Saturday, January 29, 2011

Keys To Making Money: A Positive Attitude

By David Dancy

You have reached the right article if you are interested in increasing you bank account. So smile and enjoy the learning.

This article has many life uses other than fattening up the pockets. So as you read think how you can apply this to the way you live. My life has been changed by being open minded and trying some of these methods to other not so great area's of my personal life.

How can you have all that you want if you keep doing the same thing over and over again. You can defeat this line of thought by examining what your mind is thinking. What you think, you become. Now take time to see if you are a positive thinking person to unblock the money magnetizm within you.

Follow these steps to change that unhealthy negative habit. Try to document some of your most critical thoughts on a daily basis and separate good thoughts from bad thoughts.

Ok. Here's the challange of the week. In order for you to conquer your negative thinking you will first need to understand how you can change it. Practice copying your negative thoughts on paper. Then ask yourself how you could have thought about it positively. ALERT!!! You Were Just Given A Critical Secret To Success.

Now write down all positive and negative thoughts about making money. Write down what do you fear most when it comes to starting your own business or getting a raise or what ever goal you are trying to achieve? Write down what is stopping you? Now answer what you wrote down negatively with positive answers.

You have to give in order to receive. Try sacrificing by giving to a charity of choice for that extra money you want to receive. Say to yourself every hour of the day what you want and what you are giving for it in return. While saying it be grateful for it come true. Alert!!! You Were Just Given A Critical Secret To Success.

Apply these tactics for success to all the undesirable area's of your life. Believe you have it and it shall manefest itself in your life. Just remember why you are doing this and keep a positive attitude as you do it everyday.

Ask yourself why are there people who just excell at everything and you seem to be stuck. Its your mental attitude that is holding you back. In order to defeat your own mind you must stir it over time to were you want it to go. You must repeat the things the rich and wealthy do to obtain money. ALERT!!! You Were Just Given A Critical Secret To Success.

May you find a New Creative Positive Life.

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