Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hidden Dangers Of The E Cig

By Eric Carmen

Are you among the increasing number of cigarette users who are attempting to give up your dangerous habit? If you are, you understand how difficult it may be to choose the stop smoking device that is correct for you. There are several products for stopping tobacco and one of the better out there are electric cigarettes.

Electronic Cigarettes are nothing like a regular cigarette although they are styled to both look and feel similar to a regular smoke. At a push of a switch, it lets out a small whiff of water vapor and pure nicotine so it appears like you are taking a drag from a tobacco cigarette. There are additionally models of the smoke free cigarette which will automatically release the vapor each time you inhale a draw from the unit permitting entirely automated use.

Now you might be curious just how the e cig can be used to help you stop smoking. Due to the design of the electronic cigarette, you are permitted to regulate the amount of nicotine emitted within the vapor. This will let you slowly and gradually decrease your nicotine ingestion in a period of time that is easy for you. Soon you can actually lower the nicotine level to zero and before you realize it, you are done with smoking.

A second fact to notice is that as it just releases water vapour and none of the fumes or toxic compounds associated with smoking cigarettes, you're not releasing dangerous second hand smoke. Which is why the ecigarette has been authorized on airlines, in air-ports together with other places ordinarily regarded as no smoking zones.

So if you had been planning to stop cigarettes but simply are not in love with the idea of the smoke free cigarette just yet, what now? Well, there are a number of different quitting smoking treatments available to you. Things like nicotine gum, patches and supplements are available at stores without having a written prescription. Keep in mind that accompanied by a strong desire to stop smoking cigarettes, combining more than one quit smoking tool drastically will increase your likelihood of success.

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