Sunday, July 10, 2011

Brainwave Frequencies - The Key to Your Psychological States

By Bob Matthews

What is a brainwave?

When our brain is in operation, uncountable billions of neurons communicate with one another by sending electric signals to each other. When a doctor or research technician hooks electrodes to our our scalp, a representation of those communications can be seen using an EEG (electroencephalograph). This type of representation is displayed as a waveform - a brainwave.

These neurons are firing at different frequencies, but the principal frequency is the one that defines our basic mental state. Neuro-researchers have mapped general states-of-consciousness into 5 general frequency ranges:

Delta (1-4 Hz) :

This is the slowest brainwave frequency range. We exhibit these frequencies when in very deep, dreamless sleep or when we are knocked out or comatose. When delta brainwaves are more dominant, the body's ability to repair itself increases. We release more natural growth hormone, more age defying hormones and we slow down the releasing of cortisol "a stress hormone. These slower frequencies also permit us to reach the deepest achievable relaxation levels.

Theta (5-8 Hz) :

The theta range is associated with initial sleep stages and REM or dream sleep stages. It is also connected with day dreaming, a "wandering" mind, increased levels of intuition and increased creativity. This frequency range can also allow us to enter into awfully deep physical and psychological relaxation states.

Alpha (9-14 Hz) :

Alpha is a relaxed meditative state. Alpha waves increase when your body calms down and stress levels reduce. Folk experiencing the alpha range experience a feeling of being calm, focused and content. This can also be a good psychological state for creative work.

Beta (15-39 Hz) :

Beta waves cause a state of mental focus. Beta waves are produced each time you actively employ your brain. Your grey matter goes into a beta state if you're exercising, reading, problem-solving, planning, thinking logically or otherwise absolutely using your intellectual faculties. Increased beta brainwaves are also connected with increased motivation/incentive, energy levels and improved concentration.

Gamma (>40 Hz) :

These are the very highest frequency brainwaves. This brainwave frequency range is correlated with increased brain processing speeds and power. The gamma state is also the state of high awareness and high perception. The increased brainwave frequency basically makes our brain run more quickly. This allows information gathered together by our senses from the immediate environment to be input and processed at an increased rate of speed.

In closing, permit me to say that no single brainwave frequency range is better than the others. Each has its benefits and flaws. Just as a screw driver is not intrinsically a better tool than a saw, each brainwave frequency range will be more valuable than others in only certain conditions. The key to success is adaptability - having the capability to enter the best state-of-consciousness for the specific situation being addressed.

Binaural Beats audio programs are a way to experience all of the different brainwave frequency ranges. Thru the use of binaural beats, these audio programs can guide your gray matter to any desired state-of-mind thru a process called entrainment.

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