Tuesday, August 11, 2009

People Dont Do Things That Give Them Great Feelings!

By Taiana Camarado

Create a list right now of all the things that you love doing, things that you actually do, and make it a habit of doing them often enjoy doing them. I want you to really think about it also! I know it can be tempting to avoid this section and tell yourself that you will do this later. So, please really think back to what it is that makes you feel good. It is important to know what makes you happy.

What really makes me happy? Great, I want you to review that list several times while you are reading this book, because were going to need their power, their feeling energy to get you through some of the tougher things youve been through. LET'S LOOK AT THE NEGATIVE FEELINGS for a second. just a second. So again, right this moment, I want you to stop and think about, absolutely the worst thing that that youve experienced in your Life.

Thats enough of the bad stuff. Sometimes people do things that certainly arent good for them. And sometimes bad things happen to the good people. Shit happens. Whether people are in bad relationships, or a beloved passes away, and all of a sudden " they dont feel right and they dont eat right, and they slow down or stop exercising all together because life is tough. When life is tough you must get tougher. When people engage in activities like staying in a horrid job or worse relationship because they think they have to, they are killing their dream. That is something they intuitively get a hint on just once " and then they began to tolerate the bad feeling, and all that came with it.

If they werent so emotionally wrapped in it, theyd more easily realize what they were doing, and theyd probably stop. What they are doing is hurting themselves by continuing a pattern of behavior that was self-destructive. Once people realize that they are in control of their lives and are not a victim of circumstance, something miraculous happens. The bad things begin to melt away.

People tend to buy into the illusions that they have had of their lives. Think about your own. Once you can see through your illusion youll see all the options and choices you really have in life. Choose good options, make great choices, and then learn to make it a habit to focus on what makes you feel ecstatic consistently.

Find out how in Taiana Camarados Break Through The Barriers.

Now, you too, can break through the barriers, remove all barriers in your life, have success, enjoy wellness, experience awesome levels of happiness, feel a motivational spirit within, develop more self motivation, motivate yourself and others, improve your health, be more healthy than ever before, feel inspiration day, inspire others, know the secrets of life, and reach your own potential. Taiana Camarado is a personal life coach and trainer. Her Amazing E-book contains recipes and audios to help you take control of your life and dramatically improve your mind and body today.

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