Monday, July 18, 2011

Note Taking and Note Making for Productive Brain Learning

By Sam Roxas

Frequently folk would ask, why do I have to take notes? The key reason why we are doing the note taking is we needed to write down and remember the key and critical points.

Many professionals accept that effective note taking is one of the most important skills anyone ever learns. When we are doing note taking it basically enhances our recall skill. Like myself, I remember plenty of things when I'm writing down key things. Note taking is actually better organized rather than just attempting to remember what we just heard.

There are various paths to do note taking. The traditional way is generally hard to follow. At the moment, there's really a new way of note taking which is generally called the mind mapping.

Our brain is really working when we're listening. Our brain is concurrently sorting, picking, formulating and so on with the mixture of words and at the same time intertwined with photographs and images. And when we are doing note taking we are actually maximising our brain and we are in a position to learn a lot of things.

The following step is note making. If we noted down our reactions and judgments to what we just heard we are really helping ourselves in learning the subject or the topic debated. Noting down your thoughts helps you target your concentration and bring your attention back to the speaker or your teacher. When we are doing this we remember things easily.

Note taking and note making will not be effective when you are not listening actively and observing actively. You will not be able to learn when you are not participating. That's the reason why students or learners are asked to participate in class. Also, if we do not believe in the notion of note taking and note making we won't ever get to learn effectively. You could be ready to recall some information immediately but when you need to recall info after five years or longer, most likely, you will have a hard time to recall.

An alternate way to make brain learning fun is making words into photos and pictures. When we are doing that we are actually letting our subconscious work and it enables us to focus. We tend to be drawing our attention to the subject. When we do that we're able to learn. It is a small thing that is usually neglected. We thought, it's just for today it will not that be vital in the future. That's actually setting your mind frame into negativism and it will have an effect on how you view yourself.

If you wish to know the result of this method, give it an opportunity. Use it on yourself and you will see how.

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