Sunday, April 15, 2012

Make The Best Of Your Life With Alpha Mind Power

By Morgan Lee

What separates the most productive and creative individuals is very often not their ability but their state of mind. Everyone has capabilities which far exceed what they generally feel they are capable of. What could be holding you back though is not the external world or your mental capacity but simply the way that you feel and this can be address by using Alpha Mind Power.

By measuring the electrical impulses of our brains it is possible to identify five different frequency ranges that are associated with different types of mental activity. In different stages of sleep you produce Delta and Theta waves. When you are actively thinking and engaged with stressful problems your mind exhibits Beta waves and above that are Gamma waves. The strongest signals however are produced by Alpha waves which are right in the middle.

It is possible for different frequencies to be present at the same time. If there is any imbalance and any one is predominant or less prominent it usually indicates that there will be some kind of mental disorder. By consciously entering in to a state where you stimulate Alpha brain waves it can help to restore a healthy balance.

It only emerges in our mental activity around the age of 3 years old and is in the frequency range between 8 and 12 Hz. In children with ADHD it is found that they have a greater predominance of Delta and Theta activity. When conditions like depression, anxiety and even epilepsy and schizophrenia are present there is found to be a higher level of Beta activity that is associated with very active conscious mental activity.

By simply rebalancing brainwave activity it could quite clearly be possible to help address some of these problems. Even in healthy individuals a much more effective state of mind can be produced. By using very easy techniques you can create very powerful results and gain control of your thoughts and emotions.

This state of mental activity can very easily be induced by using deep breathing and meditating with your eyes closed. Over time though it will lead to a much more positive state of mind and you will feel more in control and less affected by stress. It will allow you to explore the depth of your creative talents and overcome the blocks that you yourself might be putting in your way.

Modern life is full of stresses and if you allow yourself to become overwhelmed it can lead to anger and frustration. By using Alpha Mind Power techniques you can gain control of your life again and make better decisions. It is a technique which has long been utilized by eastern culture in their meditative practices but in combination with modern science it creates one of the most powerful tools for enhancing all your natural abilities.

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