Thursday, October 29, 2009

How To Melt Away Belly Fat Using Simple Home Cardio Workouts

By Jalinn M Hardy

Struggling to find time to make it to your neighborhood fitness center? Problem is you still need to trim your midsection. Here's an alternative. Lose that belly fat with home cardio workouts. As you'll see, you really can firm up those sagging stomach muscles and lose the pounds needed to leave you with a body you can be proud of.

First I'm not going to tell you to do away with sit ups or crunches. Yes they don't do much for you in terms of trimming down that pesky stomach flab. But they do help tone the underlying abs so once you do lose the blubber you'll have something to show off. So stick with them.

But the real trick, which many either don't know or ignore, is that you need a total body workout like you get with aerobics to trim any kangaroo pouch stubbornly clinging to your midsection. The fat loss results naturally from the increased metabolism that melts away calories which is something spot reduction can't do.

For instance jumping rope is a great home cardio workout with plenty of calorie burning potential.

However if you prefer to do you calorie burning with exercise equipment there are plenty of options there too.

Heading your list of possibilities would be the treadmill, elliptical machine and stationary bike. In addition to be literally being calorie burning furnaces, you can get your hands on one that's just collecting dust in someone's closet by keeping an eye on Craig's list. So don't let the sticker price of new cause you to shy away. There is plenty of used fitness equipment available at fire sale prices.

Say your knees and such aren't what they used to be. In that case the stationary bike may be best. It gives you a low impact work out but it does take longer to consume the same amount of calories other machines do.

To burn up even more calories your elliptical machine may be your better choice for losing weight.

While some find rowing machines more to their liking. This apparatus will quickly get your heart beat elevated and have you sweating in as little as 10 minutes in some cases.

Remember too that the incline is your friend on your treadmill. It will make you work harder and so burn more calories in the same amount of time. Helping you trim down that much faster.

Here's a Stairmaster tip. Don't grab the handrails and you'll work harder and by doing so burn more calories during your workout as well.

The knock on workout equipment is for some it's rather boring. And it can be. I won't lie. But you can burn off a lot of fat with a 10 minute session of jumping rope. That's the equivalent of running a mile and burns calories even faster. Just be sure you have the right impact absorbing foot wear and try to avoid jumping on concrete if at all possible.

Another way to combat boredom is interval training. Of course that requires more equipment to pull off. But it is another option.

With any cardio routine you need to plan your work (out) and work your plan. Meaning that to get results fastest you want to be doing aerobics for 30-40 minutes a day for 4-5 days in a week. If you can you'll soon notice you've got a bulging waistline with less bulge and more trim.

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