is that it helps improve your technique. Wearing the Gi makes it harder to get out of submissions because the Gi gives people something to grab hold of and makes you more aware and less likely to make a mistake because the Gi is less forgiving then training No-Gi.

Also if you train in Gi you get a belt which gives you the opportunity to earn a higher color or level of belts. Earning a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is not an easy feet and is not given out to just anybody unlike other martial arts.

Most martial arts simply coming to class and a little practice and you can receive your black belt in a couple of years. It's not unusual to hear about some 12 year old child earning his black belt in karate or one of the other ordinary martial arts. Jiu Jitsu on the other hand it may take up to 10 years to receive a black belt. You must not only be acquainted with the moves you must be able to employ them.

Guys who like to train No-Gi prefer it because it is more realistic to real life. They like to point out if you get into a fight you're not going to be wearing you Gi. If you only train Gi you might not be a prepared for a real life fight.

Also a lot of the guys that train No-Gi also train in mixed martial arts and when you fighting in the cage you will not be wearing a Gi. Some people find the Gi somewhat uncomfortable and just don't like to train in it and don't have any other reason for it.

Whether you decide to train Gi or No-Gi there is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school that teaches in the style that you want.

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