Friday, October 16, 2009

Biometric Gun Safe - New Technology

By Jim Wilkinson

How many times have you woken from a sound sleep in the middle of the night and not known what woke you? Did a sudden noise wake you? You are not really sure because it is quiet now as you are laying there. But then, all of a sudden, you hear somebody walking around in your living room!

We have all run this scenario through our heads. First we call the police and then we have to get our gun out of our gun safe. A lot of us keep our gun safe on a high shelf in a bedroom closet. We go to the closet, frantically, but as quiet as possible, and get our gun safe down from the shelf. I don't know about you but in stressful situations I have difficulty remembering a combination or trying to find a key.

Flash forward to 2009 - Same scenario. Sound asleep when you hear a burglar in your home. Your family is in danger. You quickly dial 911 and then you reach under your bed and pull out your biometric safe. You place your finger on the pad and instantly the safe pops open and your gun is in your hand! Now, the outcome of this dangerous situation can be a lot different.

This biometric technology is now being used in our everyday lives. It provides greater security for our guns and valuables. We have all seen instances on our favorite TV shows where biometric technology is being used today. It can control access to rooms, it can secure bank deposit boxes. It might look like something out of the future but retinal scanners are becoming more and more commonplace as a means to secure access to a building or an individual room.

The same thing is true with our biometric gun safe. The unit reads and stores the fingerprint pattern on our thumb or whichever finger we choose and when we want to open the biometric gun safe we simply place our designated finger on the scanner pad. The unit sees that that fingerprint pattern is one that you instructed it to allow access to the safe.

Biometrics technology has just recently become available to the general public. The technology will no doubt be used in other applications soon.

Now, everyone can purchase a biometric gun safe. It is one of the best methods to store your gun and ammunition because you do not have to worry about unauthorized entry. How many times have we heard a tragic story of a young child finding the key to their parent's gun safe and well, the rest of the story is to sad to write.

When you use a biometric gun safe you will not have to worry about curious children finding a way in. You know that with an older safe they could find your key or figure out your combination. The only people that will have access are the ones you authorize.

Sure, it is vital that you can grab your gun as quickly as possible in an emergency. The biometric gun safe permits this. Just as important, it prevents the gun from reaching the hands of a child.

After all, security is what it is all about.

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