Saturday, October 31, 2009

What are panic rooms

By Pierre Levingston

Normally when you hear the words "Panic Room" a movie starring Jodie Foster comes to mind. But what is a panic room in actuality? Why do people get them and what function do they serve?

Panic rooms aren't built for the general public. A lot of panic room manufacturers do not give out a lot of detailed information about the panic rooms because their buyers are paying a lot of money for their privacy. Panic rooms are, however, meant to suit different people with their various needs.

Panic rooms often serve more than one purpose. Many panic rooms are made in response to risks that individuals may face with kidnapping or terrorist attacks. It serves as an added protection against these attacks, and give high profiled individuals another level of security.

Panic rooms have a wide range of safety features. Panic room walls can be reinforced with hefty material to thwart off invaders who try to enter it. They are often designed to hide their occupants, so bookcase entries and hidden pocket doors are popular examples of where safe rooms can be placed.

Panic rooms are often fitted with high tech equipment. Their surveillance equipment can be connected to cameras around the home to provide the occupants inside an opportunity to see what is happening outside the panic room. Many panic rooms are linked with alarm systems once the room is opened that will alert the police or other security agents of any trouble.

Most of the safe rooms are not meant to be used by their occupants for an extended period of time. Other than in hostage circumstances, panic rooms are usually used no more than a few hours. Unless a prolonged attack is foreseen safe rooms are mostly designed with short stays in mind.

Lately, however, panic rooms are being used for other things besides home invader protection. A lot of people use panic rooms as a safeguard for their valuables. Panic rooms are great places to store rare books, precious artwork, and other valuable collections.

They are also becoming more and more popular because of the current weather related catastrophes that have been happening. A lot of safe rooms are being made with weather-resistant materials to protect occupants against tornado and hurricane winds that might attack their home. Many panic rooms have strong foundations to the home and are reinforced with steel and concrete for added protection.

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