Friday, December 25, 2009

Custom Home Security Solutions in Tempe, AZ

By Sean Penley

Criminal activity happens everywhere, in good and so called bad areas of Tempe, and break-ins can occur at any time. Each person's home must be able to provide feelings of safety and security use to the fact that they not only store their possessions and belongings there, but most of the time they spend doing anything is usually at home.

With the costs of high security locks that are designed to keep everyone out rather high, many think they can't afford this kind of protection. And if you take a little time to discuss these concerns with a Tempe locksmith you may just find out about some other alternatives, like a strike plate, that can more than protect your home.

While strike plates are becoming more popular you want to be sure and get the best on you can find, rather than the lesser quality ones because they can be defeated with strong kicks and force. Higher level strike plates are great in that are secure and they increase the strength of the door frame, and that really comes in handy for those in need of less expensive methods of home security.

The strike, which is attached to the door frame, is made of metal and when the lock is activated with the door closed it is designed to keep those out that need to be out, unless they have a key to get in. Their first and main line of defense is that they decrease the chance of the lock and bolt having friction, and provides added security to doors made of softer materials, like wood. This is extremely vulnerable to forced entry and the strike plate, which is metal, can stop this.

Local locksmiths have always recommended that client who can't spend the money on expensive locks that a strike plate is highly beneficial, but that doesn't mean it is the right thing for you. Just by taking a moment to research on the internet about them or speaking with a locksmith you can easily find the answers you are looking for, and fast, while making your home more secure against what can be a very difficult and stress inducing time.

It cannot be stressed enough that you consult with a local Tempe locksmith any time you are thinking of changing your home's security and prior to any installs. The majority of locksmiths sell these things and have the know how to take care of installing it for you. When you have a locksmith do this for you can ensure the quality of the hardware you are putting in, and also being able to see that the work was performed perfectly and the right way.

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